fairy story oor Indonesies

fairy story

an interesting but highly implausible story; often told as an excuse

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She had just remembered a French fairy story she had once read called " Riquet a la
Dia baru saja ingat dongeng Prancis ia pernah membaca disebut " Riquet alaQED QED
That's a fairy story, lad.
Berada dalam sayap yang tersisa, ketika membunuhnya.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
That's a fairy story, lad.
Itu cuma dongeng.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The lyrics are based on a Victorian fairy story written by Gabriel, about two children in a country house.
Liriknya dibuat oleh Gabriel berdasarkan cerita dongeng era Victorian, tentang dua orang anak kecil di negeri mereka.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The few books she had read and liked had been fairy- story books, and she had read of secret gardens in some of the stories.
Beberapa buku dia membaca dan menyukai dongeng- sudah cerita buku, dan ia membaca rahasia taman di beberapa cerita.QED QED
Which is preventing the curse from replacing his Fairy Tale story with fake memories.
Yang mana mencegah kutukan itu menggantikan kehidupan dongengnya dengan ingatan palsu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Well, the tooth fairy isn't a story.
Well, peri gigi bukan cerita.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Kyōta Shibano created a three-part meta-series titled Fairy Tail Side Stories, which was launched in Kodansha's free weekly Magazine Pocket mobile app.
Kyōta Shibano membuat seri meta tiga bagian bertajuk Fairy Tail Side Stories, yang diluncurkan di aplikasi mobile mingguan gratis Kodansha, Magazine Pocket.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The fairy tales and horror stories?
Dongeng dan cerita horor itu?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Natsu's concept evolved in a one-shot short story titled Fairy Tale, where he is depicted as a spirit with horns.
Konsep karakter Natsu berkembang dalam cerita pendek tunggal berjudul Fairy Tale, yang menggambarkannya sebagai sosok roh bertanduk.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The meals a pregnant woman consumes constitute a kind of story, a fairy tale of abundance or a grim chronicle of deprivation.
Makanan yang dimakan seorang wanita hamil membentuk semacam kisah, dongeng tentang kelimpahan atau kisah suram tentang kekurangan.ted2019 ted2019
Andersen's initial attempts at writing fairy tales were revisions of stories that he heard as a child.
Upaya awal dalam menulis dongeng adalah penulisan ulang dari cerita yang ia dengar sebagai seorang anak.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Every fairy should know the true story about the NeverBeast.
Semua Peri harus tahu kisah sebenarnya tentang NeverBeast.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And I thought the Waffle Fairy was just a bedtime story.
Kukira Fairy Waffle hanya ada pada cerita pengantar tidur.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
If my story draws the Fairy in an attack on Graham... and you nail the scumbag, I get an exclusive.
Jika cerita se Peri untuk menyerang Graham dan kau menangkap bajungan itu, aku dapat liputan khusus.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
More broadly, Dickens was influenced by fairy tales and nursery stories, which he closely associated with Christmas, because he saw them as stories of conversion and transformation.
Lebih besar lagi, Charles terpengaruh oleh dongeng dan cerita peri, yang ia kaitkan dengan Natal, karena ia melihatnya sebagai kisah pertobatan dan hijrah.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
We all know that story is just a fairy tale.
Kita semua tahu bahwa cerita itu hanya dongeng.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Horror stories and even some fairy tales may have filled you with anxiety.
Cerita-cerita horor dan bahkan beberapa kisah dongeng mungkin telah membuat saudara sangat gelisah.jw2019 jw2019
Two other volumes enthusiastically received were A Danish Story Book and Danish Fairy Tales and Legends.
Dua volume lainnya antusias diterima adalah A Story Book Denmark dan Denmark Fairy Tales and Legends.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Conan Doyle, who was deeply interested in spiritism following his son’s death, trusted them and believed the stories about the fairies—as did many people at the time.
Conan Doyle, yang sangat berminat akan spiritisme setelah kematian putranya, mempercayai mereka dan yakin akan dongeng tentang peri-peri tersebut —begitu pula halnya dengan banyak orang pada masa itu.jw2019 jw2019
Well... it's like the story of the woodsmen and the fairies.
Hem... ini seperti kisah tukang kayu dan peri.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The film, described as a "feminist fairy tale", tells the story of the independent Antonia (Willeke van Ammelrooy) who, after returning to the anonymous Dutch village of her birth, establishes and nurtures a close-knit matriarchal community.
Film tersebut, yang disebut sebagai "kisah peri feminis," mengisahkan tentang cerita independen Antonia (Willeke van Ammelrooy) yang kembali ke desa Belanda tempat kelahirannya yang tak bernama.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The story is a fairy tale about a baby who was found by the Sage Kanva who gives her refuge in his ashram and raises her like his own daughter.
Cerita tersebut adalah kisah tentang seorang bayi yang ditemukan oleh Sage Kanva dan dibesarkan olehnya seperti putrinya sendiri.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The story is based upon the fairy tale Cinderella, particularly the French version Cendrillon, ou la Petite Pantoufle de Vair, by Charles Perrault.
Musikal ini didasarkan pada dongeng Cinderella, khususnya Cendrillon, ou la Petite Pantoufle de Vair, oleh Charles Perrault.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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