Mute Swan oor Indonesies

Mute Swan

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mute swan

a white swan, Cygnus olor, found throughout Europe and much of Asia, having a distinctive orange bill with a black tip; it is not actually mute, but is not very vocal.

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Mute swans
Angsa pendiamjw2019 jw2019
The birdlife of the inner, built-up reaches between London and Woolwich was reduced to a handful of mallard and mute swans, and they owed their existence to spillages from the grain wharves rather than a natural food supply. . . .
Kehidupan burung di kawasan sungai di bagian dalam kota yang dikelilingi bangunan antara London dan Woolwich telah berkurang hingga segelintir belibis dan angsa pendiam saja, dan mereka hidup dengan makan tumpahan dari lumbung biji-bijian, bukannya pasokan makanan alami. . . .jw2019 jw2019
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