chest of drawers oor Indonesies

chest of drawers

A piece of furniture which has multiple parallel, horizontal drawers stacked one above each other, used mainly for the storage of clean clothes.

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The evening before, I carelessly put some reports and addresses of the brothers under a chest of drawers.
Malam sebelumnya, saya teledor meletakkan beberapa laporan dan alamat saudara di bawah sebuah lemari berlaci-laci.
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lemari laci

The evening before, I carelessly put some reports and addresses of the brothers under a chest of drawers.
Malam sebelumnya, saya teledor meletakkan beberapa laporan dan alamat saudara di bawah sebuah lemari berlaci-laci.

lemari pakaian

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At first he slid down a few times on the smooth chest of drawers.
Pada awalnya ia meluncur turun beberapa kali di dada mulus laci.QED QED
He looked over at the alarm clock ticking away by the chest of drawers.
Dia menatap jam alarm berdetak oleh laci.QED QED
The evening before, I carelessly put some reports and addresses of the brothers under a chest of drawers.
Malam sebelumnya, saya teledor meletakkan beberapa laporan dan alamat saudara di bawah sebuah lemari berlaci-laci.jw2019 jw2019
We constructed beds and furniture out of materials that were available and used apple boxes for our chest of drawers.
Kami membuat ranjang dan perabotan sendiri dari bahan-bahan yang tersedia dan menggunakan kotak-kotak apel sebagai laci.jw2019 jw2019
Now, Gregor could still do without the chest of drawers if need be, but the writing desk really had to stay.
Sekarang, Gregor masih bisa melakukannya tanpa laci jika perlu, tetapi meja tulis benar- benar harus tinggal.QED QED
I remember the amazement I felt at the things people had snatched from their homes —from rice pots to heavy chests of drawers.
Saya ingat betapa heran saya melihat barang-barang yang dibawa orang dari rumah mereka—dari panci nasi sampai lemari-lemari yang berat.jw2019 jw2019
Gregor's creeping around as easy as possible and thus of removing the furniture which got in the way, especially the chest of drawers and the writing desk.
Gregor yang merayap di sekitar semudah mungkin dan dengan demikian menghapus furnitur yang mendapat di jalan, terutama laci dan meja tulis.QED QED
But unfortunately it was his mother who came back into the room first, while Grete had her arms wrapped around the chest of drawers in the next room and was rocking it back and forth by herself, without moving it from its position.
Tapi sayangnya itu ibunya yang datang kembali ke ruangan pertama, sementara Grete telah lengannya memeluk lemari laci di kamar sebelah dan goyang itu bolak- balik dengan dirinya sendiri, tanpa bergerak dari posisinya.QED QED
And scarcely had the women left the room with the chest of drawers, groaning as they pushed it, when Gregor stuck his head out from under the sofa to take a look how he could intervene cautiously and with as much consideration as possible.
Dan hampir tidak memiliki wanita meninggalkan ruangan dengan dada laci, mengerang karena mereka mendorongnya, ketika Gregor terjebak kepalanya keluar dari bawah sofa untuk melihat bagaimana ia bisa campur tangan hati- hati dan dengan sebagai pertimbangan sebanyak mungkin.QED QED
And so she did not let herself be dissuaded from her decision by her mother, who in this room seemed uncertain of herself in her sheer agitation and soon kept quiet, helping his sister with all her energy to get the chest of drawers out of the room.
Dan ia tidak membiarkan dirinya dibujuk dari keputusannya oleh ibunya, yang dalam ruangan ini tampak tidak yakin dirinya dalam agitasi belaka dan segera diam, membantu adiknya dengan semua energi untuk mendapatkan dada laci keluar dari ruangan.QED QED
Now Gregor listened as these two weak women shifted the still heavy old chest of drawers from its position, and as his sister constantly took on herself the greater part of the work, without listening to the warnings of his mother, who was afraid that she would strain herself.
Sekarang Gregor mendengarkan kedua wanita- wanita lemah bergeser dada lama masih berat laci dari posisinya, dan sebagai adiknya terus mengambil dirinya besar bagian dari pekerjaan, tanpa mendengarkan dengan peringatan ibunya, yang takut bahwa dia akan membebani dirinya sendiri.QED QED
While Gregor was quickly blurting all this out, hardly aware of what he was saying, he had moved close to the chest of drawers without effort, probably as a result of the practice he had already had in bed, and now he was trying to raise himself up on it.
Sementara Gregor segera melontarkan semua hal ini, hampir tidak menyadari apa yang dia katakan, dia pindah dekat dengan lemari laci tanpa usaha, mungkin sebagai akibat dari praktek dia sudah di tempat tidur, dan sekarang ia mencoba mengangkat dirinya di atasnya.QED QED
She had grown accustomed, certainly not without justification, so far as the discussion of matters concerning Gregor was concerned, to act as an special expert with respect to their parents, and so now the mother's advice was for his sister sufficient reason to insist on the removal, not only of the chest of drawers and the writing desk, which were the only items she had thought about at first, but also of all the furniture, with the exception of the indispensable couch.
Dia terbiasa, tentu bukan tanpa pembenaran, sejauh diskusi tentang hal- hal mengenai Gregor prihatin, untuk bertindak sebagai ahli khusus dengan hormat kepada orang tua mereka, dan jadi sekarang nasihat ibu adalah alasan yang cukup adik untuk menuntut penghapusan, tidak hanya dari laci dan meja tulis, yang hanya item dia telah memikirkan pada awalnya, tetapi juga dari semua furnitur, dengan pengecualian pada sofa yang sangat diperlukan.QED QED
After about a quarter of an hour had already gone by, his mother said it would be better if they left the chest of drawers where it was, because, in the first place, it was too heavy: they would not be finished before his father's arrival, and leaving the chest of drawers in the middle of the room would block all Gregor's pathways, but, in the second place, they could not be certain that Gregor would be pleased with the removal of the furniture.
Setelah sekitar seperempat jam sudah berlalu, ibunya mengatakan akan lebih baik jika mereka meninggalkan laci tempat itu, karena, di tempat pertama, itu terlalu berat: mereka tidak akan selesai sebelum kedatangan ayahnya, dan meninggalkan lemari laci di tengah ruangan akan memblokir semua jalur Gregor, tapi, di tempat kedua, mereka tidak bisa yakin bahwa Gregor akan senang dengan penghapusan furnitur.QED QED
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