groundbreaking oor Indonesies


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The point at which construction begins.

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When we were getting ready for the groundbreaking for the Tijuana Mexico Temple, we were very happy.
Ketika kami siap untuk pencangkulan pertama untuk Bait Suci Tijuana Meksiko, kami sangat bahagia.


At the time, the legs I presented were groundbreaking in prosthetics.
Saat itu, kaki yang saya perlihatkan adalah terobosan dalam dunia prostetik.

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The tour marked the return of Dion after performing her groundbreaking show A New Day... in Las Vegas for five years.
Tur tersebut menandai kembalinya Dion setelah menampilkan acaranya A New Day... di Las Vegas selama lima tahun.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The groundbreaking ceremony was held on 20 June 2011, the building was topped off in 2015, and was completed in 2016.
Upacara peletakan batu pertama dilangsungkan pada 20 Juni 2011, penutupan atap gedung dilakukan pada tahun 2015, dan diselesaikan pada tahun 2016.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After spending most of 1964 engaged in northern Borneo and becoming ever more frustrated with Britain's opposition to her plans, Sukarno delivered a groundbreaking yet bitter speech in Jakarta on 17 August for Independence Day.
Setelah menghabiskan sebagian besar tahun 1964 bergerak di Kalimantan utara dan menjadi semakin frustrasi dengan oposisi Inggris terhadap rencana Indonesia, Soekarno menyampaikan sebuah pidato terobosan namun pahit di Jakarta pada 17 Agustus dalam peringatan Hari Kemerdekaan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Around the globe, entire industries are being redefined and created from scratch, owing to groundbreaking developments in artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, autonomous vehicles, 3D printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials science, energy storage, and quantum computing.
Keseluruhan industri tengah disusun ulang dan dibuat dari nol, berkat perkembangan-perkembangan revolusioner di bidang kecerdasan buatan (artificial intelligence), robotika, the Internet of Things, kendaraan swakemudi/otonom (autonomous vehicles), percetakan 3D (3D printing), nanoteknologi, bioteknologi, ilmu/teknik material (materials science), penyimpanan energi (energy storage), dan komputasi kuantum (quantum computing).ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Groundbreaking and construction of the temple began in 1951 under Yuet Kai and his followers, and the structure was finished six years later.
Peletakan batu pertama dan pembangunan kuil dibangun pada 1951 atas prakarsa Yuet Kai dan pengikutnya, dan strukturnya diselesaikan enam tahun kemudian.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In recognition of this groundbreaking discovery, which proved to be the basis for the fight against polio, he was posthumously inducted into the Polio Hall of Fame at Warm Springs, Georgia, which was dedicated in January 1958.
Dalam pengakuan penemuan inovatif ini, yang terbukti menjadi dasar untuk memerangi polio, ia secara anumerta dilantik ke dalam Hall of Fame Polio di Warm Springs, Georgia, yang didedikasikan pada Januari 1958.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
We made 21st century money, and that was groundbreaking.
Kami mendapat bayaran uang abad 21, dan ini sangat menakjubkan.ted2019 ted2019
It was groundbreaking technology.
Itu teknologi inovatif.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Name the remake of the groundbreaking horror movie in which the villain...
Sebutkan rekaman baru film horor terobosan...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The episode was seen as groundbreaking for a Saturday morning cartoon and helped set the tone for the rest of the series.
Episode itu dianggap sebagai terobosan untuk kartun Sabtu pagi dan membantu mengatur nada untuk sisa seri.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was a groundbreaking ceremony for a new factory.
Itu adalah perayaan peletakan batu pertama untuk pabrik baru.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
As we look to the next 50 years of the World Bank’s partnership with Indonesia, we hope it will continue to be filled with groundbreaking initiatives that help the country develop and prosper – we will be there along the way, documenting their progress.
Ketika kita melihat 50 tahun ke depan kemitraan Bank Dunia dengan Indonesia, kami berharap ini akan terus diisi dengan inisiatif inovatif yang membantu negara menjadi berkembang dan
Since WWII there has been increasing interest in the manuscripts themselves—Neil Ker, a paleographer, published the groundbreaking Catalogue of Manuscripts Containing Anglo-Saxon in 1957, and by 1980 nearly all Anglo-Saxon manuscript texts were in print.
Neil Ker, seorang ahli paleografi, menerbitkan Catalogue of Manuscripts Containing Anglo-Saxon yang mendobrak pada tahun 1957, dan menjelang tahun 1980 hampir semua manuskrip Inggris Kuno sudah diterbitkan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The company has introduced other groundbreaking cameras such as the Millennium XL (1999) and the digital video Genesis (2004).
Perusahaan tersebut mengenalkan jenis-jenis kamera lainnya seperti Millennium XL (1999) dan video digital Genesis (2004).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Charles Darwin is known to have crossbred fancy pigeons, particularly the Ice Pigeon, to study variation within species, this work coming three years before his groundbreaking publication, On the Origin of Species.
Charles Darwin diketahui telah melakukan persilangan merpati hias, khususnya merpati es, untuk mempelajari variasi pada spesies tersebut, eksperimennya ini dilakukan tiga tahun sebelum diterbitkannya buku On the Origin of Species.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nixon and Brezhnev proclaimed a new era of "peaceful coexistence" and established the groundbreaking new policy of détente (or cooperation) between the two superpowers.
Nixon dan Brezhnev mengumumkan era baru "hidup berdampingan secara damai" dan membangun pendekatan hubungan baru yang disebut détente (peredaan ketegangan) antara dua negara adidaya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The groundbreaking ceremony for the Philippine Arena was done in August 17, 2011.
Upacara peletakan batu pertama untuk Philippine Arena dilakukan pada 17 Agustus 2011.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
That's groundbreaking.
Itu terobosan.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She is best known for co-starring in John Cassavetes's groundbreaking film Shadows (1959), which really launched her acting career, and playing the best friend of Ellen Burstyn's character in Martin Scorsese's Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore (1974).
Dia juga dikenal dalam film arahan John Cassavetes berjudul Shadows (1959) dan memerankan sebagai kekasih Ellen Burstyn dalam film arahan Martin Scorsese berjudul Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore (1974).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The groundbreaking of this first phase was conducted in October 2014.
Peletakan batu pertama ini tahap pertama telah dilakukan pada oktober 2014.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The album was not a mainstream hit but received praise from Korea's underground hip hop scene for its groundbreaking raps that were entirely in Korean.
Album ini tidak populer di mainstream tapi menerima pujian dari ranah hip hop underground Korea karena rap inovatifnya yang seluruhnya dalam bahasa Korea.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Newton had gone into hiding 13 years earlier, after Robert Hooke had publicly accused Newton of stealing his groundbreaking work on light and color.
Newton telah bersembunyi 13 tahun sebelumnya, setelah Robert Hooke secara terbuka menuduh Newton mencuri karya terobosannya pada cahaya dan warna.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They were having a groundbreaking celebration.
Mereka mengadakan perayaan inovatif.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In addition to receiving the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the discovery of nitric oxide as a new cellular signal—shared in 1998 with Louis Ignarro and Ferid Murad —Furchgott also received a Gairdner Foundation International Award (1991) for his groundbreaking discoveries, and the Albert Lasker Award for Basic Medical Research (1996), the latter also with Ferid Murad.
Di samping Penghargaan Nobel dalam Fisiologi atau Kedokteran yang diterimanya pada 1998 bersama Louis José Ignarro dan Ferid Murad, Furchgott juga telah menerima Gairdner Foundation International Award untuk penemuan mendasarnya (1991) dan Albert Lasker Award for Basic Medical Research (1996).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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