lorry oor Indonesies


/lɒrɪ/, /ˈlɒri/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(UK) A motor vehicle for transporting goods.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Indonesies


There's half a dozen lorries behind this one, come on!
Ada setengah lusin truk belakang satu ini, ayolah!


We can flip lorries, coaches, buses, anything over
Kami dapat menjungkirkan lori, gerbong kereta, bis, apapun
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lorry driver
sopir truk


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This lorry's crazy!
Mobil ini gila!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Did you see all those jeeps and lorries going up and down the hill?
Apa kau melihat semua jip dan truk itu naik turun bukit?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Luton also produced around 250,000 lorries for the war effort, alongside the new Bedford Dunstable plant, which was opened in 1942, with Bedford designs being common in British use.
Pabrik Luton juga berhasil memproduksi sekitar 250.000 truk untuk keperluan perang, bersama dengan pabrik Dunstable, yang baru dibuka pada tahun 1942.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
While growing up, Del Piero's family did not have much money for travelling abroad, so he considered being a lorry driver in order to see the world.
Sementara ia tumbuh dewasa, keluarga Del Piero tidak punya banyak uang untuk bepergian ke luar negeri, jadi ia menjadi seorang sopir truk untuk bisa melihat dunia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
What, a lorry can never miss a delivery?
Apakah truk tidak bisa melewatkan pengirimannya?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The old barrier had been damaged by a lorry, and that time this wall was not been build To avoid such incidents to occur, we had to build this wall However, we cannot be sure whether this wall will be able to avoid any unforeseen circumstances This is the assembly ground
Kami sudah coba meminta bantuan pada pihak pemerintah, tetapi tidak mendapat tanggapan pengurus dewan sekolah kami En. Morgan sudah berusaha mencarikan bantuan untuk sekolah iniQED QED
Lorrie, who was recently married, discovered that her husband takes a long time to share his feelings.
Lorrie, yang baru menikah, menyadari bahwa tidak mudah bagi suaminya untuk berbagi perasaan.jw2019 jw2019
Six lorries destroyed on Avenue Parmentier.
Enam truk hancur pada Parmentier Avenue.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
One tale holds that in 1958 a lorry driver named "Harry (or "Harold" in some tellings) Unsworth" saw a hitchiker he'd given a ride to earlier re-appear miles down the road from where he'd dropped him off.
Satu kisah menyatakan bahwa pada tahun 1958 seorang sopir truk bernama "Harry Unsworth" melihat hantu tumpangan dimana ia memberinya tumpangan yang sebelumnya kembali muncul beberapa mil jauhnya dari jalan dari tempat ia mengantarkannya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The assembly hall is situated close to the road Sand lorries often passes by the sharp bend of the road where is school is situated
Sekolah ini dekat dengan jalan raya seringkali truk pengangkut pasir melalui belokan tajam yang bersebelahan dengan sekolah iniQED QED
Following her birth the family lived for a short period in Northern Ireland, where her father worked as a lorry driver, before settling in Aylesbury, England.
Setelah kelahirannya, keluarga tinggal untuk waktu yang singkat di Irlandia Utara, di mana ayahnya bekerja sebagai sopir truk, sebelum menetap secara permanen di Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In July 1994 a light rail vehicle and a lorry collided, killing the LRV captain.
Pada bulan Juli 1994 kereta ringan dan truk bertabrakan, menewaskan kapten LRV.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Six lorries destroyed on Avenue Parmentier
Enam truk hancur pada Parmentier Avenueopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Fresh off the back of a lorry, if you know what I mean.
Masih segar dari belakang sebuah truk, jika kau tahu apa yang ku maksud.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Lorrie, I can't talk right now.
Lorraine aku tidak dapat bicara saat ini...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Strangely, however, a few days later, as that same man crossed a bridge while riding atop a lorry on his way home from work, he fell into the river below and was killed.’
Namun, anehnya, beberapa hari kemudian, sewaktu pria itu melintasi jembatan seraya menumpang di atas sebuah truk kecilnya dalam perjalanan pulang dari tempat kerja, ia jatuh ke sungai di bawah dan tewas.’jw2019 jw2019
The bridge was badly damaged by Army lorries during the Second World War but has been repaired since.
Jembatan tersebut rusak oleh truk-truk tentara pada Perang Dunia II namun telah diperbaiki.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Before, they were running around mad as lorries.
Sebelumnya, mereka berlarian bebas layaknya sapi gila.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
'Bahen Ki Lorry'!
'Bahen Ki Lorry'!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Internal combustion engines and improved traction systems for automobiles and trucks/lorries eventually rendered trench railways obsolete.
Mesin pembakaran dalam dan sistem traksi yang diperbarui untuk mobil dan truk/lori akhirnya membuat rel kereta parit kedaluwarsa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Among the resources being deployed were: 5,300 policemen 400 soldiers SA-10 Grumble – an anti-aircraft missile system on alert chemical laboratory – standing by in case of a chemical attack permanent air surveillance by Mig-29s over Bratislava the Slovak government prepared a law under which the minister of defense can approve shootings down of a civilian aircraft () more security controls at General M. R. Štefánik Airport, Bratislava traffic restrictions; no thoroughfare for lorry above 3.5 tons at frontier crossing since Wednesday until Friday Bratislava, ironically called "Fort Bratislava" at that time, consisted of three security zones (Bratislava Castle, Hviezdoslav Square, President's palace), each zone was divided into three circles (yellow – controlled space, green – more controlled space and red – restricted space) Russia–United States relations List of Soviet Union–United States summits
Mereka yang diterjunkan untuk mengamankan KTT ialah: 5.300 polisi 400 tentara SA-10 Grumble - sebuah sistem rudal anti-aircraft dalam status siaga laboratorium kimia - siaga jika terjadi kasus serangan kimia pengintaian udara permanen oleh Mig-29 pemerintah Slowakia telah menyiapkan Undang-Undang di mana menteri pertahanan boleh memberi izin penembakan pesawat terbang sipil patroli keamanan ditingkatkan di Bandara General M. R. Štefánik, Bratislava pembatasan lalu lintas; lori bermuatan di atas 3,5 ton dilarang melintas selama tiga hari Bratislava, ironisnya dijuluki "Benteng Bratislava" pada saat itu, mencakup tiga zona keamanan (Kastel Bratislava, Lapangan Hviezdoslav, Istana Presiden), yang setiap zona dibagi menjadi 3 lingkaran (kuning - area terkontrol, hijau - area kontrol lebih ketat dan merah - area larangan) (Inggris) Situs resmiWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There's half a dozen lorries behind this one, come on!
Ada setengah lusin truk belakang satu ini, ayolah!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nowadays, a canal connects the Corinthian and Saronic gulfs, and on superhighways lorries hurtle past the sleepy village of Corinth.
Dewasa ini, sebuah terusan menghubungkan Teluk Korintus dan Teluk Saronik, dan di jalan-jalan raya truk-truk besar bergerak cepat melewati pedesaan Korintus yang sepi.jw2019 jw2019
About 700 tanks, 20,000 motor bikes, 45,000 cars and lorries, 880 field guns and 310 larger equipments, about 500 anti-aircraft guns, 850 anti-tank guns, 6,400 anti-tank rifles and 11,000 machine-guns were abandoned.
Sekitar 700 tank, 20,000 sepeda motor, 45,000 mobil dan truk, 880 senjata lapangan dan 310 peralatan yang lebih besar, sekitar 500 senjata anti-pesawat, 850 senjata anti-tank, 6,400 senapan anti-tank dan 11.000 senjata mesin yang ditinggalkan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The album was recorded in the Philippines and co-produced by Pomeranz with Filipino composer Lorrie Ilustre.
Album ini direkam di Filipina dan diproduseri oleh Pomeranz dengan Penyusun musik Filipina, Lorrie Ilustre.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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