Illinois oor Indonesies


/ˌɪl.ə.ˈnɔɪ/ naamwoord, eienaam
A state of the United States of America. Capital: Springfield. Largest city: Chicago.

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I saw your car with the Illinois plates.
Aku melihat mobilmu dengan nomor polisi wilayah Illinois.
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Prairie State

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Indonesies


He' s a court- appointed public defender in illinois
Dia seorang pengacara yang ditunjuk pengadilan di Illinois

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capital of Illinois
Illinois River
Sungai Illinois


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Frey later emigrated to the US, arriving in Belleville, Illinois, an area with many Forty-Eighters, veterans of the 1848 revolutions in Europe.
Frey kemudian beremigrasi ke Amerika Serikat dan sampai di Belleville, Illinois area dengan banyak 40 Eighters, veteran dari revolusi 1848 di Eropa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Originally named the Decatur Staleys, the club was established by the A. E. Staley food starch company of Decatur, Illinois in 1919 as a company team.
Nama mereka awalnya adalah Decatur Staleys, didirikan oleh A. E. Staley Company di Decatur, Illinois pada 1919 sebagai tim perusahaan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Illinois Supreme Court affirmed, ruling that even though Ernestine was a minor, she had the right to refuse medical treatment that was objectionable to her.
Mahkamah Agung Illinois menegaskan, dengan memutuskan bahwa meskipun Ernestine belum berusia dewasa, ia memiliki hak untuk menolak perawatan medis yang tidak disetujuinya.jw2019 jw2019
Born in Chicago and raised in Flossmoor, Illinois, Kerwin won the Theatre World Award in 1988 for the off-Broadway play Emily.
Lahir di Chicago, Illinois, Kerwin memenangkan Theatre World Award pada tahun 1988 atas perannya dalam Broadway Emily.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I saw your car with the Illinois plates.
Aku melihat mobilmu dengan nomor polisi wilayah Illinois.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This permitted the Saints to gather in a way that had not been possible in Ohio, Missouri, or Illinois.
Ini memungkinkan Orang-orang Suci berkumpul dengan cara yang tak mungkin dilakukan di Ohio, Missouri, atau Illinois.LDS LDS
Ira’s mother soon remarried and within a few years moved to Ohio, then to Illinois.
Ibunya Ira segera menikah kembali dan dalam waktu beberapa tahun pindah ke Ohio, kemudian ke Illinois.LDS LDS
The Burlington Northern, Milwaukee Road, Chicago and North Western and Illinois Central were losing money and were using passenger cars dating as far back as the 1920s.
Burlington Northern , Milwaukee Road , Chicago dan North Western dan Illinois Central kehilangan uang dan menggunakan mobil penumpang sejak tahun 1920-an.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
By the end of 1960, the process of sit-ins had spread to every southern and border state, and even to facilities in Nevada, Illinois, and Ohio that discriminated against blacks.
Pada akhir 1960, aksi-aksi duduk telah menyebar ke setiap negara bagian di Selatan dan negara-negara bagian lain yang berbatasan, bahkan hingga ke Nevada, Illinois, dan Ohio.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A city established by the Latter-day Saints in 1839 in the state of Illinois.
Sebuah kota yang didirikan oleh para Orang Suci Zaman Akhir pada tahun 1839 di Negara Bagian Illinois.LDS LDS
In 1965, facing forced retirement from Chicago, he moved again to the University of Illinois at Chicago so that he could continue teaching.
Pada 1965, menghadapi pensiun paksa dari Chicago, dia pindah lagi ke Universitas Illinois di Chicago agar dia bisa kembali mengajar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For doctoral studies, Sri Kantha left for USA in 1981 and earned his first Ph.D. in Food Chemistry from University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign (1986).
Demi pembelajaran doktoral, Sri Kantha pergi ke AS pada 1981 dan meraih gelar Ph.D. pertamanya dalam bidang Kimiawi Pangan dari Universitas Illinois, Urbana Champaign (1986).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In March 2017, she performed at WE Day Illinois at Allstate Arena to celebrate young people's action on social issues.
Pada bulan Maret 2017, ia tampil di WE Day Illinois di Allstate Arena yang didedikasikan untuk aksi-aksi sosial anak muda.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
11:25) Take, for example, Ryan and Roni, a couple in Illinois, U.S.A.
11:25) Contohnya, Ryan dan Roni, sepasang suami istri di Illinois, AS.jw2019 jw2019
The family later moved to Illinois.
Keluarga itu kemudian pindah ke Illinois.LDS LDS
Much of the high technology industry base in the Champaign–Urbana metropolitan area consists of research and small start-up companies working with the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign.
Kebanyakan pusat industri teknologi tinggi di Wilayah Metropolitan Champaign-Urbana terdiri dari perusahaan riset dan perusahaan rintisan kecil yang bekerja sama dengan University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If a couple of boys from Illinois can get that close, it's time to mix things up.
Kalau beberapa anak dari Illinois bisa sedekat itu, saatnya bertindak.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“As a result of the [destruction of the Nauvoo Expositor] by the mayor and city council, Illinois authorities brought an unfounded charge of riot against the Prophet, his brother Hyrum, and other Nauvoo city officials.
“Sebagai akibat dari [perusakan Nauvoo Expositor] oleh walikota dan dewan kota tersebut, para pejabat berwenang Illinois melontarkan suatu tuduhan huru-hara yang tidak berdasar terhadap Nabi, kakaknya Hyrum, serta pejabat kota Nauvoo lainnya.LDS LDS
He teaches at some small state university somewhere in Illinois.
Dia mengajar di universitas negeri kecil disuatu tempat di Illinois.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The site is close to the intersections of three major rivers —the Mississippi, the Missouri, and the Illinois— on the fertile river floodplain that geologists call the American Bottom.
Situs tersebut berdekatan dengan persimpangan tiga sungai utama —Mississippi, Missouri, dan Illinois —di daerah banjir yang subur yang oleh para geolog dijuluki sebagai Fondasi Amerika.jw2019 jw2019
Spring of 2003, at a funeral home in Kankakee, Illinois.
Musim semi tahun 2003, di sebuah rumah duka di Kankakee, Illinois.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We lived in Illinois from 1839 to 1844, by which time [enemies of the Church] again succeeded in kindling the spirit of persecution against Joseph and the Latter-day Saints.
Kami tinggal di Illinois dari tahun 1839 sampai 1844, dan pada waktu itu [musuh-musuh Gereja] sekali lagi berhasil membangkitkan hasrat penganiayaan terhadap Joseph dan para Orang Suci.LDS LDS
Though he was acquitted of this charge in Nauvoo, the governor of Illinois, Thomas Ford, insisted that Joseph submit to trial for the same charge in Carthage, Illinois, the seat of Hancock County.
Meskipun dia dibebaskan dari tuduhan itu di Nauvoo, Gubernur Illinois, Thomas Ford, bersikeras agar Joseph menghadap pengadilan untuk tuduhan yang sama di Carthage, Illinois, pusat pemerintahan Hancock County.LDS LDS
SeatGeek Stadium is a soccer-specific stadium at 71st Street and Harlem Avenue in Bridgeview, Illinois, about twelve miles southwest of downtown Chicago.
Toyota Park adalah sebuah stadion khusus sepak bola di 71st Street dan Harlem Avenue di Bridgeview, Illinois, sekitar dua belas mil dari barat daya pusat kota Chicago.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The first lawsuit was filed by Nolan Law Group in Chicago, Illinois on September 24, 1998 on behalf of American passengers Fritz and Djoeminah Baden.
Gugatan pertama diajukan oleh Nolan Law Group di Chicago, Illinois pada tanggal 24 September 1998 tentang nama penumpang Amerika Fritz dan Djoeminah Baden.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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