forced circumcision oor Indonesies

forced circumcision

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Sunat paksa

circumcision performed without consent

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Khitan (circumcision) Children's rights Ethics of circumcision Forced circumcision FGM Violence against men German court rules circumcision is 'bodily harm', BBC News Europe.
Hak-Hak anak Etika sunat Sunat paksa Khitan pada wanita Kekerasan terhadap laki-laki ^ German court rules circumcision is 'bodily harm', BBC News Europe.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In a biblical context, the term is used especially in relation to Paul the Apostle and his polemics against the forced circumcision of gentile Christians.
Dalam konteks Alkitab, istilah ini digunakan terutama berkaitan dengan Paulus dan polemiknya terhadap sunat paksa orang-orang Kristen bukan Yahudi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Sydney Morning Herald reported that the forced conversions and forced circumcisions had been condemned by moderate Muslim leaders who said they were contrary to Islamic teachings.
The Sydney Morning Herald melaporkan bahwa pengkonversi paksa dan penyunat paksa telah dikutuk oleh para pemimpin Muslim moderat yang mengatakan mereka bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Among adults, forced circumcisions have occurred in a wide range of situations, most notably in the compulsory conversion of non-Muslims to Islam and the forced circumcision of Teso, Turkana and Luo men in Kenya, as well as the abduction of South African teenage boys to so-called circumcision schools ("bush schools").
Sunat paksa telah terjadi dalam berbagai macam situasi, terutama konversi paksa ke Islam. dan sunat paksa suku Teso, Turkana dan Luo di Kenya, serta penculikan di remaja laki-laki Afrika Selatan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Idumaeans were nominally Jewish, since circumcision had been forced upon them in about 125 B.C.E.
Orang Idumea sudah dianggap sebagai orang Yahudi, karena mereka dipaksa menyunatkan diri sekitar tahun 125 SM.jw2019 jw2019
But instead of bringing joy to all, this development forces into prominence the ongoing debate about circumcision.
Namun, tidak semua bersukacita. Perkembangan ini malah membuat perbantahan yang berkepanjangan tentang sunat semakin mengemuka.jw2019 jw2019
The Sydney Morning Herald reported in detail on this, stating that "almost all" of 3,928 villagers forced to convert to Islam were circumcised.
The Sydney Morning Herald melaporkan secara rinci tentang hal ini, menyatakan bahwa "hampir semua" dari 3.928 penduduk desa yang dipaksa untuk masuk Islam disunat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
12 According to Josephus, in the second century B.C.E. the remaining Edomites were subjugated by the Jewish king John Hyrcanus I, were forced to submit to circumcision, and were gradually absorbed into the Jewish domain under a Jewish governor.
12 Menurut Josephus, pada abad kedua S.M. sisa orang Edom ditaklukkan oleh raja bangsa Yahudi John Hyrcanus I, dipaksa untuk disunat, dan secara berangsur-angsur diasimilasikan ke dalam wilayah Yahudi di bawah pimpinan gubernur Yahudi.jw2019 jw2019
Historian Josephus related that, when John Hyrcanus I conquered the Idumeans, which was in about 125 B.C.E., he told the people that they could stay in their country only if they submitted to circumcision, thus forcing them to become proselytes.
Sejarawan Yosefus menceritakan bahwa ketika Yohanes Hirkanus I menaklukkan orang Idumea kira-kira pada tahun 125 SM, ia memberi tahu orang-orang itu bahwa mereka boleh tinggal di negeri mereka hanya jika mereka mau disunat, dengan demikian memaksa mereka menjadi proselit.jw2019 jw2019
The covenant of circumcision was not part of the Abrahamic covenant, which remains in force to this day.
Perjanjian sunat bukan bagian dari perjanjian Abraham, yang masih berlaku hingga hari ini.jw2019 jw2019
292) Anointed Christians, because of their being begotten to heavenly life, had, in effect, died and been impaled to the koʹsmos of the human sphere of life, in which regulations such as fleshly circumcision had been in force; they had become “a new creation.”
292) Orang Kristen terurap, karena telah diperanakkan kepada kehidupan surgawi, seolah-olah telah mati dan dipantek terhadap koʹsmos lingkup hidup manusia, yang di dalamnya peraturan-peraturan seperti sunat pada daging diberlakukan; mereka telah menjadi ”ciptaan baru”.jw2019 jw2019
11 The breaking off of prospective “branches” of “Abraham’s seed” started with the conversion of circumcised Samaritans, and it came to full force three and a half years after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Greater Isaac.
11 Calon-calon ”cabang” dari ”benih Abraham” dipatahkan tiga setengah tahun setelah kematian dan kebangkitan Yesus Kristus, Ishak Yang Lebih Besar.jw2019 jw2019
(Jos 3:5; Jer 6:4; 51:27, 28) During warfare Israel’s forces, including non-Jews (for example, Uriah the Hittite, who was probably a circumcised proselyte), had to remain ceremonially clean.
(Yos 3:5; Yer 6:4; 51:27, 28) Selama peperangan, pasukan Israel, termasuk yang non-Yahudi (seperti Uria, orang Het, yang kemungkinan adalah seorang proselit bersunat), harus tetap tahir.jw2019 jw2019
13 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.