civet oor Indonesies


/ˈsɪ.vɪt/ naamwoord
A carnivorous catlike animal that produces a musky secretion. It is two to three feet long, with black bands and spots on the body and tail.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Indonesies


cat-like animal
It was overgrown with forest vines and tall grass, and during the cleanup we dislodged two civet cats from the attic.
Bangunannya ditutupi tumbuhan rambat dan rumput tinggi, dan selama pembersihan itu, kami mengusir dua ekor musang dari loteng.


mammal of the families Viverridae and Nandiniidae
It was overgrown with forest vines and tall grass, and during the cleanup we dislodged two civet cats from the attic.
Bangunannya ditutupi tumbuhan rambat dan rumput tinggi, dan selama pembersihan itu, kami mengusir dua ekor musang dari loteng.

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Soortgelyke frases

Small Indian Civet
musang rase
civet cat
otter civet
musang air


Advanced filtering
Phylogenetic analysis shows the possibility of direct transmission of SARS from bats to humans without the intermediary Chinese civets, as previously believed.
Analisis filogenetik menunjukkan kemungkinan transmisi langsung SARS dari kelelawar ke manusia tanpa musang Tiongkok sebagai perantara, seperti yang diyakini sebelumnya.Tico19 Tico19
Huesenziwwi or Civet de lièvre is a jugged hare dish served during the hunting season.
Huesenziwwi atau Civet de lièvre adalah hidangan panggang yang disajikan selama musim berburu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Civet braised with Turtle testicles
Musang dikukus dengan organ penyu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It was overgrown with forest vines and tall grass, and during the cleanup we dislodged two civet cats from the attic.
Bangunannya ditutupi tumbuhan rambat dan rumput tinggi, dan selama pembersihan itu, kami mengusir dua ekor musang dari loteng.jw2019 jw2019
In recent times, masked palm civets were considered to be a likely vector of SARS.
Baru-baru ini, Musang galing dianggap sebagai kemungkinan vektor penyakit SARS.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Among the smaller animal residents are the civet cat, the golden cat, the forest genet, the mongoose, the pangolin, and the nocturnal galago.
Ada juga penghuni yang lebih kecil di sini, seperti musang, kucing emas Afrika, genet hutan, garangan, trenggiling, dan si binatang malam, galago.jw2019 jw2019
WIV1 derived from fecal sample of bats was demonstrated to use bat, civet and human ACE2 as receptor for cell entry.
WIV1 yang berasal dari sampel feses kelelawar diperlihatkan menggunakan ACE2 kelelawar, musang, dan manusia sebagai reseptor untuk masuk ke dalam sel.Tico19 Tico19
Given that SARS-CoV infection originates from the contact between humans and civets in the markets, closing wet markets and killing civets therein could have effectively ended the SARS epidemic.
Mengingat bahwa infeksi SARS-CoV berasal dari kontak antara manusia dan musang di pasar basah, mungkin penutupan pasar basah dan pembunuhan semua musang di dalamnya yang mengakhiri epidemi SARS secara efektif.Tico19 Tico19
Tainguen civet
Musang Tainguenjw2019 jw2019
The otter civet is a nocturnal species that obtains most of its food from the water, feeding on fish, crabs and freshwater mollusks.
Musang air adalah spesies nokturnal yang memperoleh sebagian besar makanannya di air, yaitu ikan, kepiting, dan moluska air tawar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
These areas represent habitat for many endangered species; for example, orangutans, elephants and rare endemics such as the elusive Hose's civet.
Kawasan tersebut mewakili habitat beberapa spesies terancam, seperti orangutan dan gajah dan endemik-endemik langka seperti luwak.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The RBD of SARS-CoV is capable of recognizing the ACE2 receptors of various animals, including bat, civet, mouse and raccoon dog, allowing interspecies transmission of the virus.
RBD SARS-CoV memiliki kemampuan untuk mengenali reseptor ACE2 berbagai hewan, yang mencakup kelelawar, musang, tikus, dan anjing rakun, sehingga memungkinkan transmisi virus antarspesies.Tico19 Tico19
This was indirectly supported by the fact that no further SARS was reported after killing all civets in the markets.
Secara tidak langsung, hal ini didukung oleh fakta bahwa tidak ada lagi kasus SARS dilaporkan sejak semua musang di pasar itu dibunuh.Tico19 Tico19
The unique habitat of Lac Alaotra is threatened by pollution, destruction of marshes for the construction of rice fields, overfishing, and introduced species such as exotic fish, plants, the black rat (Rattus rattus), and the small Indian civet (Viverricula indica), another small carnivoran.
Habitat yang unik dari Lac Alaotra terancam oleh polusi, perusakan rawa-rawa untuk pembangunan sawah, pengambilan ikan berlebihan, dan spesies pendatang seperti ikan eksotis, tanaman, tikus hitam (Rattus rattus), musang kecil India (Viverricula indica), dan karnivora kecil yang lain.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Among the animal substances used for fixatives are ambergris from the sperm whale, castoreum from the beaver, musk from the male musk deer, and civet from the civet cat of Ethiopia.
Dari antara hewan, zat-zat yang dapat diolah menjadi perekat adalah zat berwarna abu-abu pada usus ikan paus besar (ambergris), sejenis kelenjar pada berang-berang (castoreum), kelenjar rusa jantan (musk), dan kelenjar minyak dari kucing civet asal Etiopia.jw2019 jw2019
In fact, only 6 amino acid residues were observed to be different from human and civet viral isolates in the RBD and 4 of them locate in the receptor-binding motif for interaction with the ACE2 receptor.
Sebenarnya, hanya 6 residu asam amino yang diamati berbeda antara isolat virus manusia dan musang di RBD dan 4 di antaranya berlokasi di motif pengikatan reseptor untuk interaksi dengan reseptor ACE2.Tico19 Tico19
Whereas civets and other animals in the markets have been found to harbour viruses identical to SARS-CoV, immediate intermediate hosts for SARS-CoV-2 have not been identified.
Walaupun musang dan hewan lain di pasar tersebut ditemukan membawa virus yang identik dengan SARS-CoV, inang perantara langsung untuk SARS-CoV-2 belum ditemukan.Tico19 Tico19
These include lions, leopards, spotted hyenas, civet cats, elephants, bongos, dwarf forest buffalo, warthogs, waterbuck, duikers, genets, hartebeests, mongooses, baboons, various monkeys, roan antelope, porcupines, crocodiles, and snakes, including pythons.
Satwanya antara lain singa, macan tutul, dubuk berbintik, musang, gajah, bongo, banteng hutan kerdil, babi kutil, antelop air, duiker, genet, hartebeest, garangan (sejenis musang), babun, berbagai macam monyet, antelop putih kelabu, landak, buaya, dan ular, termasuk ular piton.jw2019 jw2019
However, it has been reported that masked palm civets from the wild or farms without exposure to the live animal markets were largely negative for SARS-CoV, suggesting that masked palm civets might only serve as the intermediate amplifying host but not the natural reservoir of SARS-CoV.
Kendati demikian, dilaporkan bahwa musang bulan dari alam liar atau peternakan yang tidak terpapar ke pasar hewan hidup tersebut sebagian besar memberi hasil uji negatif untuk SARS-CoV. Hal ini mengisyaratkan bahwa musang bulan mungkin hanya bertindak sebagai inang pengamplifikasi perantara, tetapi bukan resorvoir alami SARS-CoV.Tico19 Tico19
It has been known that both SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV originated from bats and were transmitted to humans via civet cats and camels, respectively.
SARS-CoV dan MERS-CoV diketahui berasal dari kelelawar dan masing-masing ditransmisikan kepada manusia melalui musang dan unta.Tico19 Tico19
African civet
Musang Afrikajw2019 jw2019
There are several protected species of mammals on the island, including the binturong, long-tailed macaque, slow loris, black giant squirrel, red giant flying squirrel, mouse deer, brush-tailed porcupine, and common palm civet, from a total of 45 species of mammals and 138 species of birds, including the majestic frigatebird.
Beberapa spesies mamalia dilindungi di pulau itu, termasuk binturong, monyet ekor panjang, kukang, tupai hitam raksasa, tupai terbang merah raksasa, kancil, landak, dan musang, dari total 45 spesies mamalia dan 138 spesies burung, termasuk frigatebird.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For decades, Sheldrick has reared and restored to the wild many animals, including buffalo, antelope, civet cats, warthogs, mongooses, elephants, and rhino.
Selama puluhan tahun, Sheldrick telah mengasuh dan mengembalikan banyak satwa ke alam, termasuk banteng, antelop, musang, babi kutil, garangan (sejenis musang), gajah, dan badak.jw2019 jw2019
Must be a bat or civet
Bisa jadi kelelawar atau musang.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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