cesarean section oor Indonesies

cesarean section

(US, medicine) Alternative spelling of Caesarean section.

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Bedah sesar

surgical procedure in which one or more incisions are made through a mother's abdomen and uterus to deliver one or more babies
The births are either induced by medication or performed by cesarean section.
Persalinan-persalinan ini dirangsang oleh obat-obatan atau dilakukan melalui bedah sesar.

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Cesarean section

A surgical procedure in which incisions are made through a mother's abdomen and uterus to deliver one or more babies.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Indonesies

bedah caesar

A surgical procedure in which incisions are made through a mother's abdomen and uterus to deliver one or more babies.

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According to the BBC and the Chinese government's press release, January 2015 saw a peak of Cesarean sections.
Menurut BBC dan siaran berita pemerintah Cina, Januari 2015 adalah puncak dari operasi Caesar.ted2019 ted2019
The births are either induced by medication or performed by cesarean section.
Persalinan-persalinan ini dirangsang oleh obat-obatan atau dilakukan melalui bedah sesar.jw2019 jw2019
Also, forethought should be given as to what will be done if a cesarean section is required.
Selain itu, pemikiran ke depan harus diberikan tentang apa yang akan dilakukan jika bedah cesar diperlukan.jw2019 jw2019
If cesarean section is obtained in a timely manner, prognosis is good.
Jika operasi caesar dilakukan pada waktu yang tepat, prognosis menjadi lebih baik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cesarean Sections and Allergies
Bedah Cesar dan Alergijw2019 jw2019
Alice lost so much blood during the cesarean section that the doctors did not think she would live.
Alice kehilangan begitu banyak darah selama pembedahan cesar sehingga para dokter berpikir bahwa ia tidak akan selamat.jw2019 jw2019
(Philippians 4:7) The following morning our baby was delivered by cesarean section.
(Filipi 4:7) Keesokan paginya, bayi kami lahir melalui bedah cesar.jw2019 jw2019
▪ A quarter of births in the United States are now by Cesarean section.
▪ Seperempat kelahiran di Amerika Serikat sekarang dilakukan dengan operasi sesar.jw2019 jw2019
The quadruplets were born by Cesarean section on February 14, 1982, at 32 weeks.
Si kembar empat lahir dengan bedah sesar pada tanggal 14 Februari 1982, setelah dikandung selama 32 minggu.jw2019 jw2019
New Cesarean-Section Method
Metode Baru Bedah Sesarjw2019 jw2019
However, it is not recommended during cesarean section.
Namun, tidak dianjurkan selama operasi caesar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“We see a rapid increase in cesarean section, which by now accounts for more than 20 percent [of births].”
Bedah sesar mengalami peningkatan pesat, yang hingga sekarang dilakukan dalam lebih dari 20 persen [persalinan].”jw2019 jw2019
“A new method of cesarean section could result in faster and more gentle deliveries,” reports the German newspaper Augsburger Allgemeine.
”Metode baru bedah sesar dapat mempercepat dan memperlancar persalinan,” lapor surat kabar Jerman, Augsburger Allgemeine.jw2019 jw2019
The treatment of obstructed labour may require cesarean section or vacuum extraction with possible surgical opening of the symphysis pubis.
Tatalaksana persalinan macet mungkin memerlukan operasi caesar atau ekstraksi vakum dengan kemungkinan pembukaan bedah simfisis pubis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the United States, more and more infants are delivered early —by induced labor or by Cesarean section— out of convenience.
Di Amerika Serikat, semakin banyak bayi dilahirkan sebelum waktunya—melalui perangsangan atau bedah cesar—demi kenyamanan.jw2019 jw2019
The doctors decided that if his heart didn’t start beating normally, both babies would be delivered by emergency cesarean section within minutes.
Para dokter memutuskan bahwa jika jantungnya tidak mau berdenyut secara normal, kedua bayi itu akan dilahirkan melalui operasi cesar dalam beberapa menit.LDS LDS
▪ According to one study, Cesarean sections more than triple the risk of maternal death, as compared with normal deliveries. —OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY, U.S.A.
▪ Menurut penelitian, risiko kematian pada persalinan sesar lebih dari tiga kali lipat daripada persalinan normal. —OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY, AS.jw2019 jw2019
When the doctor also noticed that there were some 30 Witnesses anxiously waiting at the hospital, he was impressed and agreed to perform a cesarean section without blood.
Ketika dokter itu juga melihat bahwa ada kira-kira 30 Saksi dengan cemas menunggu di rumah sakit, ia terkesan dan setuju untuk melakukan bedah caesar tanpa menggunakan darah.jw2019 jw2019
Researchers also warn that mothers who deliver their first baby by Cesarean section have more difficulty conceiving again and are less likely to deliver their second baby normally.
Para peneliti juga memperingatkan bahwa ibu yang melahirkan bayi pertama mereka melalui bedah sesar akan lebih sulit mengandung lagi dan lebih kecil kemungkinannya melahirkan bayi kedua secara normal.jw2019 jw2019
If the baby is too developed to be killed by these or similar methods, one option remains —hysterotomy, a cesarean section with a twist, ending life instead of saving it.
Jika bayi ternyata terlalu besar untuk dibunuh dengan metode semacam ini, masih ada satu pilihan —histerotomi, pembedahan cesar dengan tujuan lain, mengakhiri kehidupan sebaliknya daripada menyelamatkannya.jw2019 jw2019
He was surprised that I spoke Chinese and told me that he was on his way to the hospital, since his wife was soon to give birth by Cesarean section.
Ia terkejut bahwa saya berbicara bahasa Cina dan memberi tahu saya bahwa ia sedang menuju rumah sakit, karena istrinya akan segera melahirkan dengan bedah sesar.jw2019 jw2019
A study of 865 babies who were all exclusively breast-fed for the first four months showed that those delivered by Cesarean section had more digestive problems and were more likely to develop food intolerances.
Penelitian atas 865 bayi yang diberi ASI saja selama empat bulan pertama memperlihatkan bahwa bayi yang lahir melalui bedah cesar mempunyai lebih banyak gangguan pencernaan dan lebih cenderung alergi terhadap makanan.jw2019 jw2019
Consistent and proactive precautionary measures, such as the rigorous use of antiretroviral medications, cesarean section, face masks, heavy-duty rubber gloves, clinically segregated disposable diapers, and avoidance of mouth contact will further reduce child-attendant transmission of HIV to as little as 1–2%.
Dengan langkah dan perhatian khusus, seperti penggunaan obat antiretroviral secara ketat, persalinan sesar, penggunaan masker, sarung tangan karet khus, popok khusus sekali pakai, dan menghindari kontak mulut akan mengurangi risiko penularan HIV bayi-tenaga medis hingga risiko hanya sebesar 1-2%.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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