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(geology) of a geologic period within the Paleozoic era; comprises lower, middle and upper epochs from about 415 to 360 million years ago

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Era Devon

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Ferns first appear in the fossil record about 360 million years ago in the late Devonian period, but many of the current families and species did not appear until roughly 145 million years ago in the early Cretaceous, after flowering plants came to dominate many environments.
Fosil paku tertua berasal dari kala Devon, sekitar 360 juta tahun yang lalu tetapi suku-suku dan jenis-jenis modern baru muncul sekitar 145 juta tahun yang lalu, di awal kala Kapur, di saat tumbuhan berbunga sudah mendominasi vegetasi bumi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In particular, the antiarchs, with their highly modified, jointed bony pectoral fins, were highly successful inhabitants of Middle-Late Devonian freshwater and shallow marine habitats, with the Middle to Late Devonian genus, Bothriolepis, known from over 100 valid species.
Secara khusus, antiarchs, dengan sirip dada pirus yang sangat termodifikasi, merupakan penghuni yang sangat sukses dari habitat air tawar Devon Tengah Akhir-Akhir dan habitat laut dangkal, dengan genus Afrika Tengah sampai Akhir, Bothriolepis, yang diketahui dari lebih dari 100 spesies yang valid.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Near the end of the Devonian, 70% of all species became extinct in an event known as the Late Devonian extinction, which is the second mass extinction known to have happened.
Menjelang akhir periode Devonian, 70% dari semua spesies punah dalam sebuah acara yang dikenal sebagai kepunahan Devon Akhir dan peristiwa kepunahan massal kedua yang dunia telah lihat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Devonian limestones were found in Telen River, East Kalimantan, as fragments within Paleogene clastic sediments.
Batugamping berumur devon ditemukan di Sungai Telen, Kalimantan timur, sebagai fragmen-fragmen di dalam sedimen klastik paleogen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Also informally known as the "Age of the Fish", the Devonian features a huge diversification in fish, including armored fish like Dunkleosteus and lobe-finned fish which eventually evolved into the first tetrapods.
Juga dikenal sebagai "Zaman Ikan", Devon memiliki banyak keanekaragaman ikan, termasuk ikan lapis baja seperti Dunkleosteus dan ikan lobus-bersirip yang akhirnya berkembang yang menjadi tetrapoda pertama.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
SEM image of a hederelloid from the Devonian of Michigan (largest tube diameter is 0.75 mm).
Citra SEM dari hederelloid dari Devonian dari Michigan (diameter tabung terbesar adalah 0.75 mm).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During the Devonian period, for example, (approximately 7002410000000000000♠410 Mya) there were 400 days in a year, with each day lasting 21.8 hours.
Pada era Devonian (sekitar 410 juta tahun yang lalu), satu hari berlangsung selama 21,8 jam.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Every year thousands of visitors are attracted by the unique landscape, the largest Devonian rock outcrops – sandstone precipices, rocks and caves, as well as monuments of culture and history, which are twined with many legends and stories.
Setiap tahun ribuan pengunjung tertarik dengan lanskap nya yang unik, singkapan batu Devon terbesar – tebing dari batu pasir, bebatuan dan gua-gua, serta monumen budaya dan sejarah, yang disertai dengan banyak legenda dan cerita.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Devonian colonization of land had planet-wide consequences for sediment cycling and ocean nutrients, and was likely linked to the Devonian mass extinction.
Kolonisasi Devonian pada daratan mempunyai dampak luas seluruh planet pada siklus sedimen dan nutrien lautan, yang mungkin sekali berhubungan dengan kepunahan massal Devonian.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Devonian spans from 419 million years to 359 million years ago.
Periode Devon terjadi dari 419 juta tahun sampai 359 juta tahun yang lalu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On land, plant groups diversified incredibly in an event known as the Devonian Explosion when plants made lignin allowing taller growth and vascular tissue: the first trees evolved, as well as seeds.
Di darat, kelompok tanaman berdiversifikasi dalam peristiwa yang dikenal sebagai ledakan Devonian dimana pohon pertama berevolusi, juga biji.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The first appearance of trilobites in the fossil record defines the base of the Atdabanian stage of the Early Cambrian period (521 million years ago), and they flourished throughout the lower Paleozoic era before beginning a drawn-out decline to extinction when, during the Devonian, all trilobite orders except the Proetids died out.
Trilobit pertama kali muncul dalam catatan fosil pada masa Atdabania awal periode kambrium (521 juta tahun lalu), dan mulai mengalami kemunduran hingga punah pada masa Devon, saat semua ordo trilobit kecuali Proetida mengalami kepunahan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the Devonian period (416–359 Ma) Gondwana and Siberia began to move towards Laurussia.
Pada periode Devon (416–359 juta tahun yang lalu), Gondwana dan Siberia mulai bergerak menuju Laurussia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Monmouth is in an area of Devonian old red sandstone, at the point where the River Wye is joined by its tributary, the River Monnow, and immediately north of the point at which the smaller River Trothy flows into the Wye from the west.
Monmouth terletak di wilayah batuan pasir merah tua Devonian, di titik tempat Sungai Wye bergabung dengan cabangnya, Sungai Monnow, dan tepat di utara titik tempat Sungai Trothy yang lebih kecil mengalir ke Sungai Wye dari arah barat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Vertebrates such as the lobe-finned fish Tiktaalik started to move on to land in the late Devonian, about 375 million years ago.
Vertebrata seperti ikan bersirip daging Tiktaalik mulai pindah ke tanah pada Devon akhir, sekitar 375 juta tahun yang lalu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sea levels had dropped coincident with the ice age, but slowly recovered over the course of the Silurian and Devonian.
Permukaan air laut telah turun bertepatan dengan zaman es berakhir, tetapi perlahan-lahan pulih selama periode Silur dan Devon.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Devonian ended with a series of turnover pulses which killed off much of middle Paleozoic vertebrate life, without noticeably reducing species diversity overall.
Periode Devon berakhir dengan serangkaian peristiwa yang membunuh banyak kehidupan vertebrata Paleozoikum tengah, mengurangi keragaman spesies secara keseluruhan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The first vertebrates appeared in the form of primitive fish, which greatly diversified in the Silurian and Devonian Periods.
Vertebrata pertama kali muncul dalam bentuk ikan primitif, yang sangat beragam di periode Silur dan Devon.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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