michigan oor Indonesies


geographic terms (below country level)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Indonesies


Class trip from michigan, all the way out to los angeles.
Kelas perjalanan dari michigan, semua jalan keluar ke los angeles.

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/ˈmɪ.ʃə.ɡən/ naamwoord, eienaam
A state of the United States of America. Capital: Lansing. Largest city: Detroit.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Indonesies


Hour after hour she stood in one line after another, trying to get a flight to Michigan.
Jam demi jam dia berdiri dari satu barisan antrean ke barisan lain, berupaya untuk mendapatkan penerbangan ke Michigan.
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Danau Michigan

I bet you' re wondering what we' re doing down here by Lake Michigan, huh?
Tentu kau bertanya apa yang sedang kita lakukan di Danau Michigan ini
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Great Lakes State

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Wolverine State

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Soortgelyke frases

capital of Michigan
Lake Michigan
Danau Michigan


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Smalley attended Hope College for two years before transferring to the University of Michigan where he received his Bachelor of Science in 1965.
Smalley belajar di Hope College sebelum pindah ke Universitas Michigan di mana ia menerima gelar B.S. (Sarjana Sains) pada tahun 1965.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Detroit Grand Prix (currently branded as the Chevrolet Detroit Grand Prix presented by Lear Corporation for sponsorship reasons) is an IndyCar Series race weekend held on a temporary circuit at Belle Isle in Detroit, Michigan.
Grand Prix Detroit (saat ini dipromosikan sebagai Chevrolet Detroit Grand Prix presented by Lear Corporation untuk alasan sponsor) adalah perlombaan seri IndyCar Series yang diadakan di sirkuit temporer jalan raya di Belle Isle di Detroit, Michigan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There were 345 from the Czech Republic among the 42,763 delegates who gathered for the convention in Pontiac, Michigan, U.S.A.
Terdapat 345 delegasi dari Republik Ceko di antara 42.763 delegasi yang berkebaktian di Pontiac, Michigan, AS.jw2019 jw2019
I started to isolate myself and found solace outdoors, trout fishing in remote areas of Minnesota and Upper Michigan.
Saya mulai menyendiri dan mencari hiburan di luar rumah, memancing ikan trout di daerah terpencil di Minnesota dan Michigan Utara.jw2019 jw2019
January 11, 1805: Michigan Territory was organized.
11 Januari 1805: Teritori Michigan dibentuk.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As a rabbi trained in Reform Judaism, with a small secular, non-theistic congregation in Michigan, Wine developed a Jewish liturgy that reflected his and his congregation’s philosophical viewpoint by emphasizing Jewish culture, history, and identity along with Humanistic ethics, while excluding all prayers and references to God.
Sebagai seorang rabi terlatih dalam Yudaisme Reformasi, dengan suatu jemaat kecil sekuler non-teistik di Michigan, Wine mengembangkan liturgi Yahudi yang mencerminkan sudut pandang filsafatnya dan jemaatnya dengan menekankan pada budaya, sejarah, dan identitas Yahudi bersama-sama dengan etika humanistik, tetapi tanpa semua doa dan rujukan kepada Allah.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Life of Bahá'u'lláh – A Photographic Narrative Light to the World, a film about the life of Bahá'u'lláh and the impact of his teachings Bahá'u'lláh: Manifestation of God, biography from bahai.org A Brief Biography of Baha'u'llah, from University of Michigan Department of History.
(Inggris) The Life of Bahá'u'lláh - A Photographic Narrative (Inggris) Mirza Husayn-Ali - Bahá'u'lláh - The Glory of God (Inggris) Bahá'u'lláh: Manifestation of God, biografi dari bahai.org (Inggris) A Brief Biography of Baha'u'llah, dari Departemen Sejarah Universitas Michigan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Representing the Periodic Table in Different Ways a site curated by the Michigan State University Alumni Association Knowledge Network Robert Harrison's modern spiral periodic table Janet's Left Step Periodic Table Correction to Physicist periodic table offered by Jeries Rihani as Meitnerium occupies the position that Hassium should have.
Representing the Periodic Table in Different Ways situs sumbangan dari Michigan State University Alumni Association Knowledge Network Tabel periodik spiral modern dari Robert Harrison Tabel Periodik Kidal Janet Koreksi terhadap tabel periodik Fisikawan diusulkan oleh Jeries Rihani: penempatan Meitnerium pada posisi yang seharusnya ditempati oleh Hassium.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I had some money saved, but it was in a bank in Michigan, the state I grew up in.
Saya punya sedikit uang, tapi uang itu ada di bank di Michigan, negara bagian tempat saya dibesarkan.jw2019 jw2019
And he knew we were coming to Michigan.
Dia tahu kami ke Michigan.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Berry testified that in 2001, when he was 15, a man from Michigan, Ken Gourlay, then 23, asked him to work for his company, Chain Communications, and encouraged him to attend Camp CAEN, a computer camp held in the summer of 2002 at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
Berry bersaksi bahwa pada tahun 2001, ketika ia berusia 15, seorang pria dari Michigan, Ken Gourlay, berumur 23 memintanya untuk bekerja untuk perusahaannya, Chain Communications, dan mendorongnya untuk menghadiri Camp Caen, sebuah kamp komputer diadakan di musim panas tahun 2002 di Universitas Michigan di Ann Arbor.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During the autumn of 1927, Fuller contemplated suicide by drowning in Lake Michigan, so that his family could benefit from a life insurance payment.
Selama musim gugur 1927, Fuller bermaksud bunuh diri, sehingga keluarganya dapat memperoleh hasil dari asuransinya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Thomas Knoll, a Ph.D. student at the University of Michigan, began writing a program on his Macintosh Plus to display grayscale images on a monochrome display.
Pada tahun 1987, Thomas Knoll, mahasiswa PhD di Universitas Michigan, mulai menulis sebuah program pada Macintosh Plus-nya untuk menampilkan gambar grayscale pada layar monokrom.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1835: Toledo War fought between Ohio and Michigan Territory over the city of Toledo and the Toledo Strip.
1835: Perang Toledo pecah antara Ohio dan Teritori Michigan karena memperebutkan kota Toledo dan Jalur Toledo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Among places they called home were Saint-Véran, France; Newark, Delaware; and Ann Arbor where his father taught at the University of Michigan.
Tempat-tempat yang pernah mereka tinggali adalah Saint-Véran, Prancis; Newark, Delaware; dan Ann Arbor; di sana ayahnya mengajar di University of Michigan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The film was primarily filmed in Ann Arbor, Michigan and is set at the University of Michigan; it is the first film to have been filmed closely in cooperation with the University.
Proses produksi film ini mengambil lokasi, utamanya di Ann Arbor, Michigan dan berlatar University of Michigan; ini merupakan film pertama hasil kerja sama dengan universitas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Michigan Notable Book Award (2015, won) James Herbert Award (2015, nominated) Bram Stoker Award for Best First Novel (2015, nominated) Film rights to Bird Box were optioned by Universal Studios in 2013, prior to the book's release.
Penghargaan Buku Michigan Notable (2015, menang) Penghargaan James Herbert (2015, nominasi) Bram Stoker Award for Best First Novel (2015, nominasi) Hak Film untuk Bird Box yang dipilih oleh Universal Studios pada tahun 2013, sebelum peluncuran buku ini.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I had the privilege of demonstrating the use of this new equipment at a convention in Detroit, Michigan, in 1940.
Saya mendapat hak istimewa mempertunjukkan penggunaan peralatan yang baru ini di sebuah kebaktian di Detroit, Michigan, pada tahun 1940.jw2019 jw2019
Believe it or not, the plane is no match for these small wonders of nature, who “have outstanding capabilities to remain airborne through wind gusts, rain, and snow,” says Wei Shyy, professor of aerospace engineering at the University of Michigan.
Percaya atau tidak, pesawat tidak dapat menandingi makhluk hidup kecil dan menakjubkan, yang ”memiliki kesanggupan terbang yang luar biasa seraya menembus angin, hujan, dan salju”, kata Wei Shyy, profesor di bidang teknik penerbangan di University of Michigan.jw2019 jw2019
So that leaves Michigan PD and us.
Artinya tinggal Kepolisian Michigan, dan kita.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The orphanage, St. Joseph Home for Children in Jackson, Michigan, was run by the Felician Sisters of Livonia; one of the nuns there inspired his devotion to the Catholic faith and he later entered St. Joseph's Seminary, in Grand Rapids, with the desire to eventually become a priest.
Panti asuhan tersebut, St. Joseph Home for Children di Jackson, Michigan, dikelola oleh tarekat Suster-Suster Felisian dari Livonia; salah seorang biarawati di sana mengilhami bakti dirinya pada iman Katolik dan Monaghan kemudian memasuki St. Joseph's Seminary di Grand Rapids, dengan keinginan untuk menjadi seorang imam.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sullivan drives his son to stay at his Aunt Sara's beach house in Perdition, a town on the shore of Lake Michigan.
Sullivan mengantarkan putranya untuk tinggal di rumah pantai bibi Sara (Diane Dorsey) di Perdition, sebuah kota di tepi Danau Michigan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The film was shot primarily at the Michigan Renaissance Festival.
Syuting film ini banyak dilakukan di Festival Renaisans Michigan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
ONE evening in 1893, a clerk for a coal company in Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A., saw a weird contraption made of spare parts and bicycle wheels clattering noisily down the street.
SUATU malam pada tahun 1893, seorang opas di perusahaan batu bara di Detroit, Michigan, A.S., melihat suatu benda rumit terbuat dari beberapa suku cadang dan roda-roda sepeda, riuh bergemerincing melintasi jalan.jw2019 jw2019
▪ By the age of 30, people who watched a lot of TV violence when at a tender age “will have more convictions for violence, more arrests for drunken driving, be more aggressive under the influence of alcohol and be more abusive towards their spouse [and] also have more aggressive children,” claims Len Eron, a professor of psychology and a research scientist at the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research.
▪ Menjelang usia 30 tahun, orang-orang yang pada masa kecilnya banyak menonton kekerasan di televisi ”akan lebih sering dihukum karena kekerasan, lebih sering ditangkap karena mengemudi dalam keadaan mabuk, menjadi lebih agresif di bawah pengaruh alkohol dan lebih kasar terhadap teman hidupnya [dan] juga memiliki anak-anak yang lebih agresif”, demikian pendapat Len Eron, seorang profesor psikologi dan pakar penelitian di Lembaga Penelitian Sosial Universitas Michigan.jw2019 jw2019
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