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David Low

British political cartoonist (born in New Zealand) who created the character Colonel Blimp (1891-1963)

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David Low

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Sir David Alexander Cecil Low

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Sir David Low

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It was named after the late NASA astronaut and Orbital Sciences executive G. David Low.
Hal ini dinamakan astronot NASA dan Orbital Sciences eksekutif G. David Low.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
David Lowe as the French Ambassador to Rome.
David Lowe sebagai Duta Besar Prancis untuk Roma.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"Waiting for the verdict", a contemporary cartoon by David Low, published on the day of the meeting but before the result was known.
"Waiting for the verdict", sebuah kartun kontemporer karya David Low, yang diterbitkan pada hari pertemuan sebelum hasilnya diketahui.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
David’s provisions were low, and he asked for bread for himself and those who were with him.
Persediaan Daud sudah menipis, dan dia meminta roti untuk dirinya dan orang-orang yang bersamanya.jw2019 jw2019
Father of Shaphat, who served as overseer of the herds of David in the low plains. —1Ch 27:29.
Ayah dari Syafat, yang mengawasi lembu-sapi Daud di lembah-lembah.—1Taw 27:29.jw2019 jw2019
When David’s provisions are running low, he sends ten young men to Nabal to request food.
Sewaktu perbekalan Daud menipis, ia mengutus sepuluh pria muda kepada Nabal untuk meminta makanan.jw2019 jw2019
David was “bowed low to an extreme degree,” and Epaphroditus was distressed because news of his sickness grieved his brothers. —Psalm 38:6; 1 Samuel 1:7, 10; Job 29:2, 4, 5; Philippians 2:25, 26.
Daud pernah menjadi ”sangat terbungkuk-bungkuk”, dan Epafroditus merasa tertekan karena kabar tentang penyakitnya mendukakan saudara-saudaranya. —Mazmur 38:6; 1 Samuel 1: 7, 10; Ayub 29: 2, 4, 5; Filipi 2: 25, 26.jw2019 jw2019
Consider, for example, what happened when David was at a low point in his life, living as a fugitive in the wilderness to escape the wrath of wicked King Saul, Jonathan’s father.
Misalnya, perhatikan apa yang terjadi ketika Daud merasa sangat kecil hati karena harus hidup sebagai buronan di padang belantara untuk menghindari kemarahan Raja Saul yang jahat, yaitu ayah Yonatan.jw2019 jw2019
The plant that played an important role in David’s encounter with the Philistines “in the low plain of Rephaim.”
Tanaman yang sangat berperan dalam pertempuran Daud dengan orang-orang Filistin di ”Lembah Refaim”.jw2019 jw2019
It was established on May 5, 2008 by Brazilian-born David Neeleman (founder of American low-cost airline JetBlue), with a fleet of 76 Embraer 195 jets.
Didirikan pada 5 Mei 2008 oleh David Neeleman (pendiri maskapai bertarif rendah Amerika, JetBlue), dengan armada 76 unit Embraer 195.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
True, David, like us, did have his low points when his relationship with Jehovah was not as strong as it should have been.
Benar, Daud, seperti halnya kita, mengalami saat-saat yang lemah manakala hubungannya dengan Yehuwa tidak sekuat yang semestinya.jw2019 jw2019
Soon they returned to ravage and pillage some more in the low plain of Rephaim, and David again sought direction from Jehovah.
Tidak lama kemudian mereka datang kembali untuk memorak-porandakan dan melakukan lebih banyak penjarahan di Lembah Refraim.jw2019 jw2019
9:10) However, David also knew what it was like to be low on provisions.
9:10) Tetapi, Daud juga tahu seperti apa rasanya berkekurangan.jw2019 jw2019
This may refer to the same “low plain of Rephaim” where David’s fight took place and which plain is believed to be SW of Jerusalem.
Lembah ini mungkin adalah ”Lembah Refaim” yang sama dengan tempat berlangsungnya pertempuran Daud; letaknya diperkirakan di sebelah barat daya Yerusalem.jw2019 jw2019
Physics – David Chorley and Doug Bower, lions of low-energy physics, for their circular contributions to field theory based on the geometrical destruction of English crops.
Fisika: David Chorley dan Doug Bower, peneliti fisika energi lemah, atas kontribusinya terhadap teori medan berdasarkan pola geometris pada ladang gandum di Inggris.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
David’s words assure us that Jehovah does not abandon those who are “low in their own eyes.”
Kata-kata Daud meyakinkan kita bahwa Yehuwa tidak meninggalkan orang-orang yang ”rendah di mata mereka sendiri”.jw2019 jw2019
David’s words assure us that Jehovah does not abandon those who are “low in their own eyes.”
Kata-kata Daud meyakinkan kita bahwa Yehuwa tidak meninggalkan mereka yang ”rendah di mata mereka sendiri”.jw2019 jw2019
33 “Put on high even what is low, and bring low even the high one [the occupant of King David’s throne].
33 ”Yang rendah harus ditinggikan, yang tinggi [mereka yang menduduki takhta Raja Daud] harus direndahkan.jw2019 jw2019
Since King David’s son Absalom centuries later erected a monument there, this low plain must have been near Jerusalem, the capital of the kingdom.
Berabad-abad kemudian, Absalom, putra Raja Daud, mendirikan sebuah monumen di sana, jadi lembah ini pasti terletak di dekat Yerusalem, ibu kota kerajaan.jw2019 jw2019
The Davidic dynasty and rule suffered interruption, and so Jerusalem, or what it stood for, would continue to be “trampled on” as long as God’s kingdom, as functioning through David’s house, was kept in a low, inoperative condition under the Gentile powers.
Dinasti dan kekuasaan keturunan Daud terputus, dan dengan demikian Yerusalem, atau apa yang diartikannya, terus ”diinjak-injak” selama kerajaan Allah, yang berfungsi melalui keluarga Daud, berada dalam kondisi direndahkan dan tidak berfungsi di bawah kuasa-kuasa non-Yahudi.jw2019 jw2019
Interestingly, the expression David used when he said to Michal, “I will become low” is from a Hebrew root verb that is also used to describe God’s own view of mankind.
Yang menarik, kata-kata Daud ketika berbicara kepada Mikhal, ”aku akan menjadi rendah”, berasal dari kata kerja dasar Ibrani yang juga digunakan untuk menggambarkan pandangan Allah sendiri tentang umat manusia.jw2019 jw2019
If so, you may feel as did the psalmist David, who wrote: “I have become disconcerted, I have bowed low to an extreme degree; all day long I have walked about sad.”
Kalau begitu, kamu bisa jadi merasa seperti pemazmur Daud, yang menulis, ”Aku menjadi kalut, aku sangat terbungkuk-bungkuk; sepanjang hari aku berjalan dengan sedih.”jw2019 jw2019
When David was finally anointed as king over all Israel, the Philistines invaded the Low Plain of Rephaim (SW of Jerusalem) but suffered humiliating defeat.
Sewaktu Daud akhirnya diurapi menjadi raja seluruh Israel, orang Filistin menyerbu Lembah Refaim (di sebelah barat daya Yerusalem) tetapi mengalami kekalahan yang memalukan.jw2019 jw2019
(2Sa 23:13, 14; 1Ch 11:15-19) After David had been anointed as king over Israel, the Philistines made raids in the Low Plain of Rephaim.
(2Sam 23:13, 14; 1Taw 11:15-19) Setelah Daud diurapi menjadi raja atas Israel, orang Filistin melakukan penyergapan di Lembah Refaim.jw2019 jw2019
(Isaiah 28:21) In the days of King David, Jehovah gave his people notable victories over the Philistines at Mount Perazim and on the low plain of Gibeon.
(Yesaya 28:21) Pada zaman Raja Daud, Yehuwa memberi umat-Nya kemenangan besar atas orang Filistin di Gunung Perazim dan di Lembah Gibeon.jw2019 jw2019
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