Eastern Highlands oor Indonesies

Eastern Highlands

Australia's most substantial mountain range, it stretches more than 3500km from the northeastern tip of Queensland, running the entire length of the eastern coastline through New South Wales, then into Victoria and turning west, before finally fading into the central plain at the Grampians in western Victoria.

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At Goroka, in the Eastern Highlands Province, a small congregation first met in a private home.
Di Goroka, di Provinsi Dataran Tinggi Timur, sebuah sidang kecil pertama kali berhimpun di rumah pribadi.jw2019 jw2019
They did not choose to live on the eastern highlands just to get out of fighting for the land of Canaan.
Mereka tidak memilih untuk tinggal di dataran tinggi di sebelah timur hanya untuk menghindari pertempuran merebut tanah Kanaan.jw2019 jw2019
To the Persians, this would further be altered to Aoghan, Avghan, and Afghan as a reference to the eastern highlanders or "mountaineers".
Untuk Persia, hal ini lebih lanjut akan diubah untuk Aoghan, Avghan, dan Afghanistan sebagai referensi ke dataran tinggi atau "pendaki gunung" dari dataran tinggi Iran timur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Great Dividing Range, or the Eastern Highlands, is Australia's most substantial mountain range and the third longest land-based range in the world.
Pegunungan Pemisah Besar (bahasa Inggris: Great Dividing Range), atau Dataran Tinggi Timur (bahasa Inggris: Eastern Highlands), adalah rangkaian pegunungan paling substantial di Australia dan rangkaian berbasis tanah terpanjang ketika di dunia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(Lutheran missionaries had already reached the eastern fringe of the Highlands in the 1920s.)
(Kaum m isionaris Lutheran telah m encapai tepi tim ur Dataran Tinggi pada 1920 -an).Literature Literature
Dotted with gold and silver mines, the RAAN and RAAS extend from the eastern slopes of the rugged central highlands to the lagoons and marshes of the Mosquito Coast.
RAAN dan RAAS, yang memiliki pertambangan emas dan perak yang tersebar di sana-sini, membentang dari lereng timur daerah pegunungan tengah yang berlekuk-lekuk sampai laguna-laguna dan rawa-rawa di Pantai Nyamuk.jw2019 jw2019
The species is found throughout Australia, where it is the most widespread native mammal, and in coastal and highland regions of eastern New Guinea, where it is known as the mungwe in the Daribi and Chimbu languages.
Spesies ini ditemukan di setiap bagian Australia, di mana ia merupakan hewan asli yang paling tersebar, dan di daerah pantai serta wilayah dataran tinggi barat daya Papua, di mana ia dikenal sebagai Mungwe dalam bahasa Daribi dan Chimbu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Over the years, the Nile gradually shifted westward, providing the site between the eastern edge of the river and the Mokattam highlands on which the city now stands.
Selama bertahun-tahun, sungai Nil berangsur-angsur bergeser ke arah barat, menyediakan tempat antara tepi timur sungai dan dataran tinggi Mokattam dimana kota ini sekarang berdiri.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In my husband's homeland in the highlands of Sulawesi island in eastern Indonesia, there is a community of people that experience death not as a singular event but as a gradual social process.
Di kampung halaman suami saya, di dataran tinggi Pulau Sulawesi di bagian timur Indonesia, ada sekelompok masyarakat yang merasakan kematian bukan sebagai peristiwa tunggal melainkan sebagai proses sosial bertahap.ted2019 ted2019
While the Highland line broadly followed the geography of the Grampians in the south, it continued in the north, cutting off the north-eastern areas, that is Caithness, Orkney and Shetland, from the more Gaelic Highlands and Hebrides.
Sementara garis Dataran Tinggi secara umum mengikuti geografi Grampian di selatan, garis ini berlanjut di utara, memotong daerah timur laut, yaitu Caithness, Orkney, dan Shetland, dari Dataran Tinggi dan Hebrides yang lebih Gaelik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Arik-den-ili’s first victories were against his eastern neighbours (the Pre-Iranic inhabitants of what was to become Persia), Turukku and Nigimhi, and all the chiefs of the (Zagros) mountains and highlands in the broad tracts of the Gutians to subdue the nomadic tribes on Assyria's northern and eastern frontiers.
Kemenangan pertama Arik-den-ili melawan tetangganya di timur (penduduk Pra-Iran dari apa yang akan menjadi Persia), Turukku dan Nigimhi, dan semua pemimpin pegunungan (Zagros) dan dataran tinggi di wilayah luas orang-orang Guti menaklukkan suku-suku nomaden di perbatasan utara dan timur Asyur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hypericum revolutum is characteristic of the Afromontane vegetation, found from 1400 – 2593 meters elevation, and ranging from southwest Arabia through the Afromontane zones of eastern Africa to the Cape; it is also found in the Cameroon Highlands and Bioko, and on Madagascar, the Comoro Islands, and Réunion.
Hypericum revolutum adalah tumbuhan utama pada vegetasi Afromontane, ditemukan pada ketinggian 1.400 - 2.593 meter, dari daerah timur laut Arabia sampai ke zona Afromontane Afrika Timur hingga ke Cape Town; tumbuhan ini juga dapat ditemui di Pegunungan Rwenzori, Dataran tinggi Kamerun dan Bioko, serta di Madagaskar, Komoro, dan Réunion.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The stock dove settles chiefly around Jericho and on the eastern side of the Jordan, while the rock dove breeds on the coastlands, along the gorges of the Jordan Valley and the highlands to the west.
Merpati gua terutama tinggal di sekitar Yerikho dan di sisi timur S. Yordan, sedangkan merpati batu berkembang biak di daerah pesisir, di sepanjang ngarai di Lembah Yordan dan tempat-tempat tinggi di sebelah baratnya.jw2019 jw2019
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