causa oor Indonesies


A comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy.

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doctor honoris causa
doctor honoris causa
honoris causa
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In 1957 he received an honorary doctorate honoris causa from Indonesia's oldest university, Gadjah Mada University.
Pada tahun 1957 ia mendapat gelar doktor kehormatan (doctor honoris causa, Dr.H.C.) dari universitas tertua Indonesia, Universitas Gadjah Mada.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Irenaeus, the Church Father (died 200), referred to Mary as "causa salutis" given her "fiat."
Irenaeus, Bapa Gereja (wafat tahun 200) telah merujuk Maria sebagai “causa salutis” (penyebab keselamatan kita) berdasarkan “fiat”-nya."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1969: Order of Merit (Germany) 1969: Sitara i Quaid i Azam 1979: Hilal-e-Imtiaz 1989: Hilal-i-Pakistan 2002: Ramon Magsaysay Award 2003: Jinnah Award from the Jinnah Society 2004: Doctor of Science (DSc), honoris causa.
1969: Penghargaan Negara Republik Federal Jerman 1969: Sitara i Quaid i Azam 1979: Hilal-e-Imtiaz 1989: Hilal-i-Pakistan 2002: Ramon Magsaysay Award 2003: Jinnah Award dari Jinnah Society 2004: Doctor of Science (DSc), honoris causa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1991, the Senate of Serampore College, Serampore, West Bengal, conferred upon her the degree of Doctor of Divinity (D.D.), honoris causa.
Pada tahun 1991, Senat Universitas Serampore, Serampore, Benggala Barat, menganugerahi Bunda Teresa gelar Doctor of Divinity (D.D.), honoris causa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The club is currently the only fully amateur club in the Scottish Professional Football League; its amateur status is reflected by its Latin motto, 'Ludere Causa Ludendi' – 'To Play for the Sake of Playing'.
Saat ini klub ini menjadi satu-satunya klub yang sepenuhnya amatir dalam Liga Sepak bola Profesional Skotlandia, di mana status amatir tercermin dalam motto berbahasa Latin, Ludere Causa Ludendi ("Untuk Bermain Demi Bermain").WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Positio Super Introductione Causae or the cause of beatification of Saint Lorenzo Ruiz was written by respected historian, Fr.
Positio Super Introductione Causae atau penyebab beatifikasi St. Lorenzo Ruiz ditulis oleh seorang sejarawan, Fr.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In January 2004, Sassen received the honoris causa degree in urbanism at Delft University of Technology.
Bulan Januari 2004, Sassen mendapat gelar honoris causa dalam bidang urbanisme dari Delft University of Technology.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1992 he was awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of the University (honoris causa) at Murdoch University in Perth in recognition of his services to higher education in Indonesia.
Pada tahun 1992 ia dianugerahi gelar kehormatan Doktor Universitas (honoris causa) di Murdoch University di Perth sebagai pengakuan atas jasa-jasanya untuk pendidikan tinggi di Indonesia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nemo judex in causa sua (or nemo judex in sua causa) is a Latin phrase that means, literally, "no-one should be a judge in his own case."
Nemo iudex in causa sua (atau nemo iudex in sua causa) adalah istilah dalam bahasa Latin yang berarti "tidak boleh ada yang menjadi hakim untuk perkaranya sendiri."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In December 2017, The Culinary Institute of America (CIA) conferred the honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters honoris causa in the Culinary Arts to Bourdain, who graduated from the CIA with an associate degree in 1978.
Bulan Desember 2017, The Culinary Institute of America (CIA)menganugerahkan gelar kehormatan honoris causa Doctor of Humane Letters di bidang kuliner kepada Bourdain; ia lulus dari CIA tahun 1978.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ban was awarded the degree of Doctor of Laws (Honoris Causa) by the University of Malta on 22 April 2009.
Ban dianugerahi gelar Doktor Honoris Causa dibidang hukum oleh Universitas Malta pada 22 April 2009.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Meet Mr. Benjamin Esposito, our recently retired royal honoris causa, and an old friend.
Temui Mr Benjamin Esposito, kami baru saja pensiun kerajaan honoris causa, dan seorang teman lama.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Archaeology is a science, not in the Aristotelian sense of cognitio certa per causas but in the modern sense of systematic knowledge.
Arkeologi adalah ilmu, bukan dalam makna Aristotelian cognitio certa per causas tetapi dalam pengertian modern mengenai pengetahuan sistematis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
basic_sleeping_potion,published,managed_by_android,false,en_GB; Basic Sleeping Potion; Puts small creatures to sleep.; es_ES; Poción básica de dormir; Causa las criaturas pequeñas ir a dormir.,false,,4637138456024710495
basic_sleeping_potion,published,managed_by_android,false,en_US; Basic Sleeping Potion; Puts small creatures to sleep.; es_ES; Poción básica de dormir; Causa las criaturas pequeñas ir a dormir.,false,,
In 2006 he was awarded a Doctor Honoris Causa degree at the University of Neuchâtel.
Pada tahun 2006, dia dianugerahi gelar Doktor Honoris Causa dari Universitas Neuchâtel.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 2009, the Illinois Institute of Technology granted Mayer an honoris causa doctorate degree in recognition of her work in the field of search.
Pada tahun 2009, Illinois Institute of Technology memberikan Mayer gelar kehormatan honoris causa atas sumbangsihnya dalam dunia pencarian.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She was conferred the D. Sc. (honoris causa) degree by several universities.
Ia menerima banyak gelar D.Sc (honoris causa) dari sejumlah universitas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He received a degree honoris causa from the Jagiellonian University in 1926.
Ia menerima gelar honoris causa dari Universitas Jagiellonian tahun 1926.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He also received the honoris causa degree of Doctor of Laws from the Chinese University of Hong Kong conferred on him in 1986.
Ia juga mendapatkan gelar honoris causa Doktor Hukum dari Universitas Tiongkok Hong Kong yang ia dapatkan pada 1986.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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