Saint Lawrence oor Indonesies

Saint Lawrence

Saint Lawrence, Malta

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Indonesies


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Now that she's at the bottom of the Saint Lawrence River.
Sekarang dia berada di dasar sungai Saint Lawrence.
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Saint Lawrence

Now that she's at the bottom of the Saint Lawrence River.
Sekarang dia berada di dasar sungai Saint Lawrence.
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St. Lawrence

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Sungai Saint Lawrence

Now that she's at the bottom of the Saint Lawrence River.
Sekarang dia berada di dasar sungai Saint Lawrence.
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Gulf of Saint Lawrence
Teluk Santo Laurensius · Teluk Santo Lawrence · Teluk St. Lawrence
Saint Lawrence River
Sungai Saint Lawrence


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Now that she's at the bottom of the Saint Lawrence River.
Sekarang dia berada di dasar sungai Saint Lawrence.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It is the seat of the Bishop of Viterbo and is dedicated to Saint Lawrence.
Katedral ini adalah tempat dari Keuskupan Viterbo dan didedikasikan kepada Santo Lawrence.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Saint Lawrence, your window.
Santo Laurensius, di jendelamu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He was consecrated emperor at the Basilica of Saint Lawrence outside the Walls in Rome by Pope Honorius III on 9 April, 1217.
Dia ditahbiskan sebagai kaisar di Basilika Santo Laurensius di luar Tembok di Roma oleh Paus Honorius III pada tanggal 9 April, 1217.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Magdalen Islands (French: les Îles de la Madeleine ) is a small archipelago in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence with a land area of 205.53 square kilometres (79.36 sq mi).
Kepulauan Magdalen (bahasa Prancis: les Îles de la Madeleine ) adalah kepulauan kecil yang terletak di Teluk Saint Lawrence dengan luas daratan sebesar 205,53 km2.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is named for the L'Assomption River which flows through the region from the north before emptying into the Saint Lawrence River in the south of the region at Repentigny.
Region ini dinamai setelah Sungai L'Assomption yang mengalir melalui region itu dari utara sebelum berakhir di Sungai Saint Lawrence di selatan region di Repentigny.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Secondary divides separate the watersheds that flow into the Great Lakes and Saint Lawrence River (ultimately into the Atlantic) from watersheds that flow to the Atlantic via the Missouri-Mississippi complex.
Pembagi sekunder memisahkan DAS yang mengalir sampai Danau-Danau Besar dan Perairan Saint Lawrence (berujung di Atlantik) dari DAS yang mengalir ke Atlantik melalui kompleks Missouri-Mississippi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On the evening of the feast of Saint Lawrence (10 August), Stanislaus felt a mortal weakness, made worse by a high fever, and clearly saw that his last hour had come.
Pada malam perayaan Hari Santo Laurentius, tubuh Stanislaus jatuh lemah akibat demam tinggi, dan ia tampaknya bisa merasakan bahwa saat-saat terakhir hidupnya telah tiba.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
From these islands, Torres sailed along the southern coast of New Guinea reaching Orangerie Bay, which he named Bahía de San Lorenzo because he landed on 10 August, the feast of Saint Lawrence or San Lorenzo.
Dari kepulauan ini, Torres melayari sepanjang pesisir selatan Pulau Papua dan tiba di Teluk Orangerie, yang dia namai dengan Bahía de San Lorenzo sebab dia mendarati pulau ini pada tanggal 10 Agustus, sebagai perayaan Santo Laurensius atau San Lorenzo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The four major basilicas, together with the Minor Basilica of Saint Lawrence outside the Walls, all of which are in Rome, were formerly known as "patriarchal basilicas", along with a few other churches outside of Rome.
Empat basilika utama, bersama dengan Basilica Minor Santo Laurensius di Luar Tembok, yang semuanya berada di Roma tersebut sebelumnya dikenal sebagai "basilika patriarkal", bersama dengan beberapa gereja-gereja lain di luar Roma.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Built on the shores of the Yamaska River, at the border of the Saint-Lawrence lowlands, the city of Farnham is located in the center of important cities such as Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu (West) and Granby (North-East).
Terbentuk dari delta Sungai Yamaska, di perbatasan tanah rendah Saint-Lawrence, kota ini terletak di tengah-tengah dari kota-kota penting seperti Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu (di Barat) dan Granby (Timur Laut).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Spain was well established in the Americas, while Portugal had built up a network of trading posts and fortresses on the coasts of Africa, Brazil, and China, and the French had already begun to settle the Saint Lawrence River, which later became New France.
Pada saat itu, Spanyol telah menguasai Amerika, Portugis telah mendirikan pos perdagangan dan benteng di pantai Afrika, Brasil dan Cina, sedangkan Prancis sudah mencapai Sungai Saint Lawrence dan kemudian mendirikan koloni Prancis Baru.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
New France (French: Nouvelle-France) was the area colonized by France in North America during a period beginning with the exploration of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence by Jacques Cartier in 1534 and ending with the cession of New France to Great Britain and Spain in 1763 under the Treaty of Paris (1763).
Prancis Baru (bahasa Prancis: la Nouvelle-France) adalah sebuah teritori koloni Prancis di Amerika Utara pada periode sejak masa eksplorasi Sungai Saint Lawrence, oleh Jacques Cartier tahun 1534, hingga diserahkannya New France kepada Spanyol dan Britania Raya tahun 1763.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Airdate: November 21, 2014 Pozzallo (Port of Pozzallo) to Valletta, Malta (Grand Harbour) Valletta (Bridge Bar to Upper Barrakka Gardens via Triq Sant' Orsla) Żurrieq (Zurrieq Valley Sea Inlet – Boathouse) (Overnight Rest) Qrendi (Blue Grotto) Birgu (Monastery of Saint Scholastica – Triq Antika) Birgu (Saint Lawrence's Church Oratory) Birgu (Birgu Harbour or Gate of Provence) Gżira (Manoel Island – Fort Manoel) The leg's Roadblock required one team member to rappel down into the Blue Grotto, and, once in the water, swim into the cave to pick up their next clue.
Waktu tayang: 21 November 2014 Pozzallo (Pelabuhan Pozzallo) ke Valletta, Malta (Pelabuhan Grand Harbour) Valletta (Bridge Bar ke Upper Barrakka Gardens via Triq Sant' Orsla) Żurrieq (Zurrieq Valley Sea Inlet – Boathouse) (Istirahat Semalam) Qrendi (Blue Grotto) Birgu (Gereja Saint Scholastica – Triq Antika) Birgu (Gereja Saint Lawrence's) Birgu (Pelabuhan Birgu atau Gate of Provence) Gżira (Pulau Manoel – Benteng Manoel) Roadblock "Who's feeling blue?": Salah satu anggota tim harus menuruni sebuah tebing menggunakan tali dan terjun ke perairan Blue Grotto, kemudian mereka harus berenang ke dalam sebuah gua untuk mengambil petunjuk selanjutnya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The old central part of the town was founded on a hillock around St. Lovre's (St. Lawrence) Church, the patron saint of the town.
Bagian tengah kota yang lama ini didirikan di bukit kecil sekitar Gereja St. Lovro, santo pelindung kota ini.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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