St. Luke oor Indonesies

St. Luke

(New Testament) the Apostle closely associated with St. Paul and traditionally assumed to be the author of the third Gospel

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St. Luke

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The next day, he collapsed and was rushed into surgery at St. Luke's Hospital to control a severely swollen prostate.
Keesokan harinya, ia pingsan dan dilarikan ke Rumah Sakit St. Luke untuk membedah prostatnya yang telah membengkak.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1472, he must have completed his apprenticeship since he was enrolled as a master in the Confraternity of St Luke.
Pada tahun 1472 ia kemungkinan besar telah menyelesaikan masa belajarnya karena ia telah bergabung sebagai pelukis di organisasi Persaudaraan Santo Lukas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
To learn more about Luke’s intentions for writing his Gospel, read “Introduction to the Gospel According to St. Luke,” which precedes this lesson.
Untuk belajar lebih banyak mengenai maksud Lukas menuliskan Kitab Injilnya, bacalah “Pendahuluan untuk Injil Lukas,” yang mendahului pelajaran ini.LDS LDS
The Last Supper in the New Testament was taken in the coenaculum, the large upper room cited in St. Mark (xiv.15) and St. Luke (xxii.12).
Perjamuan Terakhir dalam Perjanjian Baru diambil di coenaculum, ruang atas yang besar dikutip dari St. Mark (xiv.15) and St. Luke (xxii.12).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 2002, Jackman sang the role of Billy Bigelow in the musical Carousel in a special concert performance at Carnegie Hall with the Orchestra of St. Luke's.
Pada tahun 2002, Jackman menyanyikan peran Billy Bigelow di Carousel musikal dalam sebuah pertunjukan konser spesial di Carnegie Hall bersama Orchestra St. Luke's.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He seems to have spent some time in Amsterdam but was back in Haarlem in 1681-1683 where he married and joined the Haarlem Guild of St. Luke.
Dia banyak menghabiskan waktunya di Amsterdam tetapi kembali ke Haarlem pada tahun 1681-1683 di saat dia menikah dan bergabung dengan Haarlem Guild of St. Luke.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At the time, Rohauer was reported to have died at the St. Luke's–Roosevelt Hospital Center in Manhattan, New York City from complications following a heart attack on November 10, 1987.
Pada masa itu, Rohauer dikabarkan meninggal di St. Luke's–Roosevelt Hospital Center, Manhattan, New York City akibat komplikasi setelah serangan jantung pada 10 November 1987.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
St. Luke the Evangelist lists Philip's territories as Iturea and Trachonitis: Josephus gives his territories variously as Batanea, Gaulanitis, Trachonitis and Paneas ( Antiquities XVII, 8 : 1) and Batanea, Trachonitis, Auranitis, and "a certain part of what is called the House of Zenodorus" (Ant XVII, 11 : 4).
Injil Lukas mencatat wilayah Filipus adalah Iturea dan Trakhonitis, sementara sejarawan Yahudi-Romawi Flavius Yosefus mencatat wilayahnya adalah Batanea, Gaulanitis, Trakhonitis dan Paneas ( Antiquities XVII, 8 : 1) atau Batanea, Trachonitis, Auranitis, dan "suatu bagian tertentu yang disebut "House of Zenodorus" (atau yang kemudian dikenal sebagai Abilene) (Antiquities XVII, 11 : 4).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"Despite the difficulties urged, ...against the historical character of the three temptations of Jesus, as recorded by St. Matthew and St. Luke, it is plain that these sacred writers intended to describe an actual and visible approach of Satan, to chronicle an actual shifting of places, etc., and that the traditional view, which maintains the objective nature of Christ's temptations, is the only one meeting all the requirements of the Gospel narrative."
"Meskipun diajukan kesulitan-kesulitan, ... terhadap karakter sejarah ketiga pencobaan Yesus, sebagaimana dicatat oleh St. Matius dan St. Lukas, jelas bahwa para penulis kudus itu bermaksud menggambarkan pendekatan aktual dan dapat dilihat oleh Setan, untuk membukukan perpindahan tempat yang aktual, dan lain-lain, dan bahwa pandangan tradisional, yang berpegang pada hakikat objektif pencobaan Kristus, adalah satu-satunya yang memenuhi semua persyaratan kisah Injil."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Luke 24:33-43; Mark 16:14 P53, St Martin of Tours: dividing cloak and vision.
Luk 24:33-43; Markus 16:14 P53, St Martin dari Tours: membagi jubah dan visi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
St. Paul's Island in Malta is known as the location where Paul and Luke were shipwrecked on their way to Rome.
"St. Paul's Island", di Malta, dikenal sebagai lokasi di mana Paulus dan Lukas terdampar di tengah perjalanana kapal mereka ke Roma.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The paintings on the nave are the works of Elena Virginia Costantinescu: The Madonna seen by evangelist Luke, Madonna seen by evangelist St. John, Maria Magdalene; and works of R. Merussi: Annunciation, Last Supper, Burial and Resurrection of the Lord.
Lukisan-lukisan di nave adalah karya Elena Virginia Costantinescu: Madonna yang dilihat oleh penginjil Luke, Madonna dilihat oleh penginjil St. Yohanes, Maria Magdalena; dan karya R. Merussi: Kabar Gembira, Perjamuan Terakhir, Penguburan dan Kebangkitan Tuhan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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