lymph node oor Indonesies

lymph node

/ˈlɪmf noʊd/ naamwoord
(anatomy, immunology) Small oval bodies of the lymphatic system, distributed along the lymphatic vessels, that are clustered in the armpits, groin, neck, chest and abdomen. They act as filters, with an internal honeycomb of connective tissue filled with lymphocytes and macrophages that collect and destroy bacteria, viruses and foreign matter from lymph. When the body is fighting an infection, these lymphocytes multiply rapidly and produce a characteristic swelling of the lymph nodes.

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nodus limfa

organ of the lymphatic system


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However, we will have to remove the tumor in your lymph nodes and start chemotherapy immediately.
Bagaimanapun, kita tetap harus memindahkan tumornya... Pada kelenjar getah bening anda dan memulai kemoterapi segera.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But fortunately it was removed before it had spread to her lymph nodes.
Untungnya tumor itu dapat dibuang sebelum menyebar ke jaringan getah beningnya.ted2019 ted2019
It started in my stomach and spread to the lymph nodes.
Ini dimulai di perutku dan menyebar ke kelenjar getah bening.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This is based on the size of the primary tumor, lymph node involvement, and distant metastasis.
Cara ini didasarkan pada ukuran tumor primer, keterlibatan nodus limfatik, dan metastasis jauh.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Diagnosis is via finding the parasite in a blood smear or in the fluid of a lymph node.
Diagnosis penyakit ini dapat diketahui lewat parasit dalam hapusan darah tepi atau dalam cairan nodus limpa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
• Swelling of lymph nodes
• Pembengkakan kelenjar getah beningjw2019 jw2019
Explains the shoulder pain and the jumbo lymph nodes.
menjelaskan sakit dibahunya, dan kelenjar getah bening jumbo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The protective tissues faulting her lymph nodes if suffered excessive deterioration.
Sistim KEKEBALAN yang melindungi JARINGAN ORGAN-NYA semakin MEMBURUK.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
However, experts strongly urge women to watch for changes in their breasts and lymph nodes.
Para pakar mendesak wanita untuk mewaspadai perubahan pada payudara dan kelenjar getah bening.jw2019 jw2019
We'll also look at your lymph nodes.
Kita juga akan melihat kelenjar getah beningmu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In NSCLC, samples are taken of nearby lymph nodes during surgery to assist staging.
Dalam NSCLC, sampel diambil di dekat nodus limfatik selama pembedahan untuk membantu penentuan stadium.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The doctors had to remove the lymph nodes and the breast.
Para dokter harus mengangkat benjolan getah bening dan payudara.jw2019 jw2019
Some people with mediastinal N2 lymph node involvement might benefit from post-operative radiotherapy.
Beberapa orang dengan keterlibatan kelenjar limfa mediastinum N2 mendapatkan manfaat setelah radioterapi pascabedah.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Swollen lymph nodes.
Bintik getah bening yang membengkak.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The cancer cells may spread from the prostate to other areas of the body, particularly the bones and lymph nodes.
Sel ini dapat menyebar secara metastasis dari prostat ke bagian tubuh lainnya, terutama tulang dan lymph node.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For decades radical mastectomy, the removal of the breast along with underlying muscles and lymph nodes, has been widely used.
Selama puluhan tahun, mastektomi radikal, yaitu pengangkatan payudara berikut otot-otot dan kelenjar getah bening yang ada di bawahnya, telah digunakan secara luas.jw2019 jw2019
Buffalo pox in humans causes high fever, swelling of the lymph nodes, multiple pockmarks on the body, and general weakness.
Cacar banteng pada manusia menyebabkan demam yang tinggi, pembengkakan kelenjar getah bening, timbulnya banyak bopeng pada tubuh, dan tubuh terasa lemas.jw2019 jw2019
This reduced Janice’s risk of lymphedema, an uncomfortable swelling of the arm that can occur when many lymph nodes are removed.
Hal ini mengurangi risiko limfedema, pembengkakan pada lengan yang bisa terjadi jika banyak kelenjar getah bening diangkat.jw2019 jw2019
Kawasaki disease, also known as mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome, is a disease in which blood vessels throughout the body become inflamed.
Penyakit Kawasaki, juga dikenal dengan nama Sindrom Kawasaki, Sindrom Nodus Limfa, adalah penyakit Autoimunitas dimana pembuluh darah berukuran sedang diseluruh tubuh menjadi meradang.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She succumbs to the disease because it spreads to the lungs, liver, lymph nodes, brain, bone, where it becomes unresectable or untreatable.
Ia meninggal karena kanker dapat menyebar ke paru-paru, hati, kelenjar getah bening, otak, tulang sehingga tak memungkinkan untuk dioperasi atau ditangani.ted2019 ted2019
This hematogenous transmission can also spread infection to more distant sites, such as peripheral lymph nodes, the kidneys, the brain, and the bones.
Penularan hematogen (melalui pembuluh darah) ini juga dapat menyebar ke lokasi-lokasi lain seperti nodus limfa perifer, ginjal, otak dan tulang.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the past, surgery for breast cancer often involved radical mastectomy —a disfiguring removal of the breast and surrounding muscle tissue and the lymph nodes.
Di masa lampau, operasi kanker payudara sering menyangkut mastektomi yang radikal—pemotongan yang merusak bentuk payudara, dan jaringan otot di sekelilingnya serta simpul (getah bening).jw2019 jw2019
Line of lymph nodes behind their ear and sometimes, there is short lived joint pain but for the most part Rubella virus was not a problem.
Kelenjar getah bening dibelakang telinga mereka dan terkadang ada sakit di persendian yang hanya berlangsung beberapa saat, tetapi Virus Rubella pada dasarnya bukan merupakan permasalahan yang besar.QED QED
This may reveal an obvious mass, the widening of the mediastinum (suggestive of spread to lymph nodes there), atelectasis (lung collapse), consolidation (pneumonia), or pleural effusion.
Upaya ini bisa menunjukkan adanya massa yang jelas, pelebaran mediastinum (yang menunjukkan penyebaran ke nodus limfatik), atelektasis (kolaps), konsolidasi (pneumonia), atau efusi pleura.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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