college and university rankings oor Indonesies

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The university won 10 prizes and the group scores were in the 13th, 16th, and 10th places respectively, which ranked the first among the universities and colleges in Fujian province.
Universitas memenangkan 10 hadiah dan skor kelompok berada di urutan ke-13, ke-16 dan ke-10, yang mendapatkan peringkat pertama di antara universitas dan perguruan tinggi di provinsi Fujian.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Based on the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education college ranking (2015), UNISBA ranked 32 out of 3320 universities in Indonesia.
Berdasarkan pemeringkatan perguruan tinggi Kemenristekdikti (2015), UNISBA meraih peringkat 32 dari 3320 perguruan tinggi di Indonesia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Other top universities and polytechnics include the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, the LUISS in Rome, the Polytechnic University of Turin, the Politecnico di Milano (which in 2011 was ranked as the 48th best technical university in the world by QS World University Rankings), the University of Rome La Sapienza (which in 2005 was Europe's 33rd best university, and ranks among Europe's 50 and the world's 150 best colleges and in 2013, the Center for World University Rankings ranked the Sapienza University of Rome 62nd in the world and the top in Italy in its World University Rankings.) and the University of Milan (whose research and teaching activities have developed over the years and have received important international recognition).
Universitas, dan politeknik terbaik lainnya adalah Politeknik Torino, Politeknik Milano (yang pada tahun 2011 menempati peringkat ke-48 universitas teknik terbaik di dunia menurut Peringkat Universitas Dunia THE-QS.), Universitas Roma La Sapienza (yang pada tahun 2005 menjadi universitas terbaik ke-33 di Eropa, and ranks amongst Europe's 50 and the world's 150 best colleges), dan Universitas Milano (yang kegiatan penelitian, dan pengajarannya telah dikembangkan selama bertahun-tahun, dan telah menerima pengakuan penting internasional.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Its first university, La Sapienza (founded in 1303), is one of the largest in the world, with more than 140,000 students attending; in 2005 it ranked as Europe's 33rd best university and in 2013 the Sapienza University of Rome ranked as the 62nd in the world and the top in Italy in its World University Rankings. and has been ranked among Europe's 50 and the world's 150 best colleges.
Universitas pertamanya, La Sapienza (didirikan tahun 1303), merupakan salah satu universitas terbesar di dunia, dengan lebih dari 140.000 mahasiswa/i; Universitas Sapienza pada tahun 2005 diberi peringkat sebagai universitas terbaik ke-33 di Eropa dan pada tahun 2013 menempati peringkat ke-62 di dunia serta teratas di Italia dalam Peringkat Universitas Dunia-nya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She had hoped to study philosophy in college and ranked 53rd in the Iranian national university entrance exam but lacked high enough marks to get a place and ended up studying law at Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran.
Ia berharap mempelajari filsafat di kolese dan meraih peringkat ke-53 dalam ujian kelulusan universitas nasional Iran namun tempatnya kurang dan berganti menjadi belajar hukum di Universitas Shahid Beheshti di Tehran.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Founded in 1865 by John Bryan Bowman as the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky, the university is one of the state's two land-grant universities (the other being Kentucky State University), the largest college or university in the state, with 30,720 students as of Fall 2015, and the highest ranked research university in the state according to U.S. News and World Report.
Didirikan pada tahun 1865 oleh John Bryan Bowman sebagai Perguruan Tinggi Pertanian dan Mekanik Kentucky, universitas ini merupakan salah satu dari dua universitas hibah lahan negara bagian (yang lain adalah Kentucky State University), perguruan tinggi atau universitas terbesar di negara bagian, dengan 30.720 mahasiswa pada musim gugur 2015, dan universitas riset berperingkat tertinggi di negara bagian menurut US News and World Report.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
College towns and cities with military bases often rank high on this list, as students and faculty of universities often live very close to their place of employment if on-campus or close to campus.
Kota perguruan tinggi dengan pangkalan militer biasanya menempati peringkat tinggi dalam daftar ini, karena mahasiswa dan fakultas universitas tinggal sangat dekat dengan tempat kerjanya jika berada di kampus atau dekat kampus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 2017 the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Ministry of Research and Technology and Higher Education) established 26 state and private universities that were accredited A, becoming foster colleges for dozens of private universities that were accredited C. Then in 2018, Unika Soegijapranata was ranked as the 8th best private university (PTS) nationally and ranked 39th in all universities throughout Indonesia in the version of the Ministry of Research Technology of Higher Education (Kemenristek Dikti).
Tahun 2017 Kemenristekdikti (Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi) menetapkan 26 perguruan tinggi negeri dan swasta yang terakreditasi A, menjadi perguruan tinggi asuh bagi puluhan perguruan tinggi swasta yang terakreditasi C. Lalu tahun 2018, Unika Soegijapranata menempati peringkat ke-8 perguruan tinggi swasta (PTS) terbaik secara nasional dan peringkat ke-39 seluruh perguruan tinggi seluruh Indonesia versi Kementerian Riset Teknologi Pendidikan Tinggi (Kemenristek Dikti).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
From these ranks, of the 1930s and 1940s, emerged a wealth of intellectual talent, including more Nobel Prize winners—eight—and PhD recipients than any other public college except the University of California at Berkeley."
Dari kedudukan sedemikian, pada 1930-an dan 1940-an, bangkitlah kemakmuran bakat kecerdasan, termasuk lebih banyak peraih Hadiah Nobel - delapan - dan penerima gelar PhD dibandingkan lembaga pendidikan lainnya kecuali University of California at Berkeley."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In its "Best Colleges 2015" edition, U.S. News & World Report ranked Seattle University the 5th best Regional University in the West, a category for institutions that offer a full range of programs up to master's degree and some doctoral programs.
Dalam "Perguruan tinggi Terbaik 2015" edition, US News & World Report peringkat Seattle University the 5th Regional terbaik Universitas di Barat, kategori untuk lembaga-lembaga yang menawarkan berbagai macam program magister dan program doktor.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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