mineralocorticoid oor Indonesies


(biochemistry, steroids) Any of a group of steroid hormones, characterised by their similarity to aldosterone and their influence on salt and water metabolism.

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Due to the electrostatic and chemical properties, K+ ions are larger than Na+ ions, and ion channels and pumps in cell membranes can differentiate between the two ions, actively pumping or passively passing one of the two ions while blocking the other. hormone secretion and action vascular tone systemic blood pressure control gastrointestinal motility acid–base homeostasis glucose and insulin metabolism mineralocorticoid action renal concentrating ability fluid and electrolyte balance Potassium homeostasis denotes the maintenance of the total body potassium content, plasma potassium level, and the ratio of the intracellular to extracellular potassium concentrations within narrow limits, in the face of pulsatile intake (meals), obligatory renal excretion, and shifts between intracellular and extracellular compartments.
Karena sifat elektrostatik dan kimia, ion K+ lebih besar daripada ion Na+, maka saluran dan pompa ion di membran sel yang dapat membedakan antara kedua ion secara aktif memompa atau secara pasif melewatkan salah satu dari kedua ion tersebut sambil memblokir yang lain. sekresi dan aksi hormon nada vaskular kendali tekanan darah sistemik motilitas gastrointestinal homeostasis asam-basa metabolisme glukosa dan insulin aksi mineralokortikoid kemampuan ginjal berkonsentrasi keseimbangan cairan dan elektrolit Homeostasis kalium menunjukkan pemeliharaan kandungan total kalium tubuh, kadar kalium plasma, dan rasio konsentrasi kalium ekstraseluler terhadap intraseluler dalam batas sempit, dalam menghadapi fluktuasi asupan (makanan), ekskresi ginjal, dan pergeseran antara kompartemen intraselular dan ekstraselular.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The C21 subclass includes the progestogens as well as the glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids.
Subkelas C21 meliputi progestagen, juga glukokortikoid dan mineralokortikoid.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
N: The ACTH primarily regulates the cortisol and the adrenal androgens, and there's another system that regulates the mineralocorticoids, that we'll talk about later. S:
N: dan ACTH utamanya mengatur kortisol dan androgen adrenal, dan ada sistem lain yg mengatur mineralokortikoid, yg akan kita bicarakan nanti.QED QED
N: The adrenal glands make the adrenal hormones like cortisol, which regulates glucose metabolism, which maintains blood pressure and well- being, and then it makes mineralocorticoids like aldosterone which is important in regulating salt- water balance.
N: kelenjar adrenal membuat hormon adrenal seperti kortisol, yg mengatur metabolisme glukosa, yg mempertahankan tekanan darah dan perasaan sehat,QED QED
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