courtyard oor Indonesies


/ˈkoːt.jaːd/ naamwoord
an area, open to the sky, partially or wholly surrounded by walls or buildings

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Chase that duck out of the courtyard.
Kejar dan usir bebek itu dari halaman.
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And that's the best angle of the courtyard?
Ini sudut pandang ke pekarangan yang paling bagus?
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This coincides with the Bible’s description of Solomon’s building program: “As for the great courtyard, round about were three rows of hewn stone and a row of beams of cedarwood; and this also for the inner courtyard of the house of Jehovah, and for the porch of the house.”
Hal ini sesuai dengan uraian Alkitab tentang program pembangunan Salomo, ”Mengenai halaman besar, di sekelilingnya ada tiga jajar batu potongan dan satu jajar balok kayu aras, demikian juga dengan halaman dalam rumah Yehuwa, dan beranda rumah itu.”jw2019 jw2019
Soon the youth of the city are converging upon the courtyard of Buda Castle, dancing and lighting up the night with their fireworks.
Setelah itu, pemuda kota bersama dengan Perry berbaur bersama di halaman Buda Castle, menari dan menerangi malam dengan kembang api mereka.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the meantime, the chief priests and the older men of the people have gathered in the courtyard of the high priest, Caiaphas.
Sementara itu, imam-imam kepala dan para tua-tua bangsa Yahudi berkumpul di halaman rumah imam besar Kayafas.jw2019 jw2019
He enters and exits the outer courtyard with the nonpriestly tribes, sits in the porch of the East Gate, and provides some of the sacrifices for the people to offer.
Ia masuk dan keluar dari halaman luar bersama suku-suku non-imam, duduk di beranda Gerbang Timur, dan menyediakan sejumlah korban yang dipersembahkan oleh umat.jw2019 jw2019
8 Hanʹa·mel the son of my uncle came to me, just as Jehovah had said, into the Courtyard of the Guard, and he said to me: “Please buy my field in Anʹa·thoth, in the land of Benjamin, for you have the right to take possession of it and to repurchase it.
8 Sesuai dengan kata-kata Yehuwa, Hanamel anak paman saya datang kepada saya di Halaman Penjaga, lalu berkata, ”Belilah ladangku yang ada di Anatot di daerah Benyamin, karena kamu berhak memilikinya dan membelinya kembali.jw2019 jw2019
ESTHER tried to calm her heart as she approached the courtyard in the palace at Shushan.
ESTER berupaya menenangkan diri seraya mendekati halaman istana di Syusyan.jw2019 jw2019
Therefore, he must have opened the doors leading into the courtyard, and it must have been there that he slept.
Oleh karena itu, pintu-pintu yang ia buka pastilah yang menuju halaman, dan ia pun pasti tidur di sana.jw2019 jw2019
21 In view of all that Haggai and Zechariah foretold and all that has been fulfilled, we have solid reason to move ahead in the work that God has assigned us to do in the earthly courtyards of his spiritual temple.
21 Mengingat semua yang dinubuatkan oleh Hagai dan Zakharia serta semua yang telah digenapi, kita memiliki alasan yang kuat untuk terus melaksanakan pekerjaan yang telah Allah tugaskan untuk kita lakukan di halaman bait rohani-Nya, yakni di bumi.jw2019 jw2019
It is clear that the Aragonese court at Naples introduced the Moorish garden traditions of Valencia, with its shaded avenues and baths, sophisticated hydraulics that powered splendid waterworks, formal tanks, fishponds and fountains, as a luxurious and secluded setting for court life, and combined them with Roman features: Alfonso's Poggio Reale was built around three sides of an arcaded courtyard with tiers of seating round a sunken centre that could be flooded for water spectacles; on the fourth side it opened onto a garden that framed a spectacular view of Vesuvius.
Jelas bahwa istana Aragon di Napoli memperkenalkan tradisi taman Moor di Valencia, dengan jalan teduh dan pemandiannya, hidrolika canggih yang mendukung aliran air yang indah, tangki formal, kolam ikan dan air mancur, sebagai pengaturan mewah dan terpencil untuk kehidupan pengadilan , dan menggabungkannya dengan fitur-fitur Romawi: Poggio Reale Alfonso dibangun di sekitar tiga sisi halaman melengkung dengan tingkatan tempat duduk di sekeliling pusat cekung yang dapat dibanjiri kacamata air; di sisi keempat terbuka ke sebuah taman yang membingkai pemandangan Vesuvius yang spektakuler.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The entrance on the east side leads to a courtyard displaying pre-Columbian artifacts and cannons from the colonial period.
Pintu masuk sisi timur menghubungkan kepada lapangan yang memamerkan artefak masa Pra-Columbus dan meriam dari masa kolonial.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There is movement in the courtyard.
Ada pergerakan di tangga.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Joy will now rain upon every courtyard
" Sekarang menikmati hujan di setiap halaman "QED QED
In the courtyard, there is a disgusting symbol inciting Jehovah to jealousy.
Di halaman bait, terdapat lambang yang najis yang menimbulkan cemburu Yehuwa.jw2019 jw2019
▪ In which courtyard does the great crowd serve?
▪ Kumpulan besar melayani di halaman mana di bait?jw2019 jw2019
All 47 of them committed seppuku, ritual suicide, in the courtyard of the castle.
Semua dari 47 Ronin itu melakukan " seppuku ", ritual bunuh diri, di halaman istana itu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
With my shoes in my hands I walked alongside the visitors’ gallery, entering the inner courtyard.
Dengan sepatu di tangan aku berjalan di samping pendopo, masuk ke pelataran dalam.Literature Literature
They worship in the outer courtyard, and the same stream runs through that part of the visionary temple.
Mereka beribadat di halaman luar, dan aliran yang sama mengalir melalui bagian dari bait penglihatan tersebut.jw2019 jw2019
The courtyards and gates (5-47)
Halaman dan gerbang (5-47)jw2019 jw2019
At the physical temple, the priests and Levites were privileged to serve in the inner courtyard, but only priests could enter the Holy.
Di bait jasmani, imam dan orang Lewi mendapat hak istimewa melayani di halaman dalam, tetapi hanya imam yang boleh memasuki Ruang Kudus.jw2019 jw2019
Your beloved's courtyard. "
Pelabuhan hati kekasihmu. "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Blaine sings "It's Not Unusual" to a large crowd in the school courtyard while a growing number of Cheerios, directed by Santana, join in as back-up dancers.
Blaine menyanyikan "It's Not Unusual" di halaman sekolah, serta anggota Cheerios lainnya beserta Santana bergabung sebagai penari latar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the visionary temple, the inner courtyard is missing something that was quite prominent in the courtyard of the tabernacle and in Solomon’s temple —a great basin, later called a sea, for the priests to wash in.
Di bait penglihatan itu, ada sesuatu yang tidak terdapat di halaman dalam, sesuatu yang dahulu cukup penting peranannya di halaman tabernakel dan di bait Salomo —sebuah baskom besar, yang belakangan disebut laut, tempat para imam membasuh diri.jw2019 jw2019
" Your beloved's courtyard. "
" Pelabuhan hati kekasihmu. "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A couple city planners like to drink beer in the courtyard on Tuesday nights.
Beberapa Perencana Kota sering minum bir... di halaman saat malam Selasa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The camp center, both in location and in importance, was the tent of Jehovah’s presence, the tabernacle, with its surrounding courtyard.
Pusat perkemahan, dari segi lokasi maupun kepentingan, adalah kemah kehadiran Yehuwa, yakni tabernakel, dengan halaman di sekelilingnya.jw2019 jw2019
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