Timorese oor Indonesies


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Of or from Timor

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Extreme poverty results in a tenuous existence for the Timorese.
Kemiskinan yang parah telah menyebabkan kehidupan orang Timor sangat tidak mapan.
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orang Timor

Extreme poverty results in a tenuous existence for the Timorese.
Kemiskinan yang parah telah menyebabkan kehidupan orang Timor sangat tidak mapan.
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Problems to be solved include, East Timor-Indonesia Boundary Committee meetings to survey and delimit land boundary; and Indonesia is seeking resolution of East Timorese refugees in Indonesia.
Masalah yang perlu diselesaikan meliputi pertemuan Komite Perbatasan Timor Leste-Indonesia untuk menyurvei dan menetapkan perbatasan darat; dan Indonesia sedang mencari solusi atas pengungsi Timor Leste di Indonesia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 2000, he was awarded the Sydney Peace Prize for being "Courageous and principled leader for the independence of the East Timorese people".
Pada tahun 2000, ia dianugerahi Penghargaan Perdamaian Sydney karena menjadi "Pemimpin yang berani dan berprinsip untuk kemerdekaan rakyat Timor-Leste".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the cities, Indonesian troops began killing East Timorese.
Di kota-kota, pasukan Indonesia mulai membunuh orang Timor.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The museum is housed in the former Portuguese Timor court of justice building which was burnt down during the 1999 East Timorese crisis.
Museum tersebut berada di bekas mahkamah tinggi Timor Portugis yang dibakar saat krisis Timor Leste 1999.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
My cousin and I trekked to a lonely mountainside where thousands of Timorese had sought refuge.
Saya dan sepupu saya berjalan kaki ke lereng gunung yang sepi tempat ribuan orang Timor mengungsi.jw2019 jw2019
The Atoni (also known as the Atoin Meto, Atoin Pah Meto or Dawan) people are an ethnic group on Timor, in Indonesian West Timor and the East Timorese enclave of Oecussi-Ambeno.
Suku Atoni (juga dikenal sebagai Atoin Meto atau Dawan) adalah suku bangsa yang mendiami pulau Timor, tepatnya di Kabupaten Timor Barat, Indonesia dan enklave Oecussi-Ambeno, Timor Leste.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
According to specialist Gabriel Defert on the basis of statistical data available from the Portuguese and Indonesian authorities, and from the Catholic Church, between December 1975 and December 1981, approximately 308,000 Timorese lost their lives; this constituted about 44% of the pre-invasion population.
Menurut Gabriel Defert, berdasarkan data statistik pemerintah Portugal dan Indonesia serta Gereja Katolik, antara Desember 1975 dan Desember 1981, kurang lebih 300.000 warga Timor tewas; jumlah ini mewakili 44% populasi Timor Leste pra-invasi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Recruitment drives for the new East Timorese police service started in early 2000, and basic training commenced on March 27 that year under the auspices of the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor.
Usaha rekrutmen prajurit kepolisian baru di Timor-Leste dimulai pada awal tahun 2000, dan pelatihan dasar dimulai pada tanggal 27 Maret tahun tersebut di bawah pengawasan Administrasi Transisi PBB di Timor-Leste.hrw.org hrw.org
By 2005, most of the main campus buildings were established, and several hundred students were attending classes taught by returning expatriates and local Timorese.
Pada tahun 2005, sebagian besar bangunan kampus utama telah rampung dan ratusan siswa menghadiri kelas-kelas, diajari oleh ekspatriat yangkembali dan orang Timor lokal.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
However, the East Timorese government placed a high priority on re-establishing the F-FDTL and developing it into a force capable of defending the country.
Namun, pemerintah Timor Leste menempatkan prioritas yang tinggi pada pembangunan ulang F-FDTL dan mengembangkannya menjadi sebuah kekuatan yang mampu membela negara.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
By late 1979, between 300,000 and 370,000 Timorese had passed through these camps.
Pada akhir 1979, sekitar 300.000 sampai 370.000 orang Timor pernah ditahan di kamp ini.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A Timorese child never plays alone or quietly —the whole neighborhood joins in the fun!
Anak-anak Timor tidak pernah bermain sendirian atau dengan senyap —mereka bermain beramai-ramai!jw2019 jw2019
The militias killed approximately 1,400 Timorese and forcibly pushed 300,000 people into West Timor as refugees.
Milisi membunuh sekitar 1.400 rakyat Timor Timur dan dengan paksa mendorong 300.000 rakyat mengungsi ke Timor Barat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
RENETIL was established on June 20, 1988 in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, by ten East Timorese students, with the leadership of Fernando de Araújo as General Secretary.
The RENETIL didirikan pada tanggal 20 Juni 1988 di Denpasar, Bali, oleh sepuluh mahasiswa Timor Timur, dengan pimpinan Fernando de Araújo sebagai Sekretaris umum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
East Timorese cuisine has influences from Southeast Asian foods and from Portuguese dishes from its colonisation by Portugal.
Masakan Timor Leste memiliki pengaruh dari makanan Asia Tenggara dan dari hidangan Portugal dari penjajahan Portugal.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Viewed together the ‘letters’ reveal a rich and beautiful Timorese traditional culture that serves the Timorese well in their healing process.
Dapat dilihat secara bersama ‘surat-surat’ yang memperlihatkan kekayaan dan keindahan adat-istiadat tradisional masyarakat Timor yang membantu mereka dalam proses pemulihan.gv2019 gv2019
Ramos-Horta left East Timor three days before the Indonesian troops invaded to plead the Timorese case before the UN.
Ia meninggalkan Timor Leste tiga hari sebelum pasukan-pasukan Indonesia menyerang, untuk memohon pembelaan bagi kasus Timor di depan PBB.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
According to oral tradition Wehali was the first land that appeared from the waters which once covered the earth, which made it the centre or origin of the world from a Timorese perspective.
Menurut tradisi lisan, Wehali adalah tanah pertama yang muncul dari perairan yang pernah menutupi bumi, yang menjadi pusat atau asal-usul dunia dari perspektif orang Timor.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the next few days, men were ordered to dig several graves for Indonesian and East Timorese victims, some of whom they knew.
Dalam beberapa hari berikutnya, para pria diperintahkan untuk menggali beberapa kuburan untuk para korban dari Indonesia dan Timor Timur, yang beberapa di antaranya mereka kenali.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
According to Timorese scholar of Indonesian literature A. G. Hadzarmawit Netti, the title "Aku" emphasizes Anwar's individualistic nature, while the temporary title "Semangat" reflects his vitality.
Menurut seorang akademisi sastra Indonesia asal Timor, A. G. Hadzarmawit Netti, puisi "Aku" menekankan sifat individualistis Anwar, sedangkan puisi "Semangat" mencerminkan vitalitas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The decision came alongside Foreign Minister Ramos-Horta's request to the UN's High Commissioner for Human Rights to investigate allegations of human rights violations by the East Timorese police forces, as alleged by Human Rights Watch and the United States Department of State.
Keputusan ini dibuat setelah Menteri Luar Negeri Ramos-Horta meminta Komisaris Tinggi Hak Asasi Manusia PBB menyelidiki dugaan pelanggaran HAM oleh kepolisian Timor Leste seperti yang dituduhkan Human Rights Watch dan Departemen Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Warouw was removed from his position and his more accommodating approach to Timorese resistance rebuked by his superiors.
Warouw dipecat dan pendekatannya yang lebih lunak kepada pemberontak Timor ditolak oleh atasannya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As a result, many of the Timorese - weakened by starvation and surviving on small rations given by their captors - died of malnutrition, cholera, diarrhea and tuberculosis.
Akibatnya, banyak orang Timor—lemah karena lapar dan diberi jatah makanan yang sangat sedikit—meninggal karena kekurangan gizi, kolera, diare, dan tuberkulosis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"It is worth recalling that hundreds of thousands of East Timorese disappeared during the violence of September 1999, only to reappear later," he writes.
Ia menulis, "Perlu diketahui bahwa ratusan ribu orang Timor Leste menghilang semasa kekerasan September 1999, lalu muncul kembali."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In June 1976, TNI troops badly battered by a Fretilin attack exacted retribution against a large refugee camp housing 5-6,000 Timorese at Lamaknan near the West Timor border.
Pada Juni 1976, TNI yang terpukul oleh serangan Fretilin melancarkan balas dendam terhadap kamp pengungsi besar yang dihuni 5.000 sampai 6.000 orang Timor di Lamaknan, dekat perbatasan Timor Barat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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