book burning oor Indonesies

book burning

The destruction, removal, or recalling of books, motion pictures, electronic games, the taking of television programs off the air, or the shutting down of Web sites as a form of censorship, especially motivated by religious or political objections to the material.

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Pembakaran buku

practice of destroying, often ceremoniously, books or other written material
Starting in 1999, Jehovah’s Witnesses in Georgia were the target of protests, book burning, and assault
Sejak 1999, Saksi-Saksi Yehuwa di Georgia menjadi sasaran aksi protes, pembakaran buku, dan penyerangan

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Starting in 1999, Jehovah’s Witnesses in Georgia were the target of protests, book burning, and assault
Sejak 1999, Saksi-Saksi Yehuwa di Georgia menjadi sasaran aksi protes, pembakaran buku, dan penyeranganjw2019 jw2019
Book burning is the practice of destroying, often ceremonially, books or other written material.
Pembakaran buku, biblioklasme atau librisida adalah tindakan memusnahkan, kadang secara seremonial, buku atau media tulisan lainnya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At least the damn book burned.
Setidaknya buku itu terbakar.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
If he sees his books burn without knowing they've been saved, he'd die.
Jika ia melihat buku-bukunya terbakar tanpa mengetahui mereka telah telah disimpan, dia akan matiOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Afterward he conducted a public book burning in the center of town.
Setelah itu, ia memimpin pembakaran buku di hadapan umum di pusat kota.jw2019 jw2019
A book burning.
Sebuah pembakaran buku.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
During the Nazi book burnings in 1933, no volumes from the university library were destroyed.
Selama pembakaran buku Nazi pada 1933, tidak ada jilid buku dari perpustakaan universitas ini yang dimusnahkan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He killed himself when the Senate had his books burned.
Ia bunuh diri saat Senat membakar buku-bukunya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After the First Council of Nicaea, Roman Emperor Constantine I issued an edict against Arius' writings, which included systematic book burning.
Setelah Konsili Nicea I, Kaisar Romawi Konstantinus I mengeluarkan suatu maklumat terhadap tulisan-tulisan Arius yang meliputi pembakaran buku secara sistematis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Of the military texts written before the unification of China and Shi Huangdi's subsequent book burning in the second century BC, six major works have survived.
Dari teks militer yang ditulis sebelum Unifikasi Tiongkok dan pembakaran buku Shi Huangdi di abad ke 2 sebelum masehi, enam karya besar berhasil selamat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Actually, incidents of book burning —a universal symbol of the suppression of freedom of thought and speech— have occurred in many countries and in many centuries.
Sebenarnya, peristiwa-peristiwa pembakaran buku —suatu lambang universal dari penindasan akan kebebasan berpikir dan berbicara —telah terjadi di banyak negara selama berabad-abad.jw2019 jw2019
After the book burning of 212 BC, the Han dynasty (202 BC–220 AD) produced works of mathematics which presumably expanded on works that are now lost.
Setelah pembakaran buku pada tahun 212 SM, dinasti Han (202 SM–220 M) menghasilkan karya matematika yang barangkali sebagai perluasan dari karya-karya yang kini sudah hilang.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The burning of literature is totally contrary to the Helsinki Accord and reminds some of us in the Commission of the book burnings that happened during the Nazi years.”
Pembakaran lektur benar-benar bertolak belakang dengan Persetujuan Helsinki dan mengingatkan beberapa anggota Komisi ini akan pembakaran buku yang terjadi selama masa-masa Nazi.”jw2019 jw2019
Public Communist symbols such as red stars and Soviet war memorials were removed, and Communist books were burned.
Lambang komunis seperti bintang merah dan monumen perang Soviet dihancurkan, dan buku-buku komunis dibakar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Her 1995 book helped Burns consider a variety of potential plots for the film.
Buku tahun 1995 buatannya membantu Burns menghimpun sebuah varietas dari alur-alur potensial untuk film tersebut.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In addition, in 681 communities demonstrators damaged symbols of Soviet authority such as red stars, Stalin or Lenin statues; 393 in which they damaged Soviet war memorials, and 122 communities in which book burnings took place.
Selain itu, di 681 wilayah terjadi perusakan simbol dari kekuasaan Soviet seperti bintang merah dan patung Lenin atau Stalin; sebanyak 393 kasus perusakan monumen peringatan perang Soviet, dan 122 kasus pembakaran buku.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If you Iike this book, I'II burn it for you.
Jika Anda Iike buku ini, I'II membakarnya untuk Anda.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In 1817, one of Kotzebue's books was burned during the Wartburg festival.
Pada 1817, salah satu Kotzebue dibakar saat festival Wartburg.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When I went back to our home, I found that all my school books were burned.
Ketika saya kembali ke rumah kami, saya menemukan bahwa semua buku sekolah telah terbakar.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The book was burned.
Bukunya terbakar.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
May 31 – Burning of Jaffna library: An organized mob of police and government-sponsored paramilitias begin burning the public library in Jaffna, Sri Lanka, destroying over 97,000 volumes in one of the most violent examples of ethnic book burning in the modern era.
31 Mei – Pembakaran perpustakaan Jaffna: Sebuah bom yang dilepaskan kepolisian dan paramiliter yang disponsori pemerintah mulai membakar perpustakaan umum di Jaffna, Sri Lanka, menghancurkan lebih dari 97,000 volume dalam salah satu contoh paling keras dari pembakaran buku etnis di era modern.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Grigori Medwedew, deputy chief engineer at Chernobyl in the 1970’s, describes in his book Burned Souls: “The cloud drifted across the small pinewood plantation that separates the reactor site from the town, covering the small forest with a radioactive rainfall of ash.”
Grigori Medwedew, deputi kepala teknisi di Chernobyl pada tahun 1970-an, melukiskan dalam bukunya Burned Souls, ”Awan radioaktif itu menggantung di sepanjang perkebunan kecil pohon pinus yang memisahkan lokasi reaktor dengan kota, mengguyur hutan kecil itu dengan hujan abu radioaktif.”jw2019 jw2019
In 1520 the pope issued a bull, or edict, that forbade Luther to preach and ordered that his books be burned.
Pada tahun 1520, paus mengeluarkan bula, atau maklumat, yang melarang Luther berkhotbah dan memerintahkan agar buku-bukunya dibakar.jw2019 jw2019
Some sort of burn book that she'd release to authorities if need be.
Semacam buku berisi rahasia kotor yang bisa diberikannya pada pihak berwajib jika perlu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Maybe there's something about his medical history in the burn book.
Mungkin ada sesuatu soal riwayat medisnya dalam buku rahasia.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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