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an administrative region of Italy, situated in the central peninsular section of the country with Rome as its capital; corresponds to ancient Latium

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Footballers who play for these teams and are also born in the city tend to become especially popular, as has been the case with players such as Francesco Totti and Daniele De Rossi (both for A.S. Roma), and Alessandro Nesta (for S.S. Lazio).
Pesepak bola yang bermain untuk kedua tim tersebut dan juga lahir di kota ini cenderung menjadi sangat populer, sebagaimana terjadi pada pemain seperti Francesco Totti dan Daniele De Rossi (keduanya A.S. Roma), serta Alessandro Nesta (S.S. Lazio).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On 26 October 2006, the second appeal reduced Lazio's penalty to three points, Juventus's reduced to nine points and Fiorentina's reduced to 15 points.
Pada tanggal 26 Oktober 2006, banding kedua mengakibatkan Milan tetap dikurangi 8 poin, sedangkan penalti Lazio dikurangi menjadi 3 poin, Juventus dikurangi menjadi 9 poin dan Fiorentina dikurangi menjadi 15 poin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fossils found in Lazio, a region of central Italy that includes Rome, suggest that the area at one time had a climate more like that of Africa, for hippopotamuses, gazelles, and even big cats once roamed in this region.
Fosil yang ditemukan di Lazio, sebuah wilayah di Italia bagian tengah yang mencakup Roma, menunjukkan bahwa daerah itu pada suatu waktu memiliki iklim yang agak mirip dengan iklim di Afrika, karena kuda nil, gazele, dan bahkan berbagai kucing besar pernah berkeliaran di wilayah ini.jw2019 jw2019
Lazio comprises a land area of 17,242 km2 (6,657 sq mi) and it has borders with Tuscany, Umbria, and Marche to the north, Abruzzo and Molise to the east, Campania to the south, and the Tyrrhenian Sea to the west.
Lazio memiliki wilayah seluas 17,236 km2 (6,655 sq mi) dan berbatasan dengan Tuscany, Umbria, dan Marche di utara, Abruzzo dan Molise di timur, Campania di selatan, dan Laut Tirenia di barat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the summer of 2007, OFK Beograd sold Kolarov to Italian side Lazio (the third placed team in previous season's Serie A standings) for a €925,000 transfer fee.
Pada musim panas 2007 , OFK Beograd menjual Kolarov ke Lazio (peringkat tiga Serie A musim sebelumnya/2006-07 dengan harga €925,000.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On 20 May, Pogba set up Juventus's first goal as they defeated Lazio 2–1 at the Stadio Olimpico in the 2015 Coppa Italia Final.
Pada 20 Mei, Pogba menciptakan gol pertama untuk Juventus saat mengalahkan Lazio 2–1 di Stadio Olimpico dalam Final Coppa Italia 2015.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Abbey of Saint Scholastica, also known as Subiaco Abbey (Italian: Abbazia di Santa Scolastica), is located just outside the town of Subiaco in the Province of Rome, Region of Lazio, Italy; and is still an active Benedictine order, territorial abbey, first founded in the 6th century AD by Saint Benedict of Nursia.
Keabasan Santa Skolastika, juga disebut sebagai Keabasan Subiaco (Italia: Abbazia di Santa Scolastica), terletak tepat di luar kota Subiaco, Provinsi Roma, Wilayah Lazio, Italia; dan masih menjadi keabasan teritorial ordo Benediktin aktif yang mula-mula didirikan pada abad ke-6 Masehi oleh Santo Benediktus dari Nursia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On 26 September, Klose accidentally scored a goal with his hand against Napoli for Lazio, unseen by the referee.
Pada 26 September, Klose secara tidak sengaja mencetak gol menggunakan tangannya ke gawang Napoli dan tidak terlihat oleh wasit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rome is home to local rugby union teams such as Rugby Roma (founded in 1930 and winner of five Italian championships, the latter in 1999–2000), Unione Rugby Capitolina and S.S. Lazio 1927 (rugby union branch of the multisport club S.S. Lazio).
Roma merupakan rumah bagi tim-tim rugbi lokal seperti Rugby Roma (berdiri tahun 1930 dan memenangi lima kejuaraan Italia, yang terakhir pada musim 1999–2000), Unione Rugby Capitolina, dan S.S. Lazio 1927 (cabang rugbi dari klub multi-olahraga S.S. Lazio).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As the 2009–10 season drew to an end, Kolarov was instantly linked with a move away from Lazio, with Manchester City and Real Madrid supposedly interested.
Menjelang berakhirnya Serie A musim 2009-10, Kolarov diisukan hengkang karena diminati Manchester City dan Real Madrid.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At their zenith, the Papal States covered most of the modern Italian regions of Lazio (which includes Rome), Marche, Umbria and Romagna, and portions of Emilia.
Pada masa jayanya, Negara Gereja menguasai sebagian besar wilayah Lazio (sudah termasuk Roma), Marche, Umbria, Romagna, dan sejumlah daerah di Emilia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
From the 10th century onwards, Tivoli, as an independent commune governed by its elected consuls, was the fiercest rival of Rome in the struggle for the control over the impoverished central Lazio.
Sejak abad ke-10 dan selanjutnya, Tivoli, sebagai suatu komune independen yang dikelola oleh para konsul terpilih, merupakan rival Roma yang paling agresif dalam perebutan kendali atas kawasan Lazio tengah yang miskin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Born in Rome, Giordano played for most of his career with Lazio, debuting in Serie A on 5 October 1975.
Giordano lama mengembangkan kariernya di Lazio, dan memulai debutnya pada Liga Serie A pada 5 Oktober 1975.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
However, after Birmingham's relegation, Zárate was loaned out again, this time to Lazio in Italy, where he won the Coppa Italia.
Namun, setelah degradasi Birmingham, Zárate dipinjamkan keluar lagi, kali ini ke Lazio di Italia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Today the same route, still called by the same name for much of its distance, is paralleled or overlaid by Strada Statale (SS) 3, also called Strada Regionale (SR) 3 in Lazio and Umbria, and Strada Provinciale (SP) 3 in Marche.
Saat ini, rute yang sama masih disebut dengan nama yang sama karena beberapa kedekatannya, yang disandingkan dengan Strada Statale (SS) 3, yang juga disebut Strada Regionale (SR) 3 di Lazio dan Umbria, dan Strada Provinciale (SP) 3 di Marche.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Italian Catholic Diocese of Latina-Terracina-Sezze-Priverno (Latin: Dioecesis Latinensis-Terracinensis-Setina-Privernensis), in Lazio, has existed under this name since 1986.
Keuskupan Latina-Terracina-Sezze-Priverno (bahasa Latin: Dioecesis Latinensis-Terracinensis-Setina-Privernensis), di Lazio, telah berdiri dengan nama tersebut sejak 1986.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A series of four major earthquakes struck Central Italy between Abruzzo, Lazio, the Marche and Umbria regions on 18 January 2017.
Serangkaian empat gempa bumi besar melanda Italia Tengah antara wilayah Abruzzo, Lazio, Marche, dan Umbria pada tanggal 18 Januari 2017.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1896, they moved to Colle Gianturco, near Paliano and Frosinone, about fifty miles outside Rome; and then in 1899 to Le Ferriere, near modern Latina and Nettuno in Lazio, where they lived in a building, "La Cascina Antica," they shared with another family which included Giovanni Serenelli and his son, Alessandro.
Kemudian pada tahun 1899 pindah ke Le Ferriere, dekat Nettuno dan Latina masa kini di Lazio; di sini mereka tinggal dalam sebuah bangunan bernama "La Cascina Antica", bersama dengan suatu keluarga lain termasuk Giovanni Serenelli dan Alessandro putranya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Petrocelli was born in Cervaro in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (now in Lazio).
Ia lahir di Cervaro di Kerajaan Dua Sisilia (sekarang di Lazio).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Palestrina (ancient Praeneste; Ancient Greek: Πραίνεστος, Prainestos) is modern Italian city and comune (municipality) with a population of about 22,000, in Lazio, about 35 kilometres (22 miles) east of Rome.
Palestrina (dulunya Praeneste; bahasa Yunani Kuno: Πραίνεστος, Prainestos) adalah sebuah kota kuno dan comune (munisipalitas) dengan populasi sekitar 22,000, di Lazio, yang berjarak sekitar 35 kilometer (22 mil) dari timur Roma.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
However, tragic deaths of Re Cecconi and Scudetto trainer Maestrelli, as well as the departure of Chinaglia, would be a triple blow for Lazio.
Namun begitu, kematian tragis Re Cecconi dan Maestrelli, dan juga kepergian Chinaglia, kontan melemahkan tim.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On the morning of November 11, 2007 26-year-old Lazio fan Gabriele Sandri, a DJ from Rome, was killed by a shot in his neck while sitting inside a car, by a policeman, after some other fans of Lazio violently assaulted a group of Juventus ultras with stones on the A1 Motorway service station of Badia al Pino in Arezzo.
Pada pagi hari 11 November 2007, Gabriele Sandri, seorang DJ dan suporter Lazio berusia 26 tahun dari Roma terbunuh karena sebuah tembakan di lehernya ketika duduk di sebuah mobil, oleh seorang petugas polisi, setelah beberapa suporter Lazio melempari sekelompok ultras Juventus di tempat peristirahatan Badia al Pino di Arezzo, dalam area A1 Motorway.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Against the odds, Lazio won the match 1–0, the winning goal coming from Chilean striker Marcelo Salas in the 35th minute.
Meskipun tidak diunggulkan, Lazio memenangkan pertandingan dengan skor 1–0, melalui sebuah gol dari Marcelo Salas pada menit ke–35.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Società Sportiva Lazio (BIT: SSL; Lazio Sport Club), commonly referred to as Lazio (Italian pronunciation: ), is an Italian professional sports club based in Rome, most known for its football activity.
Società Sportiva Lazio (BIT: SSL) atau yang lebih dikenal dengan nama Lazio (pengucapan bahasa Italia: ), adalah sebuah perkumpulan olahraga profesional Italia yang berbasis di Roma, ibu kota Italia, yang terkenal karena cabang sepak bolanya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This remained largely confined to Rome until the 19th century, but then expanded other zones of Lazio (Civitavecchia, Latina), from the beginning of the 20th century, thanks to the rising population of Rome and to better transportation systems.
Hal ini pada dasarnya terbatas di Roma sampai dengan abad ke-19, namun kemudian meluas ke zona Lazio yang lainnya (Civitavecchia, Latina) sejak abad ke-20 akibat meningkatnya populasi Roma dan sistem transportasi yang lebih baik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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