Venn oor Indonesies


English logician who introduced Venn diagrams (1834-1923)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Indonesies


So, the way I see it, we have a very particular Venn diagram.
Jadi aku melihatnya sebagai diagram Venn tertentu.
Open Multilingual Wordnet

John Venn

Open Multilingual Wordnet

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

Venn's diagram
Diagram Venn
John Venn
John Venn · Venn
Venn diagram
Diagram Venn · diagram Venn


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
In addition, the company introduced a new corporate logo adding a third circle to the two that had been used in the past (the familiar card logo, resembling a Venn diagram, remained unchanged).
Selamat ulang tahunWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
[Venn diagram of a left outer join.]
Nikmati makan malam
You can add and remove data to the Venn diagram using the radio buttons associated with each row.
Oh ya, aku memberikanmu sebuah hadiah penyambutan
So, the way I see it, we have a very particular Venn diagram.
Hei.Kau tinggalkan sesuatu di tempat tidurOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He returned to Laos in 1912, married Princess Nhin Kham Venne in 1913, and started working as an interpreter for his father.
Apa yang salah denganmu, teman?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This report uses a Venn diagram to visualize data, so you can quickly get an idea of what proportion of users with a User ID assigned use only one type of device and what proportion use a combination of different device types.
Softball pria?
Andy Rodoreda as Father Ruth Venn as Rosie, the father's baby daughter Yolanda Ramke as Survivor Alison Gallagher as Mother Kallan Richards as Survivor Effron Heather as Survivor Scott Wood as Sniper Cargo was made for the Tropfest short film festival, where it was a finalist.
Hangat, darah beraroma sirup jagungWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Well, let's look at this Venn diagram.
Sudah kunubuatkan akan?!QED QED
Cargo is a 2013 Australian short film directed by Ben Howling and Yolanda Ramke, written by Ramke, and starring Andy Rodoreda as a father who must protect his young daughter (Ruth Venn) during a zombie apocalypse.
Jess tak perlu kata- kata kliseWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
You need a fucking Venn diagram for these people.
Kenapa kau di sini?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Even that retarded Venn diagram you just mentioned, it exists.
Kembali tidurOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Each Segment appears as a separate Venn diagram and as an independent row in the data table.
Tidak, jika kita masih bisa
"A Survey of Venn Diagrams".
Sesuatu yang diajarkan kakekkuWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Less-related visual signs include the Gankyil and the Venn diagram on three sets.
Dan mereka bilang aku lah yang gilaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
15 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.