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St. Lawrence

a North American river; flows into the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and the North Atlantic

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Saint Lawrence

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St. Lawrence

St Lawrence two and we as usual zero...
St Lawrence " 2 " dan kita sebagaimana biasa " 0 "...
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Sungai Saint Lawrence

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St. Lawrence River
Sungai Saint Lawrence
Gulf of St. Lawrence
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The battle took place on the Feast Day of St. Lawrence 10 August.
Pertempuran ini berlangsung pada hari perayaan St. Lawrence (10 Agustus).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
St Lawrence two and we as usual zero...
St Lawrence " 2 " dan kita sebagaimana biasa " 0 "...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The French may still fish in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
Prancis tetap diberi hak untuk menangkap ikan di Dunia Baru dan di Teluk Saint Laurent.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1525 and after - Basque fishermen and whalers regularly sail in the St. Lawrence estuary and the Saguenay River.
1525 hingga 1530 - Pemancing dan pemburu hiu Basque berlayar di muara St. Lawrence dan Sungai Saguenay.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Alien abduction - the first company to offer UFO abduction insurance was through The St. Lawrence Agency in Altamonte Springs, Florida.
Perusahaan pertama yang menawarkan asuransi penculikan UFO adalah St. Lawrence Agency di Altamonte Springs, Florida.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In North Dakota, 144 members of the St. Lawrence Pentecostal cult are feared dead after they set their compound ablaze.
Di North Dakota, 144 anggota St. Lawrence Pentecostal menjadi ketakutan setelah markas mereka dibakar.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
About 150 kilometres (93 mi) northeast of Quebec City, the hotel sits on a cliff along the St Lawrence River.
Sekitar 150 kilometer (93 mi) timur laut Kota Quebec, hotel ini terletak di tebing di sepanjang Sungai Saint Lawrence.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The old central part of the town was founded on a hillock around St. Lovre's (St. Lawrence) Church, the patron saint of the town.
Bagian tengah kota yang lama ini didirikan di bukit kecil sekitar Gereja St. Lovro, santo pelindung kota ini.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And all that fresh water came rushing out, ripping open the St. Lawrence there, and it diluted the salty, dense, cold water, made it fresher and lighter, so it stopped sinking.
Dan semua air tawar itu akan tumpah, membanjiri St. Lawrence di situ, dan ia mengencerkan air asin, padat, dan dingin, membuatnya lebih tawar dan ringan, sehingga berhenti tenggelam.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Later archaeological evidence suggests that Vinland may have been the areas around the Gulf of St. Lawrence and that the L'Anse aux Meadows site was a ship repair station and waypoint for voyages there.
Kemudian, penelitian arkeologi menyatakan bahwa Vinland berada di wilayah sekitar Teluk St. Lawrence dan situs L'Anse aux Meadows merupakan tempat perbaikan kapal.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The two women, who have both fallen on hard economic times, form a desperate and uneasy alliance and begin trafficking illegal immigrants from Canada into the United States across the frozen St. Lawrence River for $1,200 each.
Ray dan Lila, yang mengalami kesulitan ekonomi, bekerja sama dan mulai memperdagangkan imigran gelap dari Kanada ke Amerika Serikat melalui Sungai Saint Lawrence yang beku seharga $1,200 per orang.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Minor Basilica of St. Lawrence in Damaso (Basilica Minore di San Lorenzo in Damaso) or simply San Lorenzo in Damaso is a parish and titular church in central Rome, Italy that is dedicated to St. Lawrence, deacon and martyr.
Basilika Minor Santo Lawrence di Damaso (Basilica Minore di San Lorenzo in Damaso) atau singkatnya San Lorenzo in Damaso adalah sebuah paroki dan gereja tituler di tengah Roma, Italia yang didedikasikan kepada St. Lawrence, deakon dan martir.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Soon after, the Council and Felix V (in order to bring the Jagiellonians and Habsburgs to their side), granted Alexander the title of Cardinal with the diocese of St. Lawrence at Damascus (12 October 1440), the Swiss Bishopric of Chur (March 1442) and finally the rectory of St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna.
Segera setelah itu, Konsili dan Feliks V (untuk menarik bangsa Jagiellonian dan Habsburg ke sisi mereka), memberi Aleksander gelar Kardinal dengan keuskupan St. Lawrence di Damascus (12 Oktober 1440), Keuskupan Swiss di Chur (Maret 1442) dan akhirnya rektor di Katedral St. Stephan di Wina.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He was Bishop of Trento since 1425, titular Patriarch of Aquileia since 1439, Cardinal nominated by Antipope Felix V as titular of the diocese of St. Lawrence at Damascus (San Lorenzo in Damaso) since 1440, titular Bishop of Chur since 1442 and rector at St. Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna since 1442, a diplomat.
Ia merupakan Uskup Trento sejak tahun 1425, bergelar Patriarkat Aquileia sejak tahun 1439, Kardinal yang ditunjuk oleh Anti-Paus Feliks V sebagai keuskupan St. Lawrence di Damaskus (San Lorenzo in Damaso) sejak tahun 1440, bergelar Uskup Chur sejak tahun 1442 dan rektor di Katedral St. Stephan, Wina sejak tahun 1442, diplomat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The five, formerly styled "patriarchal basilicas" of Rome, were previously assigned to and associated with the five ancient patriarchates of the Latin Church, or the Pentarchy: St. John Lateran was associated with Rome (Patriarch of the West), St. Peter's with Constantinople (Latin Patriarch of Constantinople), St. Paul's with Alexandria (Latin Patriarch of Alexandria), St. Mary Major with Antioch (Latin Patriarch of Antioch), and St. Lawrence with Jerusalem (Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem).
Lima, yang dahulunya bergaya "basilika patriarkal" dari Roma, sebelumnya ditugaskan untuk dan terkait dengan lima patriarkat dari Gereja Latin, atau Pentarki: Santo Yohanes Lateran dikaitkan dengan Roma (Patriark Barat), Santo Petrus dengan Konstantinopel (Patriark Latin Konstantinopel), Santo Paulus dengan Alexandria (Patriark Latin Aleksandria), Santa Maria Maggiore dengan Antiokhia (Patriark Latin Antiokhia), dan Santo Laurensius dengan Yerusalem (Patriark Latin Yerusalem).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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