Golden Gate Bridge oor Indonesies

Golden Gate Bridge

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A 1.7 mile long suspension bridge linking Marin County, California, to San Francisco, California.

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jembatan Golden Gate

suspension bridge in California
Except you did just destroy the Golden Gate Bridge.
Apa kau yang merobohkan jembatan Golden Gate.

Golden Gate Bridge

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Jembatan Golden Gate

Except you did just destroy the Golden Gate Bridge.
Apa kau yang merobohkan jembatan Golden Gate.
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Except you did just destroy the Golden Gate Bridge.
Apa kau yang merobohkan jembatan Golden Gate.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge, by comparison, is less than two miles [3 km] long.
Sebagai perbandingan, Jembatan Golden Gate di San Francisco panjangnya kurang dari 3 km.jw2019 jw2019
The Final Leap: Suicide on the Golden Gate Bridge.
Jembatan Barelang Jembatan Selat Sunda Jembatan Golden Gate ^WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I responded, and when I arrived, I observed Jason speaking to a Golden Gate Bridge officer.
Saya merespons, dan ketika saya tiba, saya melihat Jason sedang berbicara kepada seorang petugas Golden Gate Bridge.ted2019 ted2019
The Golden Gate Bridge!
Golden Gate Bridge.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In June 2014, a suicide barrier was approved for the Golden Gate bridge.
Pada tahun 2011, sebuah penghalang sedang dibangun untuk Jembatan Golden Gate.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The majority of those 23 years was spent patrolling the southern end of Marin County, which includes the Golden Gate Bridge.
Sebagian besar waktu 23 tahun itu dihabiskan dengan berpatroli di ujung selatan (wilayah) Marin County, yang mencakup (jembatan) Golden Gate Bridge.ted2019 ted2019
As of 2010, the Golden Gate Bridge has had more than 1,300 die by suicide by jumping since its construction in 1937.
Sampai tahun 2010, Jembatan Golden Gate telah menjadi tempat lebih dari 1.300 tindakan bunuh diri dengan cara melompat semenjak jembatan tersebut dibangun pada tahun 1937.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On February 17th, 1937 eight workers and two engineers lost their lives when a section of scaffolding fell through a safety net during construction of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Pada 17 Februari 1937, 8 pekerja dan 2 insinyur tewas saat sebuah rangka jembatan jatuh menimpa jaring pengaman semasa pembangunan jembatan Golden Gate.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The community is situated near the northern end of the Golden Gate Bridge, and prior to the building of that bridge served as a terminus for rail, car, and ferry traffic.
Komunitas ini terletak di sebelah utara Golden Gate Bridge, sebelum jembatan berfungsi sebagai terminal rel, mobil, dan lalu-lintas kapal fery.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Passing above Crissy Field and Fort Point, under the U.S. Highway 101 (US 101) approach to the Golden Gate Bridge, and above Baker Beach, the route exits the Presidio into Sea Cliff.
Lewat di atas Crissy Field dan Fort Point, di bawah US Highway 101 ( 101) pendekatan ke Golden Gate Bridge, dan di atas Pantai Baker, rute keluar Presidio ke Sea Cliff.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Before sunrise, Stuart learns to appreciate his surroundings while overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge, and Lyle's drunken antics inspire the team to create an app that guards against reckless phone usage while drunk.
Sebelum matahari terbit, Stuart belajar untuk menghargai lingkungannya sambil menghadap ke Jembatan Golden Gate, dan kejenakaan Lyle yang mabuk mengilhami tim untuk membuat sebuah aplikasi yang menjaga penggunaan telepon sembrono saat mabuk.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
San Fierro features Rockstar's interpretations of the Haight-Ashbury district ("Hashbury"), the Castro district ("Queens"), Chinatown, and the Golden Gate Bridge ("Gant Bridge"), as well as the city's prominent cable cars and hilly terrain.
San Fierro menghadirkan banyak intrepretasi dari distrik dan landmark San Francisco, termasuk distrik Haight-Ashbury (Hashbury), distrik Castro (Queens), Chinatown (“Pecinan”), dan Golden Gate Bridge (Gant Bridge).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At the time of its construction (and its destruction), the bridge was the third longest suspension bridge in the world in terms of main span length, behind the Golden Gate Bridge and the George Washington Bridge.
Pada masa pembangunannya (dan kehancurannya), jembatan tersebut merupakan jembatan suspen terpanjang ketiga di dunia dalam hal ukuran bentangan utama, setelah Jembatan Gerbang Emas dan Jembatan George Washington.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There came to my mind thoughts of magnificent bridges of our time which accomplish this task with ease: beautiful Golden Gate Bridge of San Francisco fame; sturdy Sydney, Australia, Harbour Bridge; and others in many lands.
Muncul dalam benak saya gagasan tentang jembatan-jembatan canggih di zaman kita yang memberi kemudahan untuk pekerjaan ini: Golden Gate Bridge yang indah di San Francisco yang terkenal; Sydney Harbour Bridge yang kukuh; dan banyak lagi di negara lainnya.LDS LDS
Two of his photographs, The Tetons and the Snake River and a view of the Golden Gate Bridge from Baker Beach, were among the 115 images recorded on the Voyager Golden Record aboard the Voyager spacecraft.
Foto karya Adams, The Tetons and the Snake River terpilih sebagai salah satu dari 115 foto yang direkam dalam Piringan Emas Voyager yang dibawa pesawat luar angkasa Voyager.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Indeed, it was at the height of the Great Depression that San Francisco undertook two great civil engineering projects, simultaneously constructing the San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge and the Golden Gate Bridge, completing them in 1936 and 1937, respectively.
Pada puncak Depresi Besar, San Francisco membuka dua proyek teknik sipil besar, yaitu pembangunan Jembatan Teluk San Francisco - Oakland dan Jembatan Golden Gate, masing-masing rampung pada tahun 1936 dan 1937.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
While recent immigrants and the elderly choose to live here because of the availability of affordable housing and their familiarity with the culture, the place is also a major tourist attraction, drawing more visitors annually than the Golden Gate Bridge.
Meskipun para imigran dan tetua terkini memilih untuk tinggal disana karena ketersediaan perumahan dan familiaritas mereka dengan budaya, tempat tersebut juga menjadi tempat wisata utama, yang meraih lebih banyak pengunjung setiap tahun ketimbang Golden Gate Bridge. ^ a b "Statewide Database".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Two years later, Joseph Strauss, who went on to design over 400 bridges, and then serve as the Project Engineer for the Golden Gate Bridge, put forward the first proposal for a Bering Strait railroad bridge in his senior thesis.
Dua tahun kemudian Joseph Strauss, yang merancang 400 jembatan, termasuk Jembatan Golden Gate, membuat proposal pada jembatan rel Selat Bering dalam skripsi seniornya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is noted for its hills, for one of the finest natural harbors in the world, and for its bridges, including the Golden Gate spanning the entrance to the harbor.
Kota itu terkenal karena bukit-bukitnya, karena salah satu pelabuhan alam yang terbaik di dunia, dan karena jembatan-jembatannya, termasuk Golden Gate (Gerbang Emas) yang membentang pada jalan masuk ke pelabuhan.jw2019 jw2019
In July 1938, President Franklin D. Roosevelt was given a vehicular tour of the city, including its two bridges, with Senator William Gibbs McAdoo and Mayor Angelo Joseph Rossi before speaking at the Treasure Island fairgrounds, site of the Golden Gate International Exposition of 1939–40.
Pada bulan Juli 1938, Presiden Franklin D. Roosevelt diberikan kendaraan tur kota, termasuk dua jembatan, dengan Senator William Gibbs McAdoo dan Walikota Angelo Joseph Rossi sebelum berbicara di Treasure Island fairgrounds, lokasi Golden Gate International Eksposition dari 1939-40.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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