chromosphere oor Indonesies


(astronomy) The faint pink extension of a star's atmospheric envelope between the corona and the photosphere

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A spectacle of pink and rose colors flashed into the chromosphere (a layer beneath the corona).
Warna-warna merah muda memancar di kromosfer (lapisan di bawah korona).
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A spectacle of pink and rose colors flashed into the chromosphere (a layer beneath the corona).
Warna-warna merah muda memancar di kromosfer (lapisan di bawah korona).

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In a main sequence star such as the Sun, the lowest level of the atmosphere, just above the photosphere, is the thin chromosphere region, where spicules appear and stellar flares begin.
Pada bintang deret utama seperti matahari, bagian terbawah atmosfer merupakan daerah kromosfer yang tipis tempat munculnya spikula dan dimulainya semburan bintang.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
H-alpha (Hα) emissions have also been detected, a sign of chromospheric activity.
Emisi H-alpha (Hα) juga telah terdeteksi, yang merupakan pertanda adanya Aktifitas kromosferik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Above the chromosphere lies the transition region, where the temperature increases rapidly on a distance of only around 100 km.
Kromosfer ini dikelilingi oleh daerah transisi, di mana suhu meningkat dengan cepat dalam jarak hanya 100 km.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The first evidence of helium was observed on August 18, 1868, as a bright yellow line with a wavelength of 587.49 nanometers in the spectrum of the chromosphere of the Sun.
Bukti keberadaan helium pertama kali terpantau pada 18 Agustus 1868 berupa garis spektrum berwarna kuning cerah berpanjang gelombang 587,49 nanometer yang berasal dari spektrum kromosfer Matahari.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Solar flares affect all layers of the solar atmosphere (photosphere, chromosphere, and corona).
Semburan matahari memengaruhi semua lapisan atmosfer Matahari (fotosfer, korona dan kromosfer).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The chromosphere, transition region, and corona are much hotter than the surface of the Sun.
Kromosfer, wilayah transisi, dan korona jauh lebih panas ketimbang permukaan Matahari.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rather, it forms a kind of nimbus around chromospheric features such as spicules and filaments, and is in constant, chaotic motion.
Wilayah ini membentuk semacam nimbus mengitari fitur-fitur kromosfer seperti spikula dan filamen dan memiliki gerakan tak teratur yang konstan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
* Next followed a view of the chromosphere, a pinkish-red flash, leading to totality and darkness!”
* Berikutnya tampaklah kromosfer, berupa kilatan berwarna kemerah-merahan, yang diikuti fase gerhana total dan kegelapan!”jw2019 jw2019
They are found near molecular clouds and identified by their optical variability and strong chromospheric lines.
Bintang-bintang ini ditemukan di dekat awan molekul dan diidentifikasi oleh variabilitas optik dan garis kromosfer yang kuat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The temperature of the chromosphere increases gradually with altitude, ranging up to around 7004200000000000000♠20,000 K near the top.
Suhu kromosfer meningkat perlahan seiring ketinggiannya, berkisar sampai 7004200000000000000♠20000 K di dekat puncaknya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is called the chromosphere from the Greek root chroma, meaning color, because the chromosphere is visible as a colored flash at the beginning and end of total solar eclipses.
Lapisan ini bernama kromosfer yang diambil dari kata Yunani chroma, artinya warna, karena kromosfer terlihat seperti cahaya berwarna di awal dan akhir gerhana Matahari total.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Above the chromosphere, in a thin (about 200 km) transition region, the temperature rises rapidly from around 20,000 K in the upper chromosphere to coronal temperatures closer to 1,000,000 K. The temperature increase is facilitated by the full ionization of helium in the transition region, which significantly reduces radiative cooling of the plasma.
Di atas kromosfer, di wilayah transisi tipis (sekitar 200 km), suhu naik cepat dari sekitar 20.000 K di atas kromosfer hingga mendekati suhu korona sebesar 1.000.000 K. Peningkatan suhu ini dibantu oleh ionisasi penuh helium di wilayah transisi, yang mengurangi pendinginan radiatif plasma secara besar-besaran.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The mission was funded through the Small Explorer program to investigate the physical conditions of the solar limb, particularly the chromosphere of the Sun.
Misi ini didanai melalui program Small Explorer untuk menyelidiki kondisi fisik ekstremitas surya, khususnya kromosfer Matahari.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A spectacle of pink and rose colors flashed into the chromosphere (a layer beneath the corona).
Warna-warna merah muda memancar di kromosfer (lapisan di bawah korona).jw2019 jw2019
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