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Provo, Utah
But make sure you ask for a replacement when you get to Provo.
Tapi pastikan kau meminta gantinya saat tiba di Provo.
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Provisional Irish Republican Army · Tentara Republik Irlandia Sementara


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They had placed his name on the prayer roll of the Provo Utah Temple.
Mereka telah memasukkan namanya dalam daftar doa Bait Suci Provo Utah.LDS LDS
Two weeks ago the Provo City Center Temple was dedicated as the 150th operating temple of the Church worldwide.
Dua minggu lalu Bait Suci Provo City Center didedikasikan sebagai bait suci Gereja ke-150 yang beroperasi di seluruh dunia.LDS LDS
They also teach senior couples at the missionary training center in Provo, where they find that just about every group includes somebody who has overcome obstacles in order to serve.
Mereka juga mengajar pasangan-pasangan senior di pusat pelatihan misionaris di Provo, di mana mereka menemukan bahwa hampir di setiap kelompok terdapat seseorang yang telah mengatasi rintangan untuk melayani.LDS LDS
When President Monson was called as an Apostle in 1963, there were 12 operating temples in the world.2 With the dedication of the Provo City Center Temple, there are now 150, and there will be 177 when all announced temples are dedicated.
Ketika Presiden Monson dipanggil sebagai Rasul pada tahun 1963, ada 12 bait suci yang beroperasi di dunia.2 Dengan pendedikasian Bait Suci Provo City Center, kini ada 150, dan akan ada 177 ketika semua bait suci yang diumumkan didedikasikan.LDS LDS
And her father didn’t notice at all, more engrossed in something Lord Provos was saying.
Sementara itu, ayahnya tidak menghiraukan sama sekali, sedang sibuk menyimak perkataan Lord Provos.Literature Literature
Late last year the Provo Tabernacle in Utah County was seriously damaged by a terrible fire.
Akhir tahun lalu Tabernakel Provo di Utah County rusak parah karena kebakaran hebat.LDS LDS
Not long after our friend Carolyn Rasmus joined the faculty of Brigham Young University, a group of her new teaching colleagues invited her to join them on a Saturday hike in the mountains above Provo.
Tidak lama setelah teman kami Carolyn Rasmus bergabung dengan staf pengajar di Universitas Brigham Young, sekelompok rekan- rekan dosennya yang baru mengundangnya untuk bergabung dengan mereka pada suatu pendakian hari Sabtu di pegunungan di atas Provo.LDS LDS
They were married on December 22, 1972, in the Provo Utah Temple.
Mereka menikah pada tanggal 22 Desember 1972 di Bait Suci Provo Utah.LDS LDS
Because of educational opportunities, professional positions, and Church assignments, Elder Godoy; his wife, Mônica Soares Brandão; and their four children have lived in many places, including Porto Alegre, Brazil; São Paulo, Brazil; Provo, Utah, USA; and Belem, Brazil.
Karena kesempatan pendidikan, jabatan profesional, dan penugasan Gereja, Penatua Godoy; istrinya, Mônica Soares Brandão; serta empat anak mereka telah menetap di banyak tempat, termasuk Porto Alegre, Brasil; São Paulo, Brasil; Provo, Utah, Amerika Serikat; dan Belem, Brasil.LDS LDS
As soon as Howard left President McKay’s office, he went to his hotel room and called Claire, who was in Provo visiting their son John and his wife and their baby.
Segera setelah Howard meninggalkan kantor Presiden McKay, dia pergi ke kamar hotelnya dan menelepon Claire, yang berada di Provo mengunjungi putra mereka, John dan istrinya serta bayi mereka.LDS LDS
From a devotional address given at the Provo Missionary Training Center on June 24, 2011.
Dari sebuah ceramah kebaktian yang diberikan di Pusat Pelatihan Misionaris Provo pada tanggal 24 Juni 2011.LDS LDS
At the urging of medical professionals in Provo, she attended a six-month course of study on midwife skills in London.
Atas dorongan para pelaku medis di Provo, dia mengikuti studi kursus enam bulan keterampilan kebidanan di London.LDS LDS
From an address given during the seminar for new mission presidents at the Provo Missionary Training Center on June 26, 2013.
Dari sebuah ceramah yang disampaikan selama seminar untuk para presiden misi baru di Pusat Pelatihan Misionaris Provo tanggal 26 Juni 2013.LDS LDS
Provo, Utah, was singled out as the metro area with the highest percentage (90 percent) of its population claimed by one of the 149 participating religious groups.
Provo, Utah, dianggap sebagai kota yang memiliki persentase (90 persen) dari jumlah penduduknya yang memeluk salah satu dari 149 kelompok agama tadi.LDS LDS
Almost three years ago a devastating fire gutted the interior of the beloved, historic tabernacle in Provo, Utah.
Hampir tiga tahun lalu kebakaran yang menghancurkan memusnahkan tabernakel terkasih dan bersejarah di Provo, Utah.LDS LDS
Throughout 2007, 17-year-old Jake McKell in the Grandview 21st Ward, Provo Utah Grandview Stake (USA), along with his peers and leaders, participated in a challenge issued by their bishop to read True to the Faith from cover to cover during the year.
Sepanjang tahun 2007, Jake McKell yang berusia 17 tahun di Lingkungan ke-21 Grandview, Wilayah Provo Utah Grandview (Amerika Serikat), bersama dengan teman-teman sebaya dan pemimpinnya, berperan serta dalam sebuah tantangan yang dikeluarkan oleh uskup mereka untuk membaca Teguh pada Iman dari halaman ke halaman sepanjang tahun.LDS LDS
Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles was serving as the Senior President of the Seventy when he spoke to students at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, USA, in September 2015.
Rasband dari Kuorum Dua Belas Rasul sedang melayani sebagai Presiden Senior dari Tujuh Puluh sewaktu dia berbicara kepada para mahasiswa Universitas Brigham Young di Provo, Utah, AS, pada bulan September 2015.LDS LDS
In my own family, four of our children have served missions, and our fifth missionary will enter the Provo Missionary Training Center at the end of this month.
Dalam keluarga saya sendiri, empat anak kami telah melayani misi, dan misionaris kelima kami akan masuk ke Pusat Pelatihan Misionaris Provo di akhir bulan ini.LDS LDS
She was a young wife and mother from Provo, Utah.
Dia adalah seorang istri yang muda dan ibu yang berasal dari Provo, Utah.LDS LDS
One day in his boyhood he came home from Provo Canyon with a water snake, which he named Herman.
Suatu hari ketika dia masih kecil dia pulang ke rumah dari Provo Canyon dengan ular air yang dinamai Herman.LDS LDS
When I was growing up, each summer our family would drive to Provo Canyon, about 45 miles (72 km) south and a little east of Salt Lake City, where we would stay in the family cabin for several weeks.
Ketika saya dibesarkan, setiap musim panas keluarga kami mengendarai mobil ke Ngarai Provo, kira-kira 72 km di sebelah selatan dan sedikit ke arah timur Salt Lake City, di mana kami tinggal dalam kabin keluarga selama beberapa minggu.LDS LDS
Dad would drive about 35 miles an hour all the way up to Provo Canyon or until we would come around a bend in the road and our journey would be halted by a herd of sheep.
Ayah biasanya mengendarai dengan kecepatan kira-kira 56 km per jam sepanjang jalan hingga ke Ngarai Provo atau sampai kami tiba di belokan jalan dan perjalanan kami terhenti oleh kawanan domba.LDS LDS
The largest MTC is located in Provo, Utah, USA.
PPM terbesar berlokasi di Provo, Utah, AS.LDS LDS
In the hallowed halls of the Provo Missionary Training Center and in the verdant hills and valleys of Scotland, I experienced spiritual witness after spiritual witness that Joseph Smith was called of God, that he was His instrument in these latter days, and that he brought forth a book that existed long before he was born, a book that is true and without peer—the unparalleled keystone of a godly life of happiness.
Di dinding-dinding suci Pusat Pelatihan Misionaris Provo dan di bukit-bukit dan lembah-lembah hijau di Skotlandia, saya mengalami kesaksian rohani menurut kesaksian rohani di mana Joseph Smith dipanggil oleh Allah, bahwa dia adalah alat-Nya di zaman akhir ini, bahwa dia mendatangkan sebuah kitab yang sudah ada jauh sebelum dia lahir, sebuah kitab yang benar dan tanpa tandingan—batu kunci yang tak tertandingi dari kehidupan kebahagiaan menurut kehendak Allah.LDS LDS
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