book of account oor Indonesies

book of account

a record in which commercial accounts are recorded; "they got a subpoena to examine our books"

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The original meaning was "bundle (of written sheets)", hence "book", especially "book of accounts," and hence "office of accounts," "custom house," "council chamber".
Pengartian awalnya adalah "bundal (lembar tulis), kemudian "buku", khususnya "buku akun", dan kemudian "jabatan akun", "rumah adat", "kamar konsili".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Remind students of the Book of Mormon account of Alma, who was converted by the teachings of the prophet Abinadi.
Ingatkan para siswa mengenai kisah Kitab Mormon tentang Alma, yang diinsafkan oleh ajaran-ajaran Nabi Abinadi.LDS LDS
(Isaiah 34:16) Specifically, this “book of Jehovah” is his book of accounts, detailing the accounts that he has to settle with those who are his enemies and the oppressors of his people.
(Yesaya 34:16) Khususnya, ”kitab [Yehuwa]” adalah buku perhitunganNya, yang merinci perhitungan yang harus Ia adakan dengan mereka yang menjadi musuh-musuhNya dan para penindas umatNya.jw2019 jw2019
In another Book of Mormon account, Alma the Younger gives the interpreters to his son Helaman.
Dalam kisah Kitab Mormon lainnya, Alma yang Muda memberikan alat tafsir kepada putranya, Helaman.LDS LDS
Remind students of the Book of Mormon account in which Alma and his people fled from the army of King Noah and established a righteous city.
Ingatkan siswa tentang kisah Kitab Mormon di mana Alma dan rakyatnya melarikan diri dari tentara Raja Nuh dan mendirikan kota yang saleh.LDS LDS
Like the people in this Book of Mormon account, you can rejoice as you remember your baptismal covenant and the Lord’s promises to you.
Seperti orang-orang dalam kisah Kitab Mormon ini, Anda dapat bersukacita sewaktu Anda mengingat perjanjian baptisan Anda dan janji-janji Tuhan kepada Anda.LDS LDS
The Qur'anic narrative about Joseph is perhaps one of the Book's most detailed accounts of the life and deeds of a prophet.
(83-86) Sikap Orang Yahudi terhadap para rasul dan kitab-kitab yang diturunkan Allah SWT.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
* According to President Benson, why should we carefully study the Book of Mormon account of the visit of Jesus Christ to His people in the Americas?
* Menurut Presiden Benson, mengapa kita hendaknya menelaah secara saksama kisah Kitab Mormon tentang kunjungan Yesus Kristus kepada umat-Nya di Benua Amerika?LDS LDS
In this lesson, students will study and apply principles from Book of Mormon accounts of missionaries who became instruments in God’s hands and helped others receive eternal life.
Dalam pelajaran ini, siswa akan menelaah dan menerapkan asas-asas dari kisah Kitab Mormon tentang para misionaris yang menjadi alat dalam tangan Allah dan membantu orang lain menerima kehidupan kekal.LDS LDS
In this lesson, students will examine Book of Mormon accounts in which individuals and groups sought to overthrow the Church of God and to undermine religious rights and freedoms.
Dalam pelajaran ini, siswa akan meneliti kisah-kisah Kitab Mormon di mana individu-individu dan kelompok-kelompok berusaha untuk menggulingkan Gereja Allah dan untuk merusak hak-hak dan kebebasan beragama.LDS LDS
The first part of the book of Genesis contains the only accurate account of early human history.
Bagian pertama buku Kejadian memuat satu-satunya catatan yang akurat tentang sejarah masa awal manusia.jw2019 jw2019
“One of the shocking things of my life was to find on the books the accounts of many of the people in the community that I knew.
“Salah satu hal yang paling mengejutkan bagi kehidupan saya adalah menemukan di dalam buku-buku itu rekening tanggungan dari banyak orang dalam komunitas yang saya kenal.LDS LDS
It began with the book of Genesis, an account of the stages of creation and the beginning of the human family.
Buku pertama dalam Alkitab adalah buku Kejadian, yang menjelaskan proses penciptaan dan asal mula manusia.jw2019 jw2019
Boswell's book An Account of Corsica became a best-seller and helped to fan public interest in the plight of the Corsicans.
Boswell menerbitkan buku An Account of Corsica, yang menjadi buku laris dan membantu peningkatan ketertarikan umum atas penderitaan Korsika.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
What are some of the accounts that make the book of Daniel unique?
Catatan tentang apa saja yang membuat buku Daniel unik?jw2019 jw2019
The authenticity of the account contained in the books of Samuel is well established.
Keautentikan catatan yang terdapat dalam buku-buku Samuel ini telah diteguhkan dengan pasti.jw2019 jw2019
(Make sure that students understand that by studying the Book of Mormon account of the events surrounding Jesus Christ’s visit to the Americas, we can learn a pattern for preparing for the Second Coming.)
(Pastikan bahwa siswa memahami bahwa dengan menelaah kisah Kitab Mormon tentang peristiwa-peristiwa seputar kunjungan Kristus ke Benua Amerika, kita dapat mempelajari sebuah pola untuk mempersiapkan diri bagi Kedatangan Kedua).LDS LDS
Mormon wrote the first seven chapters of this book as a brief account of the wickedness and wars among the Nephites and Lamanites in his day.
Mormon menuliskan tujuh pasal pertama dari kitab ini sebagai laporan singkat tentang kejahatan dan peperangan di antara orang-orang Nefi dan orang-orang Laman pada zamannya.LDS LDS
The Book of Mormon contains the account of a man named Nehor.
Kitab Mormon memuat laporan mengenai seseorang bernama Nehor.LDS LDS
▪ Myth: Much of the book of Genesis, including the account about Adam and Eve, is allegory.
▪ Mitos: Sebagian besar buku Kejadian, termasuk catatan tentang Adam dan Hawa merupakan alegori.jw2019 jw2019
10 The Bible book of Proverbs presents an account illustrating this point.
10 Buku Alkitab Amsal memberikan catatan sehubungan dengan pokok ini.jw2019 jw2019
You can track their status from the Book Catalogue page of your account.
Anda dapat melacak statusnya dari laman Katalog Buku akun
The Book of Mormon contains many accounts of those who were ambitious for Christ.
Kitab Mormon memuat banyak kisah tentang mereka yang ambisius bagi Kristus.LDS LDS
You can track their status from the Book Catalog page of your account.
Anda dapat melacak statusnya dari laman Katalog Buku akun
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