Mount Etna oor Indonesies

Mount Etna

an inactive volcano in Sicily; last erupted in 1961; the highest volcano in Europe (10,500 feet)

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Come see Mount Etna, the highest active volcano in Europe!
Mari, lihatlah Gunung Etna, gunung berapi aktif tertinggi di Eropa!
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Mount Etna, Sicily, recently expelled lava for 15 months
Gunung Etna, Sisilia, belum lama ini memuntahkan lahar selama 15 bulanjw2019 jw2019
Come see Mount Etna, the highest active volcano in Europe!
Mari, lihatlah Gunung Etna, gunung berapi aktif tertinggi di Eropa!jw2019 jw2019
The local people refer to Mount Etna as a “friendly giant”
Penduduk setempat menyebut Gunung Etna sebagai ”raksasa yang ramah”jw2019 jw2019
Her first experience of an active volcano was of Mount Etna in Sicily in 1979.
Pengalaman pertamanya di gunung berapi aktif adalah di Gunung Etna di Sisilia pada tahun 1979.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A drawing of Mount Etna from 1843
Lukisan G. Etna dari tahun 1843jw2019 jw2019
Mount Etna is one of the world’s most active volcanoes and is in an almost constant state of activity.
Etna adalah salah satu gunung teraktif di dunia dan hampir selalu dalam keadaan meletus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is also a volcanic country, but only a few volcanoes —such as Stromboli and Mount Etna— are active.
Di negeri ini ada banyak gunung berapi, tapi hanya beberapa yang masih aktif, misalnya Gunung Stromboli dan Etna.jw2019 jw2019
During her final semester, she took a planetary science course with John Guest – and three weeks into the course, Mount Etna exploded.
Pada semester akhir, dia mengambil kuliah ilmu keplanetan bersama John Guest – dan tiga minggu setelahnya, Gunung Etna meledak.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Weather satellite images helped in monitoring the volcanic ash cloud from Mount St. Helens and activity from other volcanoes such as Mount Etna.
Citra satelit cuaca membantu dalam memantau awan abu vulkanik dari Gunung St Helens dan aktivitas dari gunung berapi lainnya seperti Gunung Etna.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She is also the patron saint of breast cancer patients, martyrs, wet nurses, bell-founders, bakers, fire, earthquakes, and eruptions of Mount Etna.
Dia juga santo pelindung para penderita kanker payudara, martir, perawat basah, pendiri lonceng, tukang roti, kebakaran, gempa bumi, dan letusan Gunung Etna.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hephaestus was associated by Greek colonists in southern Italy with the volcano gods Adranus (of Mount Etna) and Vulcanus of the Lipari islands.
Orang-orang di Italia selatan mengidentikkan Hefaistos dengan dewa gunung berapi Adranus dari Gunung Etna dan Vulkanus dari kepulauan Lipari.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Italians are known to be very volatile, kind of like Mount Vesuvius, or maybe it's more like Mount Etna, since Vesuvius hasn't erupted since Pompeii.
ltalians dikenal sangat stabil, jenis seperti Gunung Vesuvius, atau mungkin lebih seperti Gunung Etna, karena Vesuvius meletus sejak belum Pompeii.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Subduction-zone stratovolcanoes, such as Mount St. Helens, Mount Etna and Mount Pinatubo, typically erupt with explosive force: the magma is too stiff to allow easy escape of volcanic gases.
Zona subduksi-stratovolcanoes, seperti Gunung St Helens dan , biasanya meledak dengan kekuatan ledakan: magma terlalu kaku untuk memungkinkan melepaskan gas vulkanik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fascist newspapers implied even that Mussolini had performed miracles, such as stopping the lava flow of Mount Etna, and invoking rain in the drought-suffering Libya during his visit to the region in March 1937.
Koran-koran fasis bahkan mengimplikasikan bahwa Mussolini mampu melakukan mukjizat, seperti mampu menghentikan gerakan lava di Gunung Etna dan menurunkan hujan di Libya yang waktu itu sedang kekeringan, dalam kunjungannya ke daerah itu pada tahun 1937.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
While the Greek army under Dionysius was present near the city of Catana during the battle, the Carthaginian army under Himilco was away in the interior of Sicily, making a detour around the erupting Mount Etna.
Sementara tentara Yunani yang dipimpin Dionisius berada dekat kota Catana selama pertempuran, tentara Kartago yang dipimpin Himilco pergi ke pedalaman Sisilia, membuat jalan memutar sekitar Gunung merapi, Etna.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
According to the article, “material from the record-breaking eruption appears to cover 1,900 square kilometers [730 square miles], an area about a thousand times the dominion of Italy’s Mount Etna, one of Earth’s most active volcanoes.”
Menurut artikel itu, ”materi dari letusan pemecah rekor ini tampaknya meliputi daerah seluas 1.900 kilometer persegi, sekitar ribuan kali luas wilayah Gunung Etna di Italia, salah satu gunung berapi teraktif di Bumi”.jw2019 jw2019
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