colossus oor Indonesies


A statue of gigantic size. The name was especially applied to certain famous statues in antiquity, as the Colossus of Nero in Rome and the Colossus of Rhodes, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

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Truly, I've known many great men in my life but only one colossus.
Sebenarnya, aku kenal banyak orang hebat dalam hidupku, tapi hanya ada satu raksasa.
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We have been down to see the colossus.
Kita telah akan melihat " Colossus " itu.


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Colossus of Rhodes
Colossus Rhodes · Kolossos Rodos


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Cudmore reprised his role as Colossus in the 2014 film X-Men: Days of Future Past.
Cudmore mengulang perannya sebagai Colossus di film 2014 X-Men: Days of Future Past.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Stand at the foot of the colossus.
Berdiri di kaki raksasa tersebut.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
However, he added that the meticulous restoration work did not include the damaged face of “the half-lion half-man limestone colossus.”
Akan tetapi, ia menambahkan bahwa pekerjaan restorasi yang rumit itu tidak termasuk wajah yang rusak dari ”patung separuh-singa separuh-manusia berukuran raksasa dari batu kapur ini”.jw2019 jw2019
A viral marketing website for X-Men: Days of Future Past shows Colossus as one of the mutant babies born prematurely after the Chernobyl disaster.
Sebuah situs pemasaran viral untuk X-Men: Days of Future Past menunjukkan Colossus sebagai salah satu bayi mutan yang lahir prematur setelah bencana Chernobyl.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rhodes has been famous since antiquity as the site of Colossus of Rhodes, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
Rhodes terkenal sejak zaman perunggu sebagai situs Kolosus di Rhodes, salah satu Tujuh Keajaiban Dunia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She was targeted by several Skrull impostors while staying in Japan, however, Elektra fought and killed most of these Skrulls (including Siri), before being blindsided and severely beaten by a Super Skrull manifesting Invisible Woman's invisibility and Colossus' organic steel armor.
Dia sasaran beberapa Skrull impostors sementara tinggal di Jepang, namun, Elektra berjuang dan membunuh sebagian besar dari program tersebut Skrulls (termasuk Siri), sebelum blindsided dan sangat terpukul oleh Super Skrull manifesting Invisible Woman's limunan dan patung raksasa 'organik baja baja.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He is the feature of a limited series, Colossus: Bloodlines, in which he journeys back to Russia.
Dia adalah fitur dari rangkaian terbatas, Colossus: Bloodlines, di mana ia melakukan perjalanan kembali ke Rusia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Look, Colossus, I don't have time for the goody two-shoes bullshit right now!
Dengar Colossus, aku tak punya waktu untuk omong kosong ini sekarang!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He is known for his pace, stamina and physical presence, which is often combined with lungbursting runs from midfield, and he has been referred to as a "human train" and a "colossus" by various pundits.
Dia dikenal karena kemampuan fisik yang sering dikombinasikan dengan lungbursting yang berjalan dari lini tengah, dan telah disebut sebagai "kereta manusia" dan "patung raksasa" oleh berbagai pakar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When I told my colleagues at the museum that you had discovered the Colossus, they were thrilled.
Ketika aku memberitahukan rekan-rekanku dimuseum bahwa kau telah menemukan patung raksasa mereka sangat gembira.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Colossus appears in the 2003 film X2 played by Daniel Cudmore.
Colossus dimainkan oleh Daniel Cudmore di film X2 tahun 2003.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the Ramesseum Tuya's name appears on fragments of a colossus and in scenes on the main (central) doorway into the great hypostyle hall.
Di Ramesseum nama Tuya muncul di fragmen-fragmen kolosal dan pemandangan utama (sentral) pintu masuk ke ruang hypostyle besar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Like the Colossus come to life.
Seperti Colossus yang kembali hidup.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In 2006, IGN placed Colossus in the 10th spot of their list of "The Top 25 X-Men".
Pada tahun 2006, IGN menempatkan Colossus di posisi 10 dari daftar mereka "The Top 25 X-Men".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In film, actor Daniel Cudmore portrays Colossus in X2, X-Men: The Last Stand and X-Men: Days of Future Past, and Stefan Kapičić provides the voice of a CGI character in Deadpool and Deadpool 2.
Aktor Daniel Cudmore menggambarkan Colossus di X2, X-Men: The Last Stand, dan X-Men: Days of Future Past, dan Stefan Kapičić memberikan suara pada Colossus CGI di film 2016 Deadpool.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“Have you enjoyed your visit to this colossus of Roman architecture?”
”Apakah Anda telah menikmati kunjungan Anda pada bangunan raksasa arsitektur Romawi ini?”jw2019 jw2019
Colossus cameos in the first and sixth episodes of The Super Hero Squad Show, voiced by Tom Kenny.
Colossus menjadi cameo di episode pertama dan keenam dari The Super Hero Squad Show, disuarakan oleh Tom Kenny.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After returning to the X-Men alongside Excalibur teammates Shadowcat and Nightcrawler, Colossus stayed with the title until his death.
Setelah kembali ke X-Men bersama rekan setimnya Excalibur Shadowcat dan Nightcrawler, Colossus tinggal dengan judul sampai kematiannya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
With the Trainspotting sequel the attention is going to be even more intense this time round because the first was such a great movie - and Danny’s such a colossus now.
Dengan Trainspotting sekuel perhatian akan menjadi bahkan lebih intens kali ini karena yang pertama adalah seperti sebuah film besar dan Danny seperti raksasa sekarang.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Bismarck knew that his new German Reich was now a colossus out of all proportion to the rest of the continent.
Bismarck mengetahui bahwa Jerman Reich yang baru ini merupakan sebuah raksasa apabila dibandingkan dengan negara lainnya di benua Eropa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Andre Tricoteux and T.J. Storm provided motion-capture stunt for Colossus in the film, Glenn Ennis provided the initial facial shapes, the film's motion capture supervisor Greg LaSalle provided the final facial performance, while the character is voiced by Serbian actor Stefan Kapičić.
Andre Tricoteux dan T.J. Storm memberikan gerak-ambil untuk Colossus dalam film tersebut, Glenn Ennis menyediakan bentuk wajah awal, pengawas pemogokan film Greg LaSalle memberikan penampilan wajah terakhir, sementara karakternya disuarakan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Colossus appears in Cable and X-Force, a new series by writer Dennis Hopeless and artist Salvador Larroca which debuted in December 2012.
Colossus muncul di Cable and X-Force, sebuah seri baru oleh penulis Dennis Hopeless dan artis Salvador Larroca yang memulai debutnya pada bulan Desember 2012.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He and comic book creator Mike Mignola also spent a few days adapting the Almost Colossus story, featuring Roger the Homunculus.
Dia dan pencipta buku komik Mike Mignola juga menghabiskan beberapa hari mengadaptasi cerita Almost Colossus, yang menampilkan Roger the Homunculus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At God’s due time, it smashes the feet of the image and grinds the entire colossus to powder.
Pada waktu yang tepat dari Allah, batu ini menimpa kaki patung dan menggilas seluruh patung raksasa itu menjadi debu.jw2019 jw2019
She was depicted in the Deir el-Bahri temple built by her grandson Thutmose III; on a stela found at the Ramesseum; on the colossus of her son; and a statue of her bearing a dedication by Thutmose II was found in Wadjmose's chapel.
Ia digambarkan di kuil Deir el-Bahri yang dibangun oleh cucunya, Thutmosis III; di prasasti yang ditemukan di Ramesseum; di kolosal putranya; dan sebuah patungnya yang didedikasikan oleh Thutmose II ditemukan di kapel Wadjmose.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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