cockpit oor Indonesies


/'kɒkpɪt/ naamwoord
The space for those in control of a nautical, aeronautical, or astronautical vessel.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Indonesies


You can see the control for the engines is actually on the roof of the cockpit.
Anda dapat melihat kontrol untuk mesin di atas kokpit.


area, usually near the front of an aircraft, from which a pilot controls the aircraft
Kyle, did the captain leave the cockpit since I last spoke with him?
Kyle, apa Kapten meninggalkan Kokpit setelah bicara denganku?

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Soortgelyke frases

cockpit voice recorder
Perekam suara kokpit


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Well, in order to fly, just as in a human aircraft, you need wings that can generate sufficient aerodynamic forces, you need an engine sufficient to generate the power required for flight, and you need a controller, and in the first human aircraft, the controller was basically the brain of Orville and Wilbur sitting in the cockpit.
Untuk bisa terbang, sebagaimana pada pesawat udara buatan manusia, dibutuhkan sayap yang dapat menghasilkan daya aerodinamik, diperlukan juga sebuah mesin yang dapat menghasilkan tenaga untuk terbang, dan sebuah pengontrol, pada pesawat pertama ciptaan manusia, pengontrolnya adalah otak Orville dan Wilbur yang duduk di kokpit.ted2019 ted2019
Almost like you never left the cockpit.
Seakan2 kau tdk pernah meninggalkan kokpit.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I thought I told you to stay in the cockpit!
Kubilang kau tetap di kokpit.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
At about 08:29 UTC, when the aircraft, referred to as Zulu by Ethiopian Airlines' pilots, after the last letter of its registration, was still flying over Ethiopian airspace, three Ethiopian men charged the cockpit and hijacked the aircraft after taking an axe and a fire extinguisher from the cockpit.
Sekitar pukul 08:29 UTC, ketika pesawat berjulukan Zulu ini masih terbang di atas Etiopia, tiga pria Etiopia menyerbu kokpit dan membajak pesawat setelah mengambil kapak dan APAR dari kokpit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The article added that Jiang ordered all crew members out of the cockpit, except for the pilot, Cen Longyu, whom he directed to fly to Taipei, Taiwan.
Artikel tersebut menambahkan bahwa Jiang menyuruh semua anggota kru keluar dari kokpit, kecuali pilot, Cen Longyu, yang ia suruh untuk menerbangkannya ke Taipei, Taiwan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There is no cockpit in the front!
Tak ada kokpit di depan!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Look out, Cockpit, he's heading for you.
Awas, kokpit, dia mengarah kepadamu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He also left them a little note with his farewell gift, saying that they should be more careful with what they say in their cockpits as he had heard them.
Dia juga meninggalkan mereka catatan kecil bersama hadiah perpisahan, ia bilang kalau mereka harus lebih berhati-hati dengan apa yang mereka katakan dalam kokpit mereka karena ia bisa mendengar mereka.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The wing outer panels (including winglets), front fuselage with cockpit and nose wheel leg come from the An-158.
Panel bagian ujung luar pesawat (termasuk winglets), fuselage bagian depan dengan cockpit, ban hidung dan kaki pesawat berasal dari An-158.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
With its low-wing cantilever monoplane layout, retractable, wide-set conventional landing gear and enclosed cockpit, the Zero was one of the most modern carrier based aircraft in the world at the time of its introduction.
Sebagai pesawat terbang sayap tunggal dengan kantilever untuk pemasangan sayap bawah yang dilengkapi roda pendaratan dapat ditarik masuk, dan kokpit tertutup, Zero adalah salah satu pesawat termodern di dunia ketika baru selesai dibuat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The original truss-work tailboom was replaced with a tubular tailboom and the cockpit was restructured and refined prior to being put into production.
Original tailboom truss - kerja digantikan dengan tailboom tubular dan kokpit direstrukturisasi dan disempurnakan sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam produksi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Y8-F600 has a redesigned fuselage, western avionics, PW150B turboprop engines with an R-408 propeller system, and a two-crew glass cockpit.
Y8-F600 memiliki pesawat yang didesain ulang, avionik barat, mesin turboprop PW150B dengan sistem baling-baling R-408, dan kokpit kaca dua kru.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There's a hole in the cockpit, and the pilot's gone!
Ada lubang di kokpit, dan pilot yang hilang!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You think this thing could be locked from the cockpit?
Menurutmu itu mungkin dikunci dari kokpit?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Can you disengage it from the cockpit?
Dapatkah Anda melepaskan itu dari kokpit?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The flight routines in the air traffic control, cockpit, and cabin are recreated on screen starting from departure up to the moment of the emergency.
Kejadian-kejadian di pemandu lalu lintas udara (air traffic controller), kokpit, dan kabin pesawat juga direkonstruksi sejak keberangkatan pesawat hingga saat-saat darurat terjadi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The company builds several important pieces of Boeing aircraft, including the fuselage of the 737, portions of the 787 fuselage, and the cockpit section of the fuselage (referred to as "Section 41" by Boeing) of nearly all of its airliners.
Perusahaan ini membangun beberapa bagian penting dari pesawat Boeing, termasuk badan pesawat 737, bagian-bagian dari badan pesawat 787, dan kokpit (disebut sebagai "Bagian 41" oleh Boeing) hampir semua pesawat yang nya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Get me to the cockpit!
Dapatkan saya ke kokpit!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Would a Miss Vanessa Bloome in 24B please report to the cockpit?
Bisakah Nona Vanessa Bloome di kursi 24B segera melapor ke kokpit?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Naval Aircraft Factory PN was a series of open cockpit American flying boats of the 1920s and 1930s.
Naval Aircraft Factory PN adalah serangkaian kapal terbang kokpit terbuka Amerika tahun 1920-an dan 1930-an.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The airline's chief pilot comes out of the cockpit to meet Ryan.
Kepala pilot maskapai penerbangan tersebut keluar dari kokpit untuk bertemu Ryan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
EICAS is a key function of a glass cockpit system, which replaces all analog gauges with software-driven electronic displays.
EICAS adalah fungsi utama dari sistem kaca kokpit, yang menggantikan semua alat pengukur analog dengan menampilkan elektronik software-driven.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Center: Chief pilot in the cockpit
Tengah: Kapten di kokpitjw2019 jw2019
Doesn't mean I'll never get in a cockpit again.
Bukan berarti aku tak bisa masuk ke kokpit lagi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Why's there still no cockpit?
Kenapa masih tidak ada cokpit?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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