arabian peninsula oor Indonesies

arabian peninsula

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jazirah arab

It now wanders freely in several protected areas on the Arabian Peninsula.
Sekarang, oriks berkeliaran di beberapa daerah yang dilindungi di Jazirah Arab.

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Arabian Peninsula

eienaam, naamwoord
A peninsula in the Middle East, bordered on by Jordan, the Syrian desert and Iraq to the north, the Persian Gulf to the northeast, the Gulf of Oman to the east, the Arabian Sea (part of the Indian Ocean) to the south (southeast), the Gulf of Aden to the south, the Red Sea to the west (southwest) extending north into the Gulf of Aqaba, and north along the Red Sea Rift to the Mediterranean Sea on the west (northwest). It consists mainly of Saudi Arabia, and may be geologically defined as the Arabian plate, also as the Arabian subcontinent.

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Jazirah Arab

It now wanders freely in several protected areas on the Arabian Peninsula.
Sekarang, oriks berkeliaran di beberapa daerah yang dilindungi di Jazirah Arab.
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Jazirah Arabia

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Semenanjung Arabia

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By the time of his death, most of the Arabian Peninsula had converted to Islam.
Sebelum kematiannya, kebanyakan Semenanjung Arabia menjadi menjadi beragama Islam.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Hebrews possibly obtained their sardius stones from the Arabian Peninsula.
Orang Ibrani mungkin memperoleh batu-batu sardis dari Sem. Arab.jw2019 jw2019
After capturing Babylonia, he invaded the Arabian Peninsula, conquering the pre-Arab states of Dilmun and Meluhha.
Setelah menangkap Babilonia, ia menyerang Jazirah Arab, menaklukkan negara-negara pra-Arab, Dilmun dan Meluhha.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Afterwards, the fleet made voyages farther away to the Arabian Peninsula and East Africa.
Kemudian, armada menempuh perjalanan lebih jauh mencapai Jazirah Arabia dan Afrika Timur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pre-Islamic Arabia refers to the Arabian Peninsula prior to the rise of Islam in the 630s.
Arabia pra-Islam merujuk pada keadaan jazirah Arabia sebelum tersebarnya Islam pada tahun 630-an.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(Galatians 1:17) The term “Arabia” allows for a journey into any part of the Arabian Peninsula.
(Galatia 1:17) Istilah ”Arab” bisa memaksudkan bagian mana pun dari Semenanjung Arab.jw2019 jw2019
He tells me that the Al-Qaeda and the Arabian peninsula... are very active.
Dia berkata bahwa Al Qaeda dan orang-orang dari semenanjung Arab... sangat aktif.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The city was a stop for caravans coming from Persia and Mesopotamia en route to the Arabian Peninsula.
Kota ini adalah pemberhentian karavan dari Persia dan Mesopotamia yang akan menuju Semenanjung Arab.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Following an eastward course, Lehi’s group would have reached the southeastern shore of the Arabian peninsula.
Setelah mengarah ke timur, kelompok Lehi seharusnya mencapai pantai tenggara dari semenanjung Arab.LDS LDS
It is not certain, however, if it was the religion of the majority outside the Arabian Peninsula.
Tidak diketahui secara pasti apakah agama ini merupakan agama mayoritas di luar Semenanjung Arabia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Several of Cush’s sons are believed to have settled on the Arabian Peninsula. —See HAVILAH No.
Beberapa putra Kus diperkirakan menetap di Sem. Arab.—Lihat HAWILA No.jw2019 jw2019
Islam was introduced to the Horn of Africa early on from the Arabian peninsula, shortly after the hijra.
Islam diperkenalkan ke Tanduk Afrika lebih awal dari jazirah Arab, tak lama setelah hijrah.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The kingdom occupies 80% of the Arabian Peninsula.
Kerajaan ini menempati 80% dari Jazirah Arab.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Another 5.5 million people were under nominal Ottoman rule in the Arabian peninsula.
5,5 juta sisanya berada di bawah pemerintahan bayangan Utsmaniyah di jazirah Arab.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Okay, leopards are found in India, the Arabian Peninsula, the Himalayan foothills, sub-Saharan Africa...
Macan tutul ditemukan di India, Semenanjung Arab, di bawah Pegunungan Himalaya, Sub-Sahara Afrika...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
From the Arabian Peninsula, they first migrated to the south of Egypt before heading to the Maghreb.
Dari Jazirah Arab, mereka pertama kali hijrah ke selatan Mesir sebelum menuju Maghrib.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is also found at wadis in the Arabian Peninsula.
Juga ditemukan pada sejumlah wadi di semenanjung Arabia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1909, it became the first place in the Arabian Peninsula to be provided with electrical lights.
Pada 1909, tempat ini menjadi tempat pertama di Jazirah Arab yang diterangi pencahayaan listrik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Islam and the Arabic language came to Lebanon late from Arabian Peninsula, after the seventh century.
Islam dan Bahasa Arab baru datang ke Libanon dari Semenanjung Arab setelah abad ketujuh.Gatestone Institute Corpus Gatestone Institute Corpus
The ports around the Arabian Peninsula were also secured.
Pelabuhan di sekitar Jazirah Arab juga dapat diamankan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It now wanders freely in several protected areas on the Arabian Peninsula.
Sekarang, oriks berkeliaran di beberapa daerah yang dilindungi di Jazirah Arab.jw2019 jw2019
Arabia appears to be a unique personal name, and she seems to have been named for the Arabian Peninsula.
Arabia tampaknya merupakan nama pribadi yang unik, dan dia tampaknya telah dinamai seperti Jazirah Arab.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Christianity had active missions competing with the Persians' Zoroastrianism in seeking converts, especially among residents of the Arabian Peninsula.
Agama Kristen aktif bersaing dengan agama Majusi dari Persia dalam menarik pemeluk baru, khususnya di kalangan penduduk Jazirah Arab.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He added that Islamic scholars are unanimous in banning the building of non-Muslim places of worship in the Arabian Peninsula.
Ditambahkannya bahwa para cendekiawan Islam sepakat melarang pendirian tempat kebaktian kaum non-Muslim di Semenanjung Arab.Gatestone Institute Corpus Gatestone Institute Corpus
These languages are spoken mainly by small minority populations on the Arabian Peninsula in Yemen (Mahra and Soqotra) and Oman (Dhofar).
Bahasa-bahasa ini dituturkan terutama oleh populasi minoritas kecil di Semenanjung Arab di Yaman (Mahra dan Soqotra) dan Oman (Dhofar).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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