demobilization oor Indonesies


/diːˌməʊbɪlaɪˈzeɪʃən/ naamwoord
The disorganization or disarming of troops which have previously been mobilized or called into active service; the change from a war footing to a peace footing; the act of demobilizing.

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The process of standing down a nation's armed forces from combat-ready status.

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Estonian soldiers serving in the Russian military forces will be called home and demobilized.
Tentara Estonia yang bertugas di angkatan militer Rusia akan dipanggil pulang dan ditarik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Retrieved 2006-12-08.- Translation of the official record by the Japanese Demobilization Bureaux detailing the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy's participation in the Southwest Pacific area of the Pacific War.
Diakses tanggal 2006-12-08. - Terjemahan rekaman resmi oleh Biro Demobilisasi Jepang yang merinci keikutsertaan AD dan AL Kekaisaran Jepang di Wilayah Pasifik Barat Daya Perang Pasifik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He served in the Political Department in Mesopotamia in 1918 before demobilization in June 1919 and returning to the Indian Civil Service.
Ia bertugas dalam Departemen Politik di Mesopotamia pada 1918 sebelum demobilisasi pada Juni 1919 dan kembali ke Indian Civil Service.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Under the agreement the government and UNITA would cease fire and demobilize.
Di bawah persetujuan itu, pemerintah dan UNITA akan mengadakan gencatan senjata dan demobiliasi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hundreds of thousands of demobilized soldiers were looking for jobs.
Ratusan ribu tentara yang dibubarkan mencari pekerjaan.jw2019 jw2019
APRA was recruited from several anti-Republican factions including former Republican guerillas, Darul Islam, Ambonese, Malays, Minahasa, demobilized KNIL, Regiment Special Forces and Royal Netherlands Army personnel.
APRA direkrut dari 18 faksi anti-Republik yang beragam, termasuk personel mantan gerilyawan Republik, Darul Islam, Ambon, Melayu, Minahasa, KNIL yang telah didemobilisasi, Regiment Speciale Troepen (Resimen Pasukan Khusus KNIL), dan Tentara Kerajaan Belanda.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1997 he was demobilized.
Pada tahun 1997, ia dibebastugaskan.jw2019 jw2019
19: The United Kingdom begins demobilization.
19: Britania Raya memulai demobilisasi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In Bosnia, new programs generated just 8,300 jobs, while 450,000 people were demobilized; 20 years after the end of the conflict, the unemployment rate stood at 44%.
Di Bosnia, program-program baru hanya menghasilkan 8.300 pekerjaan, sementara 450.000 orang dibebastugaskan dari militer; 20 tahun setelah berakhirnya konflik, angka pengangguran bertahan di 44%.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
In the final days of World War II, for example, the United States Armed Forces developed a demobilization plan which would discharge soldiers on the basis of a point system that favoured length and certain types of service.
Pada akhir Perang Dunia II, contohnya, angkatan bersenjata Amerika Serikat membuat rencana demobilisasi yang memberhentikan prajurit berdasarkan sistem poin yang menghitung lamanya bertugas dan jenis tugas yang dialami.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After peace accords were signed in 1992, all armed FMLN units were demobilized and their organization became a legal political party.
Setelah ditandatanganinya persetujuan damai pada 1992, semua unit bersenjata FMLN didemobilisasi dan organisasi mereka menjadi partai politik yang legal.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Negotiations in Karlstad led to agreement with Sweden on 23 September and mutual demobilization.
Perundingan di Karlstad menimbulkan persetujuan dengan Swedia pada 23 September dan demobilisasi bersama.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After its demobilization it became a political party, the M-19 Democratic Alliance (Alianza Democrática M-19), or AD/M-19.
Setelah demobilisasinya, gerakan tersebut menjadi partai politik, Aliansi Demokrat M-19 (Alianza Democrática M-19), atau AD/M-19.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Japan's willingness to surrender remained conditional on the preservation of the kokutai (Imperial institution and national polity), assumption by the Imperial Headquarters of responsibility for disarmament and demobilization, no occupation of the Japanese Home Islands, Korea or Formosa, and delegation of the punishment of war criminals to the Japanese government.
Kaisar Hirohito, pemerintah, dan dewan perang mempertimbangkan empat syarat penyerahan diri: kokutai (lembaga kekaisaran dan politas nasional) tidak dibubarkan; Markas Kekaisaran menjadi pihak yang melaksanakan pelucutan senjata dan demobilisasi; Kepulauan Utama Jepang, Korea, atau Formosa tidak diduduki; dan pemerintah Jepang menjadi pihak yang mengadili para penjahat perang.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Many are former child soldiers caught up during the war and demobilized by the IRC.”
Sebagian besar dari mereka merupakan mantan serdadu anak-anak yang dimobilisasi IRC.gv2019 gv2019
But with the overthrow of the Russian Provisional Government in the midst of the October Revolution of 1917, his unit was demobilized.
Tetapi setelah terjadinya penggulingan terhadap Pemerintahan Sementara Rusia di tengah Revolusi Oktober 1917, kesatuannya tersebut didemobilisasi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Irregular sharpshooters (Sekban) were also recruited, and on demobilization turned to brigandage in the Jelali revolts (1590–1610), which engendered widespread anarchy in Anatolia in the late 16th and early 17th centuries.
Demobilisasi pun berubah menjadi brigandase (perampokan) dalam pemberontakan Jelali (1595–1610) yang memperluas aksi anarkis di Anatolia pada akhir abad ke-16 dan awal abad ke-17.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“Returnees may have to survive in a situation where the rule of law hardly exists, where banditry and violent crime are rife, where demobilized soldiers prey on the civilian population and where light weapons are available to most of the population,” stated a United Nations report.
”Orang-orang yang kembali harus bertahan hidup dalam situasi yang sama sekali tidak ada hukumnya, tempat kejahatan dan kekerasan merajalela, tempat tentara yang dibebastugaskan dari dinas militer mencari mangsa di antara penduduk sipil, dan tempat senjata ringan tersedia bagi hampir semua penduduk,” kata sebuah laporan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa.jw2019 jw2019
The Khmer Rouge or Party of Democratic Kampuchea (PDK), whose forces were never actually disarmed or demobilized, barred some people from participating in 1993 elections in the 10-15 percent of the country (holding six percent of the population) it then controlled.
Khmer Merah atau Partai Kamboja Demokratik (PKD), yang pasukannya sebetulnya tak dipersenjatai atau didemobilisasikan, mengajak beberapa orang untuk berpartisipasi pada 10-15 persen negara tersebut (memegang enam persen populasi) yang saat itu mereka kuasai.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Army was demobilized at Singapore on the surrender of Japan at the end of World War II.
Angkatan Darat Wilayah VII Jepang bermarkas di Singapura dan didemobilisasi saat Jepang menyerah di akhir Perang Dunia II.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1951, the Indonesian Government began undertaking demobilization but Moerdani's brigade was deemed to have performed well enough for its soldiers to continue serving with ABRI.
Pada tahun 1951, Pemerintah Indonesia mulai melakukan demobilisasi, brigade Moerdani dianggap telah melakukan tugas cukup baik dan para prajuritnya terus bertugas dengan ABRI.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was founded by the former KNIL Captain Raymond Westerling following his demobilization on January 15, 1949.
Milisi ini didirikan oleh mantan Kapten DST KNIL Raymond Westerling setelah demobilisasinya dari kesatuan Depot Speciale Troepen (depot pasukan khusus KNIL) pada tanggal 15 Januari 1949.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Conducting of exercises involving reservists is expensive, requiring compensation for lost wages, and it is difficult to call up then demobilize reservists again and again, which means that a nation that has called up reservists may be reluctant to stand them down again until the conflict is resolved.
Melakukan latihan yang melibatkan komponen cadangan itu mahal, memerlukan kompensasi atas hilangnya upah, dan sulit untuk memanggil lalu demobilisasi , yang berarti bahwa sebuah warga negara yang telah dijadikan komponen cadangan mungkin enggan untuk bertempur sampai konflik diselesaikan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The September 1944 Moscow Armistice required Finland to remove German troops from its territory, resulting in the Lapland War; during this period, much of the Finnish Army was demobilized, including Törni, leaving him unemployed in November 1944.
Pada tahun 1944 perjanjian Gencatan Senjata Moskwa mengharuskan penghapusan tentara Jerman dari wilayahnya, tetapi banyak juga tentara Finlandia yang dipindahkan dengan dilucuti persenjataannya termasuk Törni, November 1944.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
However, based on Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia no. 34 Year 1968, his post as Director General of Demobilization Affairs was replaced by Arifin Syukur for his expertise as a diplomat was needed by the government.
Namun berdasarkan Keputusan Presiden Republik Indonesia No. 34 Tahun 1968, jabatannya sebagai Direktur Jenderal Urusan Demobilisasi digantikan oleh Laksda (Purn.)WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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