internationalize oor Indonesies


To make something international; to involve multiple nations

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The U.S. has historically opposed "internationalizing" the conflict.
Amerika Serikat secara historis menentang "upaya menginternasionalisasi' konflik.

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liberal internationalism
Internasionalisme liberal
proletarian internationalism
Internasionalisme proletariat
internationalization and localization
Internasionalisasi dan Pelokalan


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Human Rights Watch said that the prosecutions violate internationally protected rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly codified in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which Indonesia ratified in 2006.
Human Rights Watch berpendapat bahwa kriminalisasi hak-hak kebebasan berekspresi dan berkumpul secara damai merupakan pelanggaran hukum HAM internasional sebagaimana dilindungi dalam Kovenan Internasional Hak-HakSipil dan Politik, yang diratifikasi Indonesia pada
Gabon also features internationally celebrated masks, such as the n'goltang (Fang) and the reliquary figures of the Kota.
Gabon juga menampilkan topeng yang banyak dikenal secara internasional, seperti n'goltang (Fang) dan tokoh keramat Kota.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During the dictatorship of Adolf Hitler, German modernist art, including many works of internationally renowned artists, was removed from state owned museums and banned in Nazi Germany on the grounds that such art was an "insult to German feeling", un-German, Jewish, or Communist in nature.
Pada masa kekuasaan Adolf Hitler, karya seni modern dikeluarkan dari museum yang dimiliki oleh negara dan dilarang di Jerman Nazi dengan alasan bahwa karya tersebut "menghina perasaan Jerman", tidak Jerman, atau diklaim sebagai seni Yahudi atau komunis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Its mystery obviously disturbed 18th-century viewers, and although Wright was an internationally recognised artist, the painting was not sold when he first exhibited it.
Misterinya jelas mengganggu pikiran pengunjung pada abad ke-18, meskipun Wright adalah seniman terkenal internasional, lukisan ini tidak terjual pada pameran pertamanya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In addition, as a result of the General Re acquisition in December 1998, Berkshire's insurance businesses also includes life, accident, and health reinsurers, as well as internationally based property and casualty reinsurers.
Selain itu, sebagai hasil dari akuisisi General Re pada tahun 1998, bisnis asuransi Berkshire juga termasuk reasuransi jiwa, kecelakaan dan kesehatan, dan reasuransi properti dan casualty.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Imagine with me if the one billion people who travel internationally every year travel like this, not being taken in the bus from one side to another, from one hotel to another, taking pictures from the windows of their buses of people and cultures, but actually connecting with people.
Bayangkan jika satu miliar manusia yang setiap tahun berwisata keliling dunia seperti ini, tidak sekedar dibawa naik bus dari satu tempat ke tempat lain, dari satu hotel ke hotel lain, memotret orang-orang dan budaya lain dari jendela bus mereka, tapi benar-benar berhubungan dengan orang-orang.ted2019 ted2019
Alternatively, if another site finds that users outside of the United States are searching for and purchasing their product, they may decide to expand their search targeting internationally.
Atau, jika situs lain menemukan bahwa pengguna di luar Amerika Serikat menelusuri dan membeli produk mereka, mereka mungkin memutuskan untuk memperluas penargetan penelusuran secara
The Church is also growing more diverse internationally.
Gereja juga tumbuh lebih beragam secara internasional.LDS LDS
France is another country in which the cosmetic industry plays an important role, both nationally and internationally.
Prancis adalah salah satu negara di mana industri kosmetik memainkan peran penting, baik secara nasional maupun internasional.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A 212-square-kilometre (82 sq mi) reserve was created in 1987 by the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature and is regionally and internationally important, particularly for the bird life that the reserve supports.
Waduk seluas 220 km persegi ini dibangun pada tahun 1987 oleh Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature; berperang penting baik regional maupun internasional, terutama untuk kehidupan burung-burung yang didukung oleh waduk ini.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In this period, the Scuola del Libro (Istituto per la Decorazione e l'Illustrazione del Libro) was founded and expressed considerable talent both nationally and internationally.
Dalam periode ini, Scuola del Libro (Istituto per la Decorazione e l'Illustrazione del Libro) didirikan dan menunjukkan bakat-bakat yang cukup baik dalam skala nasional maupun internasional.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The British Invasion helped internationalize the production of rock and roll, opening the door for subsequent British (and Irish) performers to achieve international success.
Invasi Britania membantu produksi rock and roll secara internasional, membuka pintu terutama untuk musisi Inggris (dan Irlandia) mendapat sukses internasional.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Born in Cairo, Egypt, Atom Egoyan is now an internationally-known filmmaker who is celebrated for his contemporary work, including personal feature films and other related projects.
Lahir di Kairo, Mesir, Atom Egoyan adalah seeorang pembuat film yang terkenal secara internasional atask karya kontemporernya, termasuk film-film fitur pribadi dan proyek-proyek terkait lainnya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some have been recognized internationally with awards, as was the case with Rajendra Singh, who received the prestigious Magsaysay Award for community development in 2001.
Ada yang mendapat pengakuan internasional, seperti Rajendra Singh yang menerima Magsaysay Award yang bergengsi pada tahun 2001 karena peranannya dalam memajukan masyarakat.jw2019 jw2019
The Northern European Office generated more communication internationally among the Witnesses.
Kantor Eropa Utara menghasilkan lebih banyak komunikasi internasional di antara Saksi-Saksi.jw2019 jw2019
He was inaugurated on 25 February 1993, and served a single five-year term, presiding over a massive anti-corruption campaign, the arrest of his two predecessors, and an internationalization policy called Segyehwa.
Dia dilantik pada 25 Februari 1993, dan menjabat selama lima tahun, memimpin kampanye besar-besaran anti-korupsi, penangkapan dua pendahulunya, dan kebijakan internasionalisasi disebut Segyehwa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As you made abundantly clear years ago, to me, privately, publicly, internationally...
Ketika Anda membuat tahun sangat jelas lalu, bagi saya, secara pribadi, publik, internasional...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It also earned around $9.7 million internationally this weekend.
Film tersebut juga meraih sekitar US$9.7 juta secara internasional pada minggu tersebut.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
William John Coffee (1774–1846) was an internationally renowned English artist and sculptor who worked in porcelain, plaster, and terra cotta.
William John Coffee (1774–1846) adalah seniman dan pematung Inggris berkelas internasional yang membuat patung dari porselen, plester, dan terracotta.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Although the Durand Line is internationally recognized as the western border of Pakistan, it remains largely unrecognized by Afghanistan.
Meskipun diakui secara internasional sebagai batas barat Pakistan, namun sebagian besar belum diakui di Afghanistan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The modern Greek state (then the Kingdom of Greece) was established in 1832 at the London Conference of 1832 and internationally recognised in the same year by the Treaty of Constantinople, in which Greece secured full independence from the Ottoman Empire.
Negara Yunani modern (saat itu Kerajaan Yunani) didirikan pada tahun 1832 di Konferensi London 1832 dan diakui mancanegara pada tahun yang sama oleh Traktat Konstantinopel, dimana Yunani meraih kemerdekaan penuh dari Kekaisaran Utsmaniyah.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
World religions is a category used in the study of religion to demarcate the five—and in some cases six—largest and most internationally widespread religious movements.
Agama-agama dunia adalah sebuah kategori yang digunakan dalam studi agama untuk mengacu pada lima - terkadang enam - agama terbesar di dunia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Internationally, the Gulf Cooperation Council Ministers of Foreign Affairs expressed their solidarity with government of Bahrain and their support for the measures taken.
Secara internasional, Menteri Kerjasama Dewan Menteri Teluk melakukan solidaritas mereka dengan pemerintah Bahrain dan dukungan mereka atas tindakan yang diambil.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Under strong international pressure, Balkan neighbors in 1913 were forced to withdraw from the territory of the internationally recognized state of Albania.
Dibawah tekanan internasional, negara-negara Balkan pada tahun 1913 terpaksa mundur dari negara Albania yang telah diakui secara internasional.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The TFG thereafter became Somalia's internationally recognized government.
TFG kemudian menjadi pemerintah Somalia yang diakui secara internasional.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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