martyr oor Indonesies


[ˈmaː.tə(ɹ)], [ˈmaː.ɾə(ɹ)], [ˈmɑɹ.ɾɚ], [ˈmɑː.tə(ɹ)], [ˈmɑɹ.tɚ], /ˈmɑrtər/ werkwoord, naamwoord
One who willingly accepts being put to death for adhering openly to one's religious beliefs; notably, saints canonized after martyrdom.

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one willing to be killed for religion
Sir, right after the Bairam prayers he became a martyr.
Sir, segera setelah salat Bairam ia menjadi syahid.


You know what you have to be to be a martyr, Doug?
Kau tahu harus apa jika jadi seorang martir, Doug?


person who suffers persecution and death for advocating, refusing to renounce, and/or refusing to advocate a belief or cause, usually a religious one
The question is is it to become a martyr or just to be wasted.
Pertanyaannya adalah akankah ini jadi perang Syahid atau hanya sia-sia.


Does he become a martyr, eh, Dad?
Apakah dia mati sahid, ayah?


So you're martyring yourself. You're taking me along for the ride.
Jadi kau mengorbankan dirimu sendiri, dan membawaku dalam penderitaanmu.
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The first Christian martyr.
Martir Kristen yang pertama.jw2019 jw2019
In what sense do martyred anointed Christians receive “a white robe”?
Dalam hal apa orang-orang Kristen terurap yang mati sahid menerima ”sehelai jubah putih”?jw2019 jw2019
Four Crowned Martyrs Pope Hormisdas Largus Mary MacKillop Smaragdus (and companions) August 8 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Earliest day on which Children's Day can fall, while August 14 is the latest; celebrated on the second Sunday in August.
Hormisdas Largus Mary MacKillop Smaragdus (dan sahabat) 8 Agustus (Liturgik Ortodok Timur) Hari terlama Hari Melon jatuh, sementara tanggal 14 Agustus menjadi baru; dirayakan pada hari Minggu kedua bulan Agustus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Two selfless martyrs.
Dua martir tanpa pamrih.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Polycarp was willing to die a martyr’s death rather than renounce his Christian faith.
Polikarpus rela mati martir ketimbang menyangkal iman Kristennya.jw2019 jw2019
The Korean Martyrs were the victims of religious persecution against Catholic Christians during the 19th century in Korea.
Martir-Martir Korea adalah para korban penganiayaan keagamaan melawan umat Kristen Katolik pada abad ke-19 di Korea.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
More is also listed in the calendars of saints of some of the other churches in the Anglican Communion including: The Anglican Church of Australia has "July 6: John Fisher and Thomas More, martyrs (died 1535)".
Nama More juga tercantum di dalam kalender orang kudus dari beberapa gereja lainnya dalam Komuni Anglikan, misalnya: Gereja Anglikan Australia setiap tanggal 6 Juli: "Yohanes Fisher dan Thomas More, martir-martir (wafat 1535)".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After acts of violence, another artist came, painted blood, protesters being run over by the tank, demonstrators, and a message that read, "Starting tomorrow, I wear the new face, the face of every martyr.
Setelah kekerasan itu, seniman yang lain datang dan menggambar darah dan para pemrotes yang dikejar oleh tank, dan pesan yang bertuliskan, "Mulai esok, saya akan menggunakan wajah baru, wajah dari setiap martir.ted2019 ted2019
"Martyr" was originally a Greek word meaning "witness".
"Martir" awalnya adalah satu kata Yunani yang berarti "saksi".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Our president [Recep Tayyip Erdogan] when he met with us told us the blood of the Mavi Marmara martyrs was sacred.
Presiden kita [Recep Tayyip Erdogan] ketika bertemu memberi tahu kami bahwa darah para syuhadah Kapal Mavi Marmara itu suci.Gatestone Institute Corpus Gatestone Institute Corpus
Denis Ssebuggwawo (1870-25 May 1886) (Musajja-mukulu) is a Ugandan Roman Catholic martyr and saint.
Denis Ssebuggwawo (1870-25 Mei 1886) (Musajja-mukulu) adalah martir dan santo Katolik Roma Uganda.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Today after 180 days of growing combat in the martyred city of Stalingrad, and as a result of the valor and self-sacrifice of our soldiers, the commander of our glorious Red Army received the unconditional surrender of the German fascist invasion.
Setelah 180 hari berperang di pasar kota Stalingrad dan hasil dari pengorbanan para tentara kami komandan dari Red Army kami yang jaya menerima pernyataan menyerah tanpa syarat dari kubu fasis Jerman.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Saint Erasmus of Formia, also known as Saint Elmo, was a Christian saint and martyr, who died c.
Santo Erasmus dari Formia, juga dikenal sebagai Santo Elmo, merupakan seorang santo Kristen dan martir, yang meninggal pada sekitar tahun 303.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Communism had martyrs, holy wars and heresies, such as Trotskyism.
Komunisme juga punya martir-martir, perang-perang suci, dan klenik-klenik, seperti Trotskyisme.Literature Literature
The Vietnamese Martyrs (Vietnamese: Các Thánh Tử đạo Việt Nam), also known as the Martyrs of Indochina, Martyrs of Tonkin, Annam, and Cochinchina, or Andrew Dung-Lac and Companions (Anrê Dũng-Lạc và Các bạn tử đạo), are saints on the General Roman Calendar who were canonized by Pope John Paul II.
Martir Vietnam, atau disebut juga sebagai Martir Tonkin, Martir Annam (Vietnam: Các Thánh Tử đạo Việt Nam), Andrew Dung-Lac dan Pengikutnya (Anrê Dũng-Lạc và Các bạn tử đạo), atau Martir Indochina, merupakan santo dari kalender santo Katolik Roma yang dikanonisasikan oleh Paus Yohanes Paulus II.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If they assassinate him, he becomes a martyr.
Jika mereka membunuhnya, ia menjadi martir.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Some saw her as a martyr.
Ada yang menganggapnya sebaai martir.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The flowers of the Revolution grew from the blood of our martyrs.
Bunga Revolusi tumbuh dari darah martir kami.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The answer to your prayer is not likely to be as dramatic as it was when some saw Brigham Young, as he spoke, take on the appearance of the martyred Prophet Joseph.
Jawaban atas doa Anda mungkin tidak sedramatis seperti saat ketika beberapa orang melihat Brigham Young, sewaktu dia berbicara, tampaklah Nabi Joseph Smith yang mati syahid.LDS LDS
He said he doesn't want to be a martyr.
Dia bilang dia tak mau menjadi pahlawan.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
According to an obscure legend he was martyred at Stockholm after refusing to sacrifice to pagan gods.
Menurut sebuah legenda ia dimartir di Stockholm setelah menolak untuk berkorban kepada dewa-dewa pagan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He began to associate with Justin Martyr, perhaps becoming his pupil.
Ia mulai bergaul dengan Yustin Martyr, kemungkinan menjadi muridnya.jw2019 jw2019
Your walk al atonement and your guilt, your need to be a martyr to your past, that is all for you.
Kau berjalan pada penebusanmu dan rasa bersalahmu, kau harus menjadi kuat pada masa lalumu, itu semua buatmu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Korean Martyrs are commemorated by the Roman Catholic Church with a memorial on 20 September.
Para martir Korea diperingati oleh Gereja Katolik tiap tanggal 20 September.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He isn’t asking us to die a martyr’s death; He’s asking us to live a disciple’s life.
Dia tidak meminta kita untuk mati sebagai martir; Dia meminta kita untuk hidup seperti kehidupan seorang murid.LDS LDS
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