bitterly oor Indonesies


/ˈbɪtɚli/ bywoord
In a bitter manner.

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Sea ducks, for example, seem to thrive despite bitterly cold ocean winds.
Sebagai contoh, bebek laut tampaknya bisa bertahan meskipun harus menghadapi angin laut yang sangat dingin.
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Can you recall the names of mighty political or religious leaders who during your lifetime bitterly oppressed God’s people?
Adayang bisa dibantu?jw2019 jw2019
Sarah complained bitterly to Abraham and humiliated Hagar, causing the maidservant to flee. —Genesis 16:1-6.
Tidak.Kau sinting, tahu?jw2019 jw2019
They were not content with refusing to acknowledge Jesus, of whom their copies of the Scriptures testified, but they added to their reprehensibility by fighting bitterly to keep anyone else from acknowledging him, yes, from listening to Jesus. —Lu 11:52; Mt 23:13; Joh 5:39; 1Th 2:14-16.
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This apostle’s sin was due to fleshly weakness, and he was truly repentant and “wept bitterly.” —Matthew 26:69-75.
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Bitterly, I raised many objections.
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Upon reaching the village where Jehovah’s Witnesses were preaching, he was bitterly disappointed to find that the last book had been placed.
Oke, jadi, dengarkan, dia membelinyajw2019 jw2019
“No one asked my brother or me if we wanted to have two stepsisters and a stepbrother move into our house,” said one girl bitterly.
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Later he was to express himself bitterly on the matter: "There was in various transatlantic countries such an abundance of maize, that the farmers had to burn it as fuel in their railway engines.
Katakan padaku.Mana yang benar dan yang salah?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The chronicler Luke reports that “Stephen, full of graciousness and power,” and “performing great portents and signs among the people,” was bitterly opposed by Jews of the so-called Synagogue of the Freedmen and others from Asia and Africa.
Ada pertanyaan?jw2019 jw2019
A jeremiad is a long literary work, usually in prose, but sometimes in verse, in which the author bitterly laments the state of society and its morals in a serious tone of sustained invective, and always contains a prophecy of society's imminent downfall.
semuanya selesaiWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It’s not fair—not fair...’ She broke down, weeping bitterly.
Wilson Ward, DDS, Dokter gigi untuk dewasa, anak- anak dan orang tua.Literature Literature
Sentimental children forever whining about how bitterly unfair your lives have been.
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President Lyndon B. Johnson, Kennedy's successor, took up the mantle and pushed the landmark Civil Rights Act through a bitterly divided Congress by invoking the slain president's memory.
Aku akan psyched jika ia masih anak- anak saya.SilahkanWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“You husbands, keep on loving your wives and do not be bitterly angry with them.” —Col.
Aku bisa melihat jika aku dapat menemukan dia disanajw2019 jw2019
I became bitterly angry, revengeful, and suicidal.
Yg aku pikirkan pertama kali adalah rekankujw2019 jw2019
Reasons for ‘Weeping Bitterly
Beri aku dua menitjw2019 jw2019
And she said unto them, Call me not Naomi, call me Mara: for the Almighty hath dealt very bitterly with me.
Dengar, kupikir dia adalah bagian dari pencurian nuklir di ChechnyaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Polish government-in-exile in London bitterly opposed this and at the Tehran and Yalta conferences between Stalin and the western Allies, the allied leaders Roosevelt and Churchill asked Stalin to reconsider, particularly over Lwów, but he refused.
Dapat kau percaya " poontachat " (bokong wanita) ada di tempat ini?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sea ducks, for example, seem to thrive despite bitterly cold ocean winds.
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24:37-39) Others may ridicule or may bitterly oppose you.
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I still remember a bitterly cold Christmas day when she returned home from the cemetery with me shuffling along beside her.
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Her formerly tolerant husband changed and began to oppose her bitterly, even to the point of moving the family to a city a thousand miles [1,600 km] away.
Dia itu mimpi buruk, jujur saja!jw2019 jw2019
You see, she's bound to be insanely jealous at first, and she must resent you bitterly.
Ada sesuatu tentang... stafOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Remember how those words bitterly lamented man’s fewness of days and their fullness of trouble?
Cari ranjang dan kami akan menemukan medalimujw2019 jw2019
Paul counseled husbands: “Keep on loving your wives and do not be bitterly angry with them.” —Col.
Aku yakin Kau bisa melakukannyajw2019 jw2019
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