bull through oor Indonesies

bull through

push or force; "He bulled through his demands"

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How did the bull get through the barrier?
Bagaimana banteng itu berhasil menembus pelindung?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Young bulls appear to enter musth during the dry season (January–May), while older bulls go through it during the wet season (June–December).
Gajah jantan muda tampaknya memasuki periode musth pada musim kemarau (Januari–Mei), sementara gajah jantan yang lebih tua mengalaminya pada musim hujan (Juni–Desember).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Later, he entered the temple with the blood of the bull, passed through the doors that separated the courtyard from the Holy and then through the curtain separating the Holy from the Most Holy.
Kemudian, ia memasuki bait dengan membawa darah lembu jantan, melewati pintu yang memisahkan halaman bait dan Ruang Kudus, kemudian melewati tirai yang memisahkan Ruang Kudus dan Ruang Mahakudus.jw2019 jw2019
It was erected by Pope John Paul II in 1984 through the Bull "Ex quo Divinum Concilium".
Eparki tersebut didirikan oleh Paus Yohanes Paulus II pada 1984 melalui bulla "Ex quo Divinum Concilium".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Now, how would it look if a SWAT parade trampled through the bull pen?
Bagaimana jadinya jika pawai SWAT menginjak-injak ruang kantor?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
One day a bull tried to break through the front door.
Suatu hari seekor sapi jantan mencoba menyeruduk pintu depan.jw2019 jw2019
I'm gonna cut through all that bull, and I'm gonna hook you right up.
" Aku Mengenal Baik Daerah Ini ".OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
To meet the Red Bull, you have to walk through time.
Untuk menemui Banteng Merah, kau harus berjalan menembus waktu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I'm sorry if that was crass, but I'm just trying to cut through all the bull.
Maaf kalau itu kasar, tapi aku hanya mencoba untuk memotong melalui semua banteng.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Now there's no way back and no way out but through the Red Bull's passage.
Kini tak ada jalan kembali dan tak ada jalan keluar kecuali melalui jalur Banteng Merah.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In Running with the Ballz, teams wore bumperz designed to look like bulls and ran through the streets of Seville, trying to avoid other "bulls", and looking for fragments of a motto printed on several posters along the route.
"Running with the Ballz": tim harus memakai bumperz yang didesain menyerupai seekor banteng dan kemudian berlarian di jalanan Sevilla, mencoba untuk menghindar dari banteng lainnya, sambil mencari motto "A matador never thinks about his own death" pada poster yang ditempel di sepanjang jalan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
You just walk through it and the Red Bull is on the other side.
Berjalanlah menembusnya, Banteng Merah ada di seberang.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Diocese of Rottenburg was established on 16 August 1821 through the Papal Bull De salute animarum, on territory split off from the suppressed Diocese of Konstanz.
Keuskupan Rottenburg didirikan pada 16 Agustus 1821 melalui bulla kepausan De salute animarum, pada wilayah yang dimekarkan dari Keuskupan Konstanz yang sudah dibubarkan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After months of dispute, a congregation of cardinals reported favourably upon the Constitution presented, and Paul III confirmed the order through the bull Regimini militantis ecclesiae ("To the Government of the Church Militant"), on 27 September 1540.
Sebuah dewan Kardinal memberikan laporan yang positif bagi usul konstitusi yang diajukan, dan Paus Paulus III mengukuhkan ordo ini melalui Bulla kepausan Regimini militantis Ecclesiae (27 September 1540), tetapi membatasi jumlah anggotanya 60 orang.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He will become the first rider to come through the Red Bull KTM system to the premier class, having competed in the Rookies Cup, Moto3 and Moto2 with KTM bikes.
Dia akan menjadi pembalap pertama yang datang melalui sistem Red Bull KTM ke kelas utama, setelah berkompetisi di Rookies Cup, Moto3 dan Moto2 dengan motor KTM.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He will be leading you so now that I know your taste in cars tell me, what about your women well starts with the eyes she got have those kind of eyes that can look right through the bull shit to the good in someone
Dia akan meninggalkanmu.untuk saat ini. Apakah mereka tahu yang kau lakukan?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
He was ushered in through the portal guarded by the colossal lions or bulls of white alabaster.
Ia dibawa masuk melalui gapura yang dijaga oleh singa-singa atau lembu-lembu raksasa dari batu pualam putih.jw2019 jw2019
5 Through Isaiah, Jehovah says: “A bull well knows its buyer, and the ass the manger of its owner; Israel itself has not known, my own people have not behaved understandingly.”
5 Melalui Yesaya, Yehuwa berfirman, ”Lembu mengenal baik pembelinya, dan keledai mengenal palungan pemiliknya; sedangkan Israel tidak mengenalnya, umatku berperilaku tanpa pengertian.”jw2019 jw2019
The Jubilee of Mercy was formally declared through the papal bull Misericordiae vultus, issued on 11 April 2015, which emphasizes the importance of mercy and the need to 'gaze' on it; the bull also recalls the need for the Church to be more open, keeping alive the spirit of the Second Vatican Council.
Yubileum Kerahiman secara resmi dideklarasikan melalui bulla kepausan Misericordiæ Vultus, yang dikeluarkan pada tanggal 11 April 2015, yang mana menekankan pentingnya kerahiman atau belas kasih dan kebutuhan untuk "menatap" padanya; bulla tersebut juga mengingatkan perlunya Gereja bersikap lebih terbuka, dan tetap menghidupi semangat Konsili Vatikan II.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kind of thick through the middle since we had a little girl, but I'm no prize bull, huh?
Sedikit sulit sejak anak gadis kami lahir, aku bukan orang berada, huh.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Following the model previously elaborated by Red Bull GmbH in Austria and the US, the club was set to emerge and quickly rise through the divisions.
Mengikuti model yang sudah dipaparkan oleh Red Bull GmbH di Austria dan AS, Leipzig bersiap untuk muncul dan dengan cepat naik tiap divisi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As we offer to Jehovah “the young bulls of our lips,” we must do our best to obey the direction he gives through his written Word and the earthly part of his organization. —Hosea 14:2; Hebrews 13:15.
Seraya kita memberikan kepada Yehuwa ’lembu-lembu jantan muda dari bibir kita’, kita harus berbuat sebisa-bisanya untuk menaati pengarahan yang Ia berikan melalui Firman-Nya yang tertulis dan bagian organisasi-Nya yang ada di bumi.—Hosea 14:2; Ibrani 13:15.jw2019 jw2019
Now, considering y'all have ridden a whole lot of miles, went through a whole lot of trouble, and done spread a whole lot of bull to purchase this lovely lady right here, it would appear that Broomhilda is, in fact... the right nigger.
Sekarang mengingat Anda semua memiliki menunggang lotta mil keseluruhan, pergi ke kesulitan lotta keseluruhan, dan dilakukan menyebar banteng whole lotta, untuk membeli ini wanita cantik di sini, itu akan muncul bahwa Broomhilda sebenarnya adalah " Negro Kanan "!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In the bull, Pope Francis stated about the opening of the holy door, "the Holy Door will become a Door of Mercy through which anyone who enters will experience the love of God who consoles, pardons, and instils hope".
Dalam bulla tersebut, Paus Fransiskus menyatakan tentang pembukaan pintu suci: "Pintu Suci akan menjadi sebuah Pintu Kerahiman di mana siapa pun yang memasukinya akan mengalami kasih Allah yang menentramkan, mengampuni, dan menanamkan pengharapan".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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