John Locke oor Indonesies

John Locke

English empiricist philosopher who believed that all knowledge is derived from sensory experience (1632-1704)

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John Locke

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And at the same time there was a revolution in social thought of John Locke and his collaborators.
Pada saat yang sama ada revolusi dalam pemikiran sosial dari John Locke dan rekan- rekannya.QED QED
In the following year, he became acquainted with John Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding, which influenced him profoundly.
Pada tahun berikutnya, ia berkenalan dengan Essay Concerning Human Understanding oleh John Locke, yang sangat memengaruhinya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And at the same time there was a revolution in social thought of John Locke and his collaborators.
Pada saat yang sama ada revolusi dalam pemikiran sosial dari John Locke dan rekan-rekannya.ted2019 ted2019
He was also influenced by the English philosopher John Locke.
Dia juga dipengaruhi oleh filsuf John Locke,Inggris.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
So he had John locked up in prison. —Luke 3:19, 20.
Maka ia memenjarakan Yohanes.—Lukas 3:19, 20.jw2019 jw2019
This principle extends back to the principles of English philosopher John Locke.
Prinsip ini berakar dari kaidah filsuf Inggris, John Locke.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He returned to the UK in 1979 to give the John Locke lectures on Aspects of Reason.
Pada tahun 1979, dia kembali ke Inggris untuk memberi mata kuliah John Locke tentang Aspek-aspek Alasan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is closely associated with social contract philosophers such as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
Argumen lotere kelahiran telah dipakai oleh para filsuf seperti John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, dan Jean-Jacques Rousseau.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Both John Locke and Adam Smith used the idea of reciprocity to justify a free market without state intervention.
Baik John Locke maupun Adam Smith menggunakan ide timbal balik untuk membenarkan pasar bebas tanpa intervensi negara.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For example, a French Protestant translated the works of English philosopher John Locke, propagating the idea of natural rights.
Misalnya, seorang Protestan Prancis menerjemahkan karya-karya filsuf Inggris, John Locke, menyebarluaskan gagasan hak-hak natural.jw2019 jw2019
John Locke discusses many ideas that are now attributed to Liberalism in Two Treatises of Government, published in 1689.
John Locke mengembangkan gagasan ini lebih lanjut di dalam karyanya, Two Treatises of Government, yang diterbitkan pada tahun 1689.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
John Locke used the term sem(e)iotike in book four, chapter 21 of An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690).
John Locke menggunakan istilah sem(e)iotike dalam Buku 4, Bab 21 dari An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Jean-Jacques Rousseau and John Locke considered the idea to be an impossibility and a self-contradiction, but for different reasons.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau dan John Locke menganggap gagasan tersebut tak memungkinkan dan saling berseberangan, namun untuk alasan-alasan yang berbeda.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He was educated at Christ Church, Oxford, where John Locke was also, when Bagshaw was a Student (i.e. Fellow of the college).
Ia dididik di Christ Church, Oxford, di mana John Locke juga di sana, ketika Bagshaw masih bersekolah di sana (yaitu sebagai Fellow dalam college).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
That's the one that John Locke systematized when he said that freedom was rooted in private property rights and the protection of law.
Itu aplikasi yang disistemasikan John Locke yang mengatakan bahwa kemerdekaan barasal dari hak kekayaan pribadi dan perlindungan hukum.QED QED
Born in Ireland, he was educated at the universities of Glasgow, Edinburgh, Leiden and Oxford and was influenced by the philosophy of John Locke.
Ia belajar di Universitas Glasgow, Edinburgh, Leiden dan Oxford dan dipengaruhi oleh filsafat John Locke.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This period also saw the birth of some of the classics of political philosophy, especially Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan, and John Locke's Two Treatises of Government.
Periode ini juga ditandai dengan kelahiran beberapa pemikiran politik klasik, khususnya Leviathan karya Thomas Hobbesdan Two Treatises of Government hasil pemikiran John Locke.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This was sent in a letter to John Locke on 14 November 1690 and built upon the textual work of Richard Simon and his own research.
Isaac Newton sempat mempertanyakan adanya kata "theos" pada ayat ini dalam suratnya kepada John Locke tertanggal 14 November 1690, yang didasarkan atas karya tekstual Richard Simon dan penelitiannya sendiri.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some scholars of education have described Priestley as the most important English writer on education between the 17th-century John Locke and the 19th-century Herbert Spencer.
Beberapa cendekiawan di bidang pendidikan menggambarkan Priestley sebagai penulis Inggris paling penting dalam bidang pendidikan di antara penulis abad ke-17 John Locke dan penulis abad ke-19 Herbert Spencer.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The empiricist John Locke, writing in the late 17th century, developed the Aristotelian idea that, excluding geometry, all science must attain its knowledge a posteriori - through sensual experience.
Empiris John Locke, menulis pada akhir abad XVII, mengembangkan ide Aristoteles bahwa, tidak termasuk geometri, semua ilmu pasti mencapai pengetahuan a posteriori - melalui pengalaman sensual.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Latter Is an Essay Concerning The True Original, Extent, and End of Civil Government) is a work of political philosophy published anonymously in 1689 by John Locke.
The Latter Is an Essay Concerning The True Original, Extent, and End of Civil Government) adalah sebuah karya filsafat politik yang diterbitkan secara anonim pada 1689 karya John Locke.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During the 17th and 18th centuries, secular philosophers, such as the Englishmen Thomas Hobbes and John Locke and the Frenchman Jean-Jacques Rousseau, reflected on the idea of popular sovereignty.
Selama abad ke-17 dan ke-18, para filsuf duniawi, seperti Thomas Hobbes dan John Locke yang berkebangsaan Inggris dan Jean-Jacques Rousseau yang berkebangsaan Prancis, menganggap rendah gagasan kedaulatan rakyat.jw2019 jw2019
In contrast to other philosophers, such as Karl Marx or John Locke, Aflaq's ideological view of the world makes no clear stand on the materialistic or socioeconomic behavior of humanity.
Kontras dengan filsuf lainnya, seperti Karl Marx atau John Locke, pandangan ideologi Aflaq terhadap dunia menjadi tidak jelas antara berdiri pada materialistik atau perilaku sosioekonomi umat manusia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He was tutored by the Reverend George Haggerstone, who first introduced him to higher mathematics, natural philosophy, logic, and metaphysics through the works of Isaac Watts, Willem 's Gravesande, and John Locke.
Ia dididik saat itu oleh Rev. George Haggerstone, yang pertama kali mengenalkannya dengan matematika tingkat tinggi, filsafat alam, logika, dan metafisika melalui karya-karya Isaac Watts, Willem 's Gravesande, dan John Locke.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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