collectivism oor Indonesies


An economic system in which the means of production and distribution are owned and controlled by the people collectively

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Rome is pure collectivism.
Roma adalah kolektivisme murni.

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In South Korea and Japan, two countries with strong sense of collectivism, people are educated and trained to value a group over individuals.
Di Korea Selatan dan Jepang, dua negara dengan rasa kolektivitas yang kuat, orang dididik dan diajar untuk lebih menghargai kelompok daripada individu.gv2019 gv2019
The degree of cultural collectivism is strongly associated with the burden of infectious disease.
Tingkat kolektivisme kultural sangat terkait dengan beban penyakit menular.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A limited capitalism might be introduced i n one part o f the land o r collectivism i n another.
Kapitalisme terbatas mungkin akan dimajukan di satu bagian dari negeri sementara kolektivisme di bagian yang lain.Literature Literature
The government declared collectivization complete in 1962, when collective and state farms controlled 77% of the arable land.
Pemerintah menyatakan kolektivisasi selesai pada tahun 1962, ketika pertanian kolektif negara mengontrol 77% dari tanah garapan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Islam, actually, as a monotheistic religion, which defined man as a responsible agent by itself, created the idea of the individual in the Middle East, and saved it from the communitarianism, the collectivism of the tribe.
Sebetulnya Islam, sebagai agama monotheis, yang mendefinisikan manusia sebagai penanggung jawab dirinya sendiri, telah menciptakan kesadaran individu di Timur Tengah dan menyelamatkannya dari komunitarianisme, kebersamaan berlebih dalam kesukuan.ted2019 ted2019
He is depicted as the head of a mysterious (and possibly fictitious) dissident organization called "The Brotherhood" and as having written the book The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism.
Ia digambarkan sebagai pemimpin organisasi pembangkang misterius yang disebut "The Brotherhood" dan konon telah menulis buku The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Its conceptual architecture was set by particular historical experiences and political prerequisites: Germany's preoccupation with the social question since the late 19th century, the criticism of liberal capitalism triggered by the world economic crisis of the early 1930s and a pronounced anti-totalitarianism as well as anti-collectivism formed by the experiences of the Third Reich.
Jerman yang mengalami masalah sosial sejak akhir abad ke-19, kritik terhadap kapitalisme liberal yang dipicu krisis ekonomi dunia pada awal tahun 1930-an, dan gerakan anti-totalitarianisme serta anti-kolektivisme yang muncul oleh pengalaman Reich Ketiga.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During the 1950s and '60s, Mielke masterminded the forced collectivization of East Germany's family-owned farms, which sent a flood of refugees to West Germany.
Pada 1950-an hingga 1960-an, Mielke menjadi dalang di balik kolektivisasi paksa yang menimpa tanah garapan keluarga di Jerman Timur, hingga menyebabkan banyak dari mereka mengungsi ke Jerman Barat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Stalinist policies and ideas as developed in the Soviet Union included rapid industrialization, the theory of socialism in one country, a totalitarian state, collectivization of agriculture, a cult of personality and subordination of the interests of foreign communist parties to those of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, deemed by Stalinism to be the leading vanguard party of communist revolution at the time.
Politik stalin di Uni Soviet meliputi ;Pembersihan Besar-Besaran, otoritarianisme, industrialisasi yang pesat, teori sosialisme di satu negara, sebuah negara yang tersentralisasi, kolektivisasi pertanian, dan subordinasi kepentingan pihak komunis asing untuk orang-orang dari Partai Komunis Uni Soviet-dianggap partai paling terdepan di garda depan revolusi komunis pada saat itu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Communists also collectivized, or combined, privately owned farms and put them in the hands of the State.
Pemerintah Komunis juga mengkolektivisasi, atau menggabungkan, perladangan milik orang perorangan untuk dikuasai oleh Negara.jw2019 jw2019
But, Comrade Stalin, Comrade Lenin tried to collectivize.
Tapi, Kamerad Stalin dan Lenin berusaha untuk mengumpulkan.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Soviet repression of the Ingrian Finns started at the same time as the forced collectivization in the Soviet Union in 1928.
Penindasan orang Finlandia oleh Soviet dimulai bersamaan dengan proses kolektivisasi di Uni Soviet pada tahun 1928.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A study found strong associations between several forms of violent criminal behavior and both infectious disease rates across U.S states and degree of cultural collectivism across U.S. states.
Sebuah penelitian menemukan asosiasi yang kuat antara beberapa bentuk kekerasan perilaku kriminal dan baik tingkat penyakit menular di seluruh negara bagian Amerika Serikat maupun tingkat kolektivisme budaya di seluruh negara bagian Amerika Serikat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This policy, carried out simultaneously with collectivization in the Soviet Union, effectively brought all agriculture and all the peasants in Soviet Russia under state control.
Kebijakan ini, dilakukan bersamaan dengan kolektivisasi di Uni Soviet yang secara efektif membawa semua pertanian dan semua petani di Rusia Soviet di bawah kendali negara.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Before Soviet collectivization in the 1920s, the Orok were divided into five groups, each with their own migratory zone.
Sebelum kolektivisasi Soviet pada 1920an, Orok terbagi dalam lima kelompok, yang masing-masing memiliki zona migratori mereka sendiri.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After the North Vietnamese victory, the industry, like most agriculture, was collectivized, limiting private enterprise and resulting in low production.
Setelah pihak Utara meraih kemenangan, industri kopi sebagaimana halnya mayoritas pertanian dihimpun, dengan membatasi perusahaan swasta dan produksi pun mengalami penurunan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It has been argued that this is due to collectivism and associated characteristics such as out-group avoidance limiting the spread of infectious diseases.
Terdapat pendapat bahwa ini disebabkan oleh kolektivisme dan karakteristik terkait seperti sebagai penghindaran out-group yang membatasi penyebaran penyakit menular.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Agriculture in the Soviet Union was mostly collectivized, with some limited cultivation of private plots.
Pertanian di Uni Soviet kebanyakan terkolektivisasi, dengan beberapa penanaman terbatas dari plot-plot swasta.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There are Soviets in our village, forcing the collectivization of our farms.
Orang Soviet di desa kami, mengambil paksa hasil dari ladang.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Between 1929 and 1933, Chernobyl suffered from killings during Stalin's collectivization campaign.
Selama periode 1929-1933, Chernobyl menderita akibat pembunuhan selama kampanye kolektivisasi Stalin, dan di Holodomor (kelaparan) yang diikuti kemudian.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Collectivization in the Soviet Union Dekulakization Earth (1930), Ukrainian film by Alexander Dovzhenko, concerning a community of farmers and their resistance to collectivization.
Dekulakization Hanging Lenin Order Musuh rakyat Kolektivisasi di Uni Soviet Yeoman Bumi (1930), Sebuah film Ukraina oleh Alexander Dovzhenko, mengenai sebuah komunitas petani dan perlawanan mereka untuk kulak.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Soviet authorities undertook Sovietization policies: nationalization of all private property, collectivization of agriculture, suppression of the Catholic Church, and the imposition of totalitarian control.
Pemerintah Soviet melakukan kebijakan Sovietisasi: nasionalisasi semua kepemilikan swasta, kolektivisasi pertanian, penindasan Gereja Katolik, dan pemberlakuan kontrol totaliter.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
By the early part of 1946, I concluded that there was no future for me in farming in Estonia, since the Soviet system of collectivization had taken over the private sector.
Pada awal tahun 1946, saya menyimpulkan bahwa masa depan saya bukan di perladangan di Estonia, karena sistem kolektivisasi Soviet telah mengambil alih sektor swasta.jw2019 jw2019
In the 20th century, the Soviets forced collectivization upon the Ket.
Pada abad ke-20, Uni Soviet memaksakan kolektivisasi pada masyarakat Ket.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Upon taking control, the Vietnamese communists banned other political parties, arrested suspects believed to have collaborated with the United States and embarked on a mass campaign of collectivization of farms and factories.
Dampak dari pengambil-alihan kontrol, komunis Vietnam melarang partai politik lain, menahan tersangka yang dipercayai berkolaborasi dengan Amerika Serikat dan memulai kampanye massal tentang kolektifisasi pertanian dan pabrik-pabrik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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