President Taylor oor Indonesies

President Taylor

12th President of the United States; died in office (1784-1850)

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President Taylor

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President Taylor replied, “Joseph, Joseph, Joseph, [Heber] knows it just as well as you do.
Presiden Taylor menjawab: “Joseph, Joseph, Joseph, [Heber] mengetahui sama baiknya seperti Anda.LDS LDS
In 1898, about 11 years after reassuring the Saints at President Taylor’s funeral, Lorenzo Snow found himself in need of such reassurance.
Pada tahun 1898, kira-kira 11 tahun setelah meyakinkan kembali para Orang Suci pada pemakaman Presiden Taylor, Lorenzo Snow mendapati dirinya sendiri dalam kebutuhan akan peyakinan kembali semacam itu.LDS LDS
The proposed ban stemmed from her financial support of former President Taylor in the early years of the First Liberian Civil War.
Larangan yang diusulkan berasal dari dukungan finansial dari mantan Presiden Taylor pada bulan-bulan awal dari Perang Saudara Liberia Pertama.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Jones played President Taylor on the Fox series 24, a role for which she won an Emmy for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series.
Jones berperan sebagai President Taylor dalam serial drama Fox 24, sebuah peran yang mengantarakannya memenangi Emmy Award untuk kategori Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
President Taylor also declared: “If you were to ask Joseph what sort of a looking man Adam was, he would tell you at once; he would tell you his size and appearance and all about him.
Presiden Taylor juga menyatakan: “Jika Anda bertanya kepada Joseph seperti apa rupa Adam, dia akan segera memberi tahu Anda; dia akan memberi tahu Anda ukuran dan penampilannya serta segala hal mengenainya.LDS LDS
President John Taylor said the following regarding those who sought truth during the Dark Ages:
Presiden John Taylor mengatakan yang berikut mengenai mereka yang mencari kebenaran selama Abad-Abad Kegelapan:LDS LDS
Later prophetic statements were attributed to Church Presidents John Taylor (1808–87) and Joseph F.
Kemudian pernyataan kenabian tersebut diberikan oleh Presiden Gereja John Taylor (1808–1887) serta Joseph F.LDS LDS
After the Prophet Joseph Smith’s martyrdom, President John Taylor wrote what became Doctrine and Covenants 135.
Setelah kematisyahidan Nabi Joseph Smith, Presiden John Taylor menulis apa yang menjadi Ajaran dan Perjanjian 135.LDS LDS
They then rested upon the head of another man—President John Taylor.
Kunci-kunci itu kemudian berpindah ke atas kepala pria lainnya—Presiden John Taylor.LDS LDS
Becomes the senior Apostle and the presiding leader of the Church at the death of President John Taylor.
Menjadi Rasul senior dan pemimpin yang mengetuai Gereja pada saat kematian Presiden John Taylor.LDS LDS
Invite a student to read the following statement by President John Taylor (1808–87):
Mintalah seorang siswa untuk membacakan pernyataan berikut oleh Presiden John Taylor (1808-1887):LDS LDS
March 7, 1850: Senator Daniel Webster gave his "Seventh of March" speech in which he endorsed the Compromise of 1850 to prevent a possible civil war July 9, 1850: President Taylor died and Vice President Millard Fillmore became President.
7 Maret 1850: Senator Daniel Webster menyampaikan pidato "Seventh of March" yang berisi dukungannya terhadap Kompromis 1850 demi mencegah perang saudara 9 Juli 1850: Taylor meninggal dunia dan Millard Fillmore menjadi Presiden.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Beginning with President John Taylor on October 10, 1880, every President until President Monson had been sustained in a solemn assembly held in the Salt Lake Tabernacle.
Dimulai dengan Presiden John Taylor tanggal 10 Oktober 1880, setiap Presiden sampai Presiden Monson telah didukung dalam pertemuan khusyukLDS LDS
President John Taylor taught that we need to be humble, faithful, diligent, and obedient if we are going to be fruitful branches:
Presiden John Taylor mengajarkan bahwa kita perlu rendah hati, setia, tekun, dan patuh jika kita mau menjadi ranting-ranting yang penuh berbuah:LDS LDS
President John Taylor taught that as we remain faithful and obedient to the Lord, our trials can be for our good and blessing:
Presiden John Taylor mengajarkan bahwa sewaktu kita tetap setia dan patuh kepada Tuhan, pencobaan kita dapat menjadi bagi kebaikan dan berkat kita:LDS LDS
When President John Taylor died on July 25, 1887, the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles became the Church’s governing body, with President Woodruff as the presiding officer.
Ketika Presiden John Taylor meninggal pada tanggal 25 Juli 1887, Kuorum Dua Belas Rasul menjadi badan yang memimpin Gereja, dengan Presiden Woodruff sebagai pejabat pimpinan.LDS LDS
At the quarterly conference of the Parowan Stake in 1879, 250 people accepted the call by President John Taylor to establish the San Juan Mission.
Pada tahun 1879 dalam konferensi kuartalan dari Pasak Parowan, 250 orang menerima panggilan dari Presiden John Taylor untuk mendirikan Misi San Juan.LDS LDS
Pioneers like President John Taylor, who witnessed the murder of their prophet and experienced prolonged persecution and incredible hardships for their faith, praised God and thanked Him.
Para pionir seperti halnya Presiden John Taylor, yang menyaksikan pembunuhan nabi mereka dan mengalami penganiayaan berkepanjangan serta kesulitan-kesulitan yang hebat untuk menguji iman mereka, memuji Allah dan bersyukur kepada-Nya.LDS LDS
President John Taylor taught: “I heard the Prophet Joseph say, in speaking to the Twelve on one occasion: ‘You will have all kinds of trials to pass through.
Presiden John Taylor mengajarkan, “Saya mendengar Nabi Joseph berkata, ketika berbicara kepada Dua Belas Rasul pada suatu kesempatan: ‘Anda akan menghadapi segala jenis ujian untuk dilalui.LDS LDS
For example, in the current volume we read these words of President John Taylor on the subject of gratitude for suffering: “We have learned many things through suffering.
Misalnya, dalam buku terbaru kita membaca perkataan Presiden John Taylor mengenai pokok bahasan rasa syukur atas penderitaan: “Kita telah belajar banyak hal berulang kali melalui penderitaan.LDS LDS
I have not felt satisfied, neither did President [John] Taylor, neither has any man since the Prophet Joseph who has attended to the ordinance of adoption in the temples of our God.
Saya belum merasa puas, begitu pula Presiden [John] Taylor, begitu pula siapa pun sejak Nabi Joseph yang telah menghadiri tata cara-tata cara pengadopsian di bait suci Allah kita.LDS LDS
President John Taylor, the third President of the Church, wrote, “Joseph Smith, the Prophet and Seer of the Lord, has done more, save Jesus only, for the salvation of men in this world, than any other man that ever lived in it” (D&C 135:3).
Presiden John Taylor, Presiden ketiga Gereja, menulis, “Joseph Smith, Nabi dan Pelihat Tuhan, telah berbuat lebih banyak daripada orang lain yang pernah hidup di dunia” (A&P 135:3).LDS LDS
Do we remember the words of President John Taylor: ‘If you do not magnify your callings, God will hold you responsible for those whom you might have saved had you done your duty’?
Apakah kita mengingat perkataan Presiden John Taylor, ‘Jika Anda tidak meningkatkan pemanggilan Anda, Allah akan menjadikan Anda bertanggung jawab atas mereka yang dapat Anda selamatkan seandainya Anda melakukan tugas Anda’?LDS LDS
Do we remember the words of President John Taylor: “If you do not magnify your callings, God will hold you responsible for those whom you might have saved had you done your duty”?
Apakah kita ingat perkataan Presiden John Taylor: “Jika Anda tidak meningkatkan pemanggilan Anda, Allah akan menjadikan Anda bertanggung jawab atas mereka yang dapat Anda selamatkan seandainya Anda melakukan tugas Anda?”LDS LDS
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