communist oor Indonesies


naamwoord, adjektief
Of, relating to, supporting, or advocating communism.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Indonesies

Anggota Partai Komunis

Yet, I refused to join the Communist Party.
Namun, saya tidak mau menjadi anggota Partai Komunis.


You are - do not be angry, please - a strange communist.
Kau - tolong jangan marah - komunis aneh.


You are - do not be angry, please - a strange communist.
Kau - tolong jangan marah - komunis aneh.
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adjektief, naamwoord
A member of a (nominally) Communist party.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Indonesies


You are - do not be angry, please - a strange communist.
Kau - tolong jangan marah - komunis aneh.
Open Multilingual Wordnet

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Communist Party of Kampuchea
Khmer Merah
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Negara komunis


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Examples of one-sided disengagement include when Joseph Stalin decided to end Soviet support for the communist guerrillas in Greece during the Greek Civil War, and when Richard Nixon withdrew US troops from Vietnam in the early 1970s.
Contoh penarikan sepihak terjadi ketika Josef Stalin memutuskan mencabut dukungan Soviet untuk gerilyawan komunis di Yunani pada Perang Saudara Yunani dan ketika Richard Nixon menarik tentara AS dari Vietnam pada awal 1970-an.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They can't all be Communists.
Tak mungkin mereka semuanya komunis.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
When Sukarno was overthrown by General Suharto, relations between the two states were deteriorated, likely due to Indonesia's anti-communist policy under Suharto following the 1965 unrest.
Setelah Sukarno dilengserkan oleh Jenderal Suharto, hubungan antara kedua negara tidak seerat ketika Sukarno berkuasa, sangat mungkin disebabkan oleh kebijakan anti-komunisme oleh Suharto, setelah Gerakan 30 September 1965.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Socially disgraced, she lived with Mao's parents for two years until she died of dysentery, while he moved out of the village to continue his studies elsewhere, eventually becoming a founding member of the Communist Party of China.
Dipermalukan secara sosial, ia tinggal dengan orangtua Mao selama dua tahun sampai ia meninggal karena disenteri, sementara Mao berpindah dari desa tersebut dan melanjutkan pembelajarannya di tempat lainnya, kemudian menjadi seorang anggota pendiri dari Partai Komunis Tiongkok.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Trần Phú, one of the founding members of the Indochinese Communist Party, was the party's first general secretary.
Trần Phú, salah satu anggota pendiri Partai Komunis Indochina, menjadi sekretaris jenderal pertama dari partai tersebut.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Bamboo Curtain was the Cold War political demarcation between the Communist states of East Asia, particularly the People's Republic of China, and the capitalist and non-Communist states of East, South and Southeast Asia.
Tirai Bambu adalah eufemisme Perang Dingin untuk menyebut batas politik antara negara komunis dan negara kapitalis dan non-komunis di Asia Timur, terutama Republik Rakyat Tiongkok.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Banner calls her the symbol of populuxe, a star whose joyful and glamorous public image "helped the nation cope with its paranoia in the 1950s about the Cold War, the atom bomb, and the totalitarian communist Soviet Union".
Banner menyebutnya simbol populuxe, seorang bintang bercitra glamour dan bahagia yang "membantu negara tersebut keluar dari paranoianya pada 1950-an saat Perang Dingin, bom atom, dan komunis totalitarian Uni Soviet".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Although refusing to categorize his regime as socialist and repeatedly denying being a communist, Castro appointed Marxists to senior government and military positions.
Meskipun ia menolak menggolongkan rezimnya sebagai rezim sosialis dan berulangkali menyangkal tuduhan komunis, Castro memberikan jabatan senior pemerintahan dan militer kepada orang-orang yang berhaluan Marxis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Born in Cuddalore, he dropped out of school at an early age and went to Madras, where he joined the Communist Party of India.
Lahir di Cuddalore, ia keluar dari sekolah pada tahun awal dan pergi ke Madras, dimana ia bergabung dengan Partai Komunis India.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But my leanings toward Communistic atheism grew, since the church did not answer the questions that had disturbed me from a very young age.
Tetapi, saya mulai condong kepada ateisme ala Komunis, karena gereja tidak menjawab berbagai pertanyaan yang telah mengganggu saya sejak belia.jw2019 jw2019
The International Brigades (Spanish: Brigadas Internacionales) were paramilitary units set up by the Communist International to assist the Popular Front government of the Second Spanish Republic during the Spanish Civil War.
Brigade Internasional (bahasa Spanyol: Brigadas Internacionales) adalah unit paramiliter yang dihimpun oleh Komunis Internasional yang dihimpun oleh Komunis Internasional untuk membantu pemerintah Front Populer dari Republik Spanyol Kedua pada Perang Saudara Spanyol.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During the 1950’s, in what was then Communist East Germany, Jehovah’s Witnesses who were imprisoned because of their faith risked prolonged solitary confinement when they handed small portions of the Bible from one prisoner to another to be read at night.
Selama tahun 1950-an, di bekas Jerman Timur Komunis, Saksi-Saksi Yehuwa yang dipenjara karena iman mereka mengambil risiko diasingkan seorang diri untuk waktu yang lebih lama ketika mereka saling memberikan bagian-bagian kecil dari Alkitab dari satu narapidana ke narapidana lain untuk dibaca pada malam hari.jw2019 jw2019
Despite declaring inspiration from Marx, Bevan did not visibly support insurrectionist concepts of proletarian revolution, arguing that revolution depended on the circumstances, or the Leninist organisational model of democratic centralism typical of many Communist parties.
Meskipun menyatakan inspirasi dari Marx, Bevan tidak tampak mendukung pemberontak konsep revolusi proletar, atau model organisasi Leninisme dari sentralisme demokrasi khas dari banyak pihak Komunis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Apparently the party organizer was trying to curry favor with superior party officials, and when Communist rule came to an end in Estonia, the party organizer herself lost her job.
Tampaknya, wanita organisator partai itu berusaha mencari muka atasannya, dan ketika kekuasaan Komunis berakhir di Estonia, dia sendiri kehilangan pekerjaan.jw2019 jw2019
The DSE was composed mostly of communist partisans who as part of the Greek People's Liberation Army (ELAS) by Summer 1944 had liberated nearly all of the country from the military occupation of the Third Reich.
DSE rata-rata beranggotakan partisan komunis yang pernah menjadi bagian dari Tentara Pembebasan Rakyat Yunani (ELAS) dan membebaskan hampir seluruh Yunani dari pendudukan militer Reich Ketiga pada musim panas 1944.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was held during the period 14–25 February 1956.
Kongres ke-20 Partai Komunis Uni Soviet diadakan pada periode 14–25 Februari 1956.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During the dictatorship of Adolf Hitler, German modernist art, including many works of internationally renowned artists, was removed from state owned museums and banned in Nazi Germany on the grounds that such art was an "insult to German feeling", un-German, Jewish, or Communist in nature.
Pada masa kekuasaan Adolf Hitler, karya seni modern dikeluarkan dari museum yang dimiliki oleh negara dan dilarang di Jerman Nazi dengan alasan bahwa karya tersebut "menghina perasaan Jerman", tidak Jerman, atau diklaim sebagai seni Yahudi atau komunis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Communist, socialist, racist, fascist...
Komunis, sosialis, rasis, fasis.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nguyễn Văn Linh was the general secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam from 1986 to 1991 and a political leader of the Vietcong during the Vietnam War.
Ia menjadi sekretaris jenderal Partai Komunis Vietnam dari 1986 sampai 1991 dan pemimpin politik Vietcong pada masa Perang Vietnam.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
To contain Communist expansion in Asia, Kennedy increased the number of American military advisers in South Vietnam by a factor of 18 over his predecessor, Dwight D. Eisenhower; a further escalation of the American role in the Vietnam War would take place after Kennedy's death.
Untuk menahan penyebaran Komunis di Asia, Kennedy meningkatkan jumlah penasehat militer Amerika di Vietnam Selatan atas saran dari pendahulunya, Dwight D. Eisenhower; peningkatan berkelanjutan dari peran Amerika dalam Perang Vietnam terjadi setelah Kennedy wafat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When Snow wrote, there were no reliable reports reaching the West about what was going on in the Communist-controlled areas.
Ketika Snow menulis, tidak ada laporan yang tersedia di dunia Barat mengenai hal-hal yang terjadi di wilayah-wilayah yang dikuasai Komunis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He learned that many had lost their jobs and were interned because they did not participate in the activities of the Communist state.
Ia mendengar bahwa banyak yang kehilangan pekerjaan mereka dan ditahan karena tidak berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan-kegiatan Komunis di negeri itu.jw2019 jw2019
At that time, the country where I lived was under Communist rule.
Pada saat itu, negeri tempat saya tinggal berada di bawah pemerintahan Komunis.jw2019 jw2019
Sukarno was angry that Suharto had banned the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) and told the three Generals that Supersemar did not contain such instructions.
Soekarno marah karena Suharto telah melarang Partai Komunis Indonesia (PKI) dan tiga jenderal mengatakan Supersemar tidak mengandung instruksi tersebut.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On 10 January 1966, demonstrators, including KAMI, demonstrated in front of the Provisional legislature and announced what became known as the Three Demands of the People (Tritura): Dissolution of the PKI The expulsion from the cabinet of G30S/PKI elements Lower prices and economic improvements In February 1966, as anti-communist demonstrations continued, Sukarno tried to placate Suharto by promoting him.
Pada 10 Januari 1966, para demonstran, termasuk KAMI, berdemonstrasi di depan gedung DPR dan mengumumkan apa yang dikenal sebagai "Tri Tuntutan Rakyat" (Tritura): Pembubaran PKI dan organisasi-organisasi massanya Pengusiran elemen PKI dari kabinet dengan adanya perombakan Harga kebutuhan pokok yang lebih rendah dan perbaikan ekonomi Pada bulan Februari 1966 saat demonstrasi anti-komunis terus berlanjut, Soekarno mencoba menenangkan Soeharto dengan mempromosikan dirinya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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