ankle joint oor Indonesies

ankle joint

a gliding joint between the distal ends of the tibia and fibula and the proximal end of the talus

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pergelangan kaki

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On 26 October 2006, Podolski suffered a serious injury to his right ankle joint caused by teammate, Mark van Bommel, during a training session.
Pada 26 Oktober, Podolski menderita cedera serius pada sendi pergelangan kaki kanannya yang disebabkan oleh rekan setimnya, Mark van Bommel, selama sesi latihan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
According to Popular Science magazine, Konrad Spindler, of the University of Innsbruck, opined: “What were originally thought to be enigmatic tattoos correspond exactly to worn knee and ankle joints and degenerating vertebrae in his spine.
Menurut majalah Popular Science, Konrad Spindler, dari Universitas Innsbruck, berpendapat, ”Apa yang semula dikira tato yang membingungkan ternyata sesuai benar dengan lutut dan sendi-sendi pergelangan kaki yang aus dan degenerasi pada vertebrae di tulang belakangnya.jw2019 jw2019
Like birds, the pterosaurs had hollow bones and few flexible joints in wings and ankles.
Seperti burung, pterosaurus mempunyai tulang-tulang yang cekung dan beberapa sendi yang fleksibel pada sayap dan pergelangan kaki.jw2019 jw2019
Once John could sit up in bed, he began carving a wooden leg with an ingenious joint that served as an ankle to an artificial foot.
Saat John dapat duduk di tempat tidur, dia mulai memahat kaki kayu dengan sendi canggih yang berperan sebagai pergelangan kaki sebuah kaki palsu.LDS LDS
“An instrument of torture consisting of a frame with rollers to which a person’s wrists and ankles were tied so that his joints were stretched when the rollers were turned.”—Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.
”Sebuah alat yang terdiri dari rangka dengan katrol tempat orang yang hendak disiksa diikat kaki dan tangannya sehingga sewaktu katrol diputar pergelangan kaki dan tangannya tertarik.” —Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.jw2019 jw2019
Gouty tophi presenting as nodules on the finger and helix of the ear Tophus of the knee Tophii on the toe and ankle Gout complicated by ruptured tophi, the exudite of which tested positive for uric acid crystals Gout in the joint of the big toe Gout affects around 1–2% of the Western population at some point in their lifetimes and is becoming more common.
Nodulus pada jari dan heliks pada telinga yang menunjukkan munculnya gejala pirai pada tofi Tofus pada lutut Tofus jari kaki, dan di atas maleolus eksternal Pirai yang disertai komplikasi tofi yang pecah (eksudat yang diuji positif mengandung kristal asam urat) Pirai mempengaruhi sekitar 1–2% populasi di Barat pada suatu saat di kehidupan mereka, dan menjadi semakin umum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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