Niger River oor Indonesies

Niger River

an African river; flows into the South Atlantic

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Sungai Niger

No, that coin and the Texas were on the Niger River.
Tidak, bahwa koin dan Texas berada di Sungai Niger.
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In the extreme south there is a tropical climate on the edges of the Niger River basin.
Di selatan terdapat iklim tropis di sekitar Sungai Niger.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Niger River arises in Guinea and runs eastward.
Sungai Niger bermulai di Guinea dan terus hingga ke arah timur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The basin of the Niger River also drains 27% of the country's surface.
Lembah Sungai Niger juga mengaliri 27% permukaan negeri ini.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They migrated west from the Niger River in search of better agricultural lands and more opportunities for conquest.
Mereka bermigrasi barat dari Sungai Niger untuk mencari lahan pertanian yang lebih baik dan lebih banyak kesempatan untuk penaklukan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
No, that coin and the Texas were on the Niger River.
Tidak, bahwa koin dan Texas berada di Sungai Niger.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The lowest point is the Niger River, with an elevation of 200 metres (656 ft).
Titik terendah adalah Sungai Niger, dengan ketinggian 200 m (656 kaki).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Bozo are a West African ethnic group located predominantly along the Niger River in Mali.
Suku Bozo adalah kelompok etnis yang menetap di tepi Sungai Niger di Mali.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It now follows the migratory locusts as they swarm along the Niger River.
Kini, mereka mengikuti belalang pengembara yang menyusuri Sungai Niger.jw2019 jw2019
The water in the Niger River is being poisoned.
Air di sungai Niger sudah diracuni.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
For months, our brothers on the Biafran side of the Niger River were cut off from the branch office.
Selama berbulan-bulan, saudara-saudari di daerah Biafra, di seberang Sungai Niger, tidak bisa berkomunikasi dengan kantor cabang.jw2019 jw2019
When the campaigning was done, his empire extended 1,000 miles east to west with those borders being the bends of the Senegal and Niger Rivers respectively.
Ketika kampanye selesai, kekaisarannya terbentang 1.000 mil dari timur ke barat dengan perbatasan itu adalah tikungan Sungai Senegal dan Sungai Niger.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Oh, who can understand her, this winding Niger river of a woman one who is unafraid to tear away only to roam and then become the wind.
Oh, siapa kan mengerti dia, sungai Nigeria berangin seorang wanita Seorang yang tegar tuk terkoyak hanya untuk berkelana lalu menjadi angin.ted2019 ted2019
Geographically, the Igbo homeland is divided into two unequal sections by the Niger River – an eastern (which is the larger of the two) and a western section.
Secara geografis, Sungai Niger membelah tanah air Igbo menjadi dua, yaitu bagian timur (yang lebih besar) dan barat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The city is situated 254 km southeast of the capital, Niamey, is located on the banks of the Niger River, and is near the borders with Benin and Nigeria.
Kota ini terletak 254 km tenggara Niamey, di bantaran Sungai Niger, dan dekat perbatasan Benin dan Nigeria.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Three years later, he embarked on his last journey, which took him to the Niger River and Tombouctou (Timbuktu), a city in the African country now known as Mali.
Tiga tahun kemudian, ia melakukan perjalanan terakhirnya, ke Sungai Niger dan Timbuktu, sebuah kota di negeri Afrika yang sekarang dikenal sebagai Mali.jw2019 jw2019
In April 1873 Brière de l'Isle, had sent Paul Soleillet to Ségou (now central Mali) to open negotiations with the ruler Ahmadu Tall, beginning French expansion into the Middle Niger River valley.
Pada bulan April 1873 Brière de l'Isle, telah mengirim Paul Soleillet ke Ségou (sekarang Mali tengah) untuk membuka negosiasi dengan penguasa Ahmadu Tall, memulai ekspansi Prancis ke lembah Sungai Niger Tengah.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This defeat reduces Mali to Manden proper with control extending only as far as Kita in the west, Kangaba in the north, the Niger River bend in the east and Kouroussa in the south.
Kekalahan ini mengurangi Mali ke Manden dengan kekuasaannya hanya sejauh Kita di barat, Kangaba di utara, sungai Niger di timur dan Kouroussa di selatan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Brière de l'Isle was committed to expanding French control over the middle Niger River valley, but unlike many of his predecessors the French governments of the late 1870s were more willing to sanction (or accept) direct conquest of territory.
Brière de l'Isle berkomitmen untuk memperluas kendali Prancis atas lembah Sungai Niger tengah, tetapi tidak seperti banyak pendahulunya, pemerintah Prancis pada akhir tahun 1870-an lebih bersedia untuk memberikan sanksi (atau menerima) penaklukan wilayah secara langsung.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Admiral Georges Charles Cloué was named Minister of the Navy in 1881, and the Governor was warned that expansion of the rail line to the Niger River was a low priority, to be pressed by civilian (business) interests only, removing the Marine involvement in its construction.
Laksamana Georges Charles Cloué diangkat sebagai Menteri Angkatan Laut pada tahun 1881, dan Gubernur diperingatkan bahwa perluasan jalur kereta api ke Sungai Niger adalah prioritas rendah, untuk ditekan oleh kepentingan sipil (bisnis) saja, menghilangkan keterlibatan Marinir dalam konstruksi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is situated 113 km northwest of the capital Niamey on the River Niger.
Kota ini terletak 120 km sebelah barat laut kota Niamey di Sungai Niger.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They were also responsible for setting up zawiyas on the shores of the River Niger.
Mereka juga bertanggung jawab untuk mendirikan zawiyah di tepi Sungai Niger.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
From there, Ibn Battuta travelled southwest along a river he believed to be the Nile (it was actually the river Niger), until he reached the capital of the Mali Empire.
Dari tempat itu, Ibnu Batutah melakukan perjalanan ke arah barat daya, menyusuri tepian sebuah sungai yang ia sangka Sungai Nil (sebenarnya adalah Sungai Niger), sampai ke ibu kota Kemaharajaan Mali.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The coup plotters attacked the cities of Kaduna, Ibadan, and Lagos while also blockading the Niger and Benue River within a two-day span of time before the coup plotters were subdued.
Pelaku kudeta juga menyerang kota Kaduna, Ibadan, dan Lagos, sembari memblokade Sungai Niger dan Benue selama dua hari sebelum mereka akhirnya berhasil ditundukkan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Brahmaputra, Indus, Mekong, Niger, Nile, and Tigris rivers each flow through many countries—countries that want to extract from those rivers as much water as possible.
Sungai Brahmaputra, Indus, Mekong, Niger, Nil, dan Tigris masing-masing mengalir melewati banyak negara —negara-negara yang ingin menguras air sebanyak mungkin dari sungai-sungai itu.jw2019 jw2019
The Niger is the third-longest river in Africa, exceeded only by the Nile and the Congo River (also known as the Zaïre River).
Sungai Niger adalah sungai ketiga terpanjang di Afrika, setelah Sungai Nil dan Sungai Kongo (dahulu lebih dikenal sebagai Sungai Zaïre).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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