Prescott oor Indonesies


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An English habitational surname from any of several places in England.

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Prescott, Ontario
Even if Prescott wanted to give that money to the nurses, they couldn't, legally.
Bahkan jika ingin Prescott untuk memberikan uang yang kepada perawat, mereka tidak bisa, secara hukum.
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James Prescott Joule
James Prescott Joule · Joule


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He edited writings by Mexican writers who preceded him, wrote a biography of Juan de Zumárraga, and translated William H. Prescott's Conquest of Mexico.
Ia menyunting tulisan-tulisan karya penulis Meksiko yang mendahuluinya, menulis biografi Juan de Zumárraga, dan menerjemahkan Conquest of Mexico karya William H. Prescott.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He had hoped that the company would assign him to its Havana branch; instead, it located him to the small town of Prescott, Ontario, before transferring him to its nearby Brockville branch.
Ia sangat berharap ditempatkan di kantor cabang Havana, namun ditempatkan di kota kecil di Ontario bernama Prescott sebelum ditransfer ke kantor cabang Brockville yang berdekatan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Prescott is the center of the Prescott Metropolitan Area, defined by the U.S. Census Bureau as all of Yavapai County.
Prescott merupakan pusat dari Prescott Metropolitan Area, yang didefinisikan oleh biro sensus Amerika Serikat sebagai seluruh Yavapai County.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1898, Mayor Prescott was removed from office.
Tahun 1898, Walikota Prescott diturunkan dari jabatannya.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Anyway, what're you doing in the house of Sidney Prescott?
Apa yang kau lakukan di rumah yang sama Sidney Prescott sebagai?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Because energy is defined via work, the SI unit for energy is the same as the unit of work – the joule (J), named in honor of James Prescott Joule and his experiments on the mechanical equivalent of heat.
Satuan SI untuk energi dan kerja adalah joule (J), dinamakan untuk menghormati James Prescott Joule dan percobaannya dalam persamaan mekanik panas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Three weeks ago I was at a stake conference in the lovely little mountain community of Prescott, Arizona.
Tiga minggu yang lalu saya menghadiri konferensi wilayah di sebuah komunitas kecil di pegunungan yang indah di Prescott, Arizona.LDS LDS
Economist Edward Prescott (author of the real business-cycle model that post-Keynesians hold failed to forecast the crisis) and economist Eugene Fama argued that stimulus plans are unlikely to have a net positive effect on employment, and may even harm it.
Edward Prescott (penulis Model Siklus Bisnis Riil yang pasca-Keynesian gagal untuk meramalkan krisis) dan sesama ekonom Eugene Fama (dengan Hipotesis Pasar Efisien telah dikritik karena keyakinan yang kuat dalam pasar yang mengatur sendiri) disajikan pandangan bahwa rencana stimulus tidak mungkin memiliki efek positif bersih terhadap lapangan kerja, dan bahkan mungkin membahayakan itu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1864 Prescott was designated as the capital of the Arizona Territory, replacing the temporary capital at Fort Whipple.
Pada tahun 1864 Prescott dijadikan ibukota Teritori Arizona, menggantikan ibukota sementara di Fort Whipple, Arizona.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Prescott probably just had lower standards then, yeah?
Prescott mungkin memiliki standar yang lebih rendah.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The following day, Sidney Prescott returns to Woodsboro to promote her new book with her publicist Rebecca Walters.
Hari berikutnya, Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell) kembali ke Woodsboro untuk mempromosikan buku barunya dengan publisisnya Rebecca Walters (Alison Brie).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Prescott Bush was a cheerleader, played varsity golf and baseball, and was president of the Yale Glee Club.
Prescott Bush juga mempunya hobi olahraga antara lain golf, football, dan baseball, dan ia juga adalah mantan presiden Yale Glee Club.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Even if Prescott wanted to give that money to the nurses, they couldn't, legally.
Bahkan jika ingin Prescott untuk memberikan uang yang kepada perawat, mereka tidak bisa, secara hukum.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Prescott became the territory's first capital, which would transfer to Tucson in 1867, then back to Prescott in 1877, before settling finally in Phoenix in 1889.
Ibukota teritori dipindahkan dari Prescott ke Tucson pada tahun 1867, namun kembali lagi ke Prescott pada tahun 1877 sebelum akhirnya Phoenix menjadi ibukotanya pada tahun 1889.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Prescott just went three-for-three again last night.
Prescott hanya pergi tiga-untuk-tiga lagi semalam.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
James Prescott of the National Institute of Health stated: “From the moment of birth, many Americans are deprived of something that could prevent them from becoming criminals, mentally ill or violent adults.
James Prescott dari National Institute of Health (Institut Kesehatan Nasional), ”Sejak saat lahir, banyak orang Amerika kekurangan sesuatu yang sebenarnya dapat mencegah mereka untuk tidak menjadi penjahat, cacat mental atau orang-orang kejam.jw2019 jw2019
Oh, and Prescott, give Kevin a house key.
Oh, dan Prescott, memberikan kunci rumah Kevin.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Later works of James Prescott Joule, Rudolf Clausius and in particular Ludwig Boltzmann firmly established the kinetic theory of gases and brought attention to both the theories of Bernoulli and Waterston.
Kemudian, James Prescott Joule, Rudolf Clausius, dan Ludwig Boltzmann menerbitkan teori kinetis udara, dan menarik perhatian teori Bernoulli dan Waterston.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Prescott hospitals'negotiation with their nurses'union.
Rumah sakit Prescott'negosiasi dengan perawat mereka'serikat.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And Prescott's involved with the whole thing.
Dan Prescott yang terlibat dengan semuanya.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Set between 1839 and 1889, it follows four generations of a family (starting as the Prescotts) as they move from western New York to the Pacific Ocean.
Berlatar belakang antara 1839 dan 1889, film tersebut mengisahkan empat generasi dari sebuah keluarga saat mereka pindah ke wilayah barat, dari barat negara bagian New York ke Samudera Pasifik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In Prescott the rail station houses historical society offices; in Lac-Mégantic and Kingston a former station houses a tourism information office.
Di Prescott , stasiun kereta api memiliki kantor-kantor bersejarah; di Lac-Mégantic dan Kingston, sebuah stasiun nonaktif memiliki kantor informasi pariwisata.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The lyrics and music were composed by Michael Francis Alexander Prescott and adopted upon independence in 1970.
Lirik dan musiknya diciptakan oleh Michael Francis Alxander Prescott, dan diadopsi setelah kemerdekaan Fiji pada tahun 1970.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cotton Weary, now living in Los Angeles and the host of a nationally syndicated television show, 100% Cotton, is called by Ghostface, who demands the whereabouts of Sidney Prescott, who has gone into hiding in the aftermath of the Windsor College murders.
Cotton Weary, yang sekarang tinggal di Los Angeles dan mempunyai acaranya sendiri, 100% Cotton, ditelepon oleh Ghostface yang menanyakan keberadaan Sidney Prescott yang menghilang sejak kejadian di Scream 2.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Prescott Hospitals is hurting as much as anyone else.
Prescott Rumah Sakit menyakiti sebanyak orang lain.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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