movie theatre oor Indonesies

movie theatre

Alternative spelling of movie theater.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Indonesies


A building where movies are shown to an audience.
I'm sorry about what I said at the movie theatre.
Aku minta maaf atas perkataanku di bioskop tadi.

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I used to work in these old movie theatres.
Aku dulu bekerja di bioskop tua.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They can be broadcast on television, shown in movie theatres, released direct-to-video or on the internet.
Serial animasi bisa disiarkan di televisi, ditampilkan di bioskop, dirilis langsung-ke-video atau di internet.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The stadium operated as a movie theatre for the last time on Saturday 13 August 2005.
Pihak pengelola stadion terakhir mengoperasikan sebagai teater film pada Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2005.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The institution also operates the Museum of Yugoslav Film Archive, with movie theatre and exhibition hall.
Institusi ini juga mengelola Museum Arsip Film Yugoslavia lengkap dengan teater film dan balai pamerannya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I'm sorry about what I said at the movie theatre.
Aku minta maaf atas perkataanku di bioskop tadi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The movie theatre in the film is the Logan Theatre located in the Logan Square neighborhood.
Gedung bioskop yang tampak dalam film adalah Logan Theatre located di Logan Square neighborhood.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After the movie theatre, dinner!
Setelah film bioskop, makan malam!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hamilton has the grand total of two movie theatres, and the nearest mall is 50 miles away in Missoula.
Ham ilton m em iliki total dua bioskop, sem entara m al terdekat 80 kilometer jauhnya di Missoula.Literature Literature
In addition to municipal rules a national rule was introduced, requiring adult movie theatres to have a pornography display license.
Selain aturan kota aturan nasional yang diperkenankan mengharuskan bioskop dewasa untuk memiliki Lisensi tampilan Pornografi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
McCay's first film starred his Little Nemo characters and debuted in movie theatres in 1911; he soon incorporated it into his vaudeville act.
Film pertama karya McCay dibintangi oleh karakter-karakter Little Nemo-nya dan melakukan debut di bioskop-bioskop pada 1911; ia kemudian mencantumkannya dalam aksi vaudeville-nya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The O'Farrell Theatre in San Francisco, one of America's oldest and best known adult-entertainment establishments, opened as an adult movie theatre in 1969.
Teater O'Farrell di San Francisco, salah satu tertua dan paling terkenal di Amerika Serikat, selain sebagai bioskop, tempat tersebut juga berfungsi sebagai tempat hiburan, dibuka sebagai sebuah teater film dewasa pada tahun 1969.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Little Nemo debuted in movie theatres on April 8, 1911, and four days later McCay began using it as part of his vaudeville act.
Little Nemo ditayangkan perdana di bioskop pada tanggal 8 April 1911 dan empat hari setelahnya, McCay mulai menggunakannya sebagai bagian dari aksi vaudeville-nya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At the time, movie theatres were rare in Japan; evidence suggests Katsudō Shashin was mass-produced to be sold to wealthy owners of home projectors.
Pada masa itu, bioskop adalah tempat hiburan yang langka di Jepang; bukti menunjukkan bahwa film itu diproduksi massal untuk dijual kepada orang-orang kaya yang memiliki proyektor pribadi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Before the VCR and, later, the Internet, a movie theatre or cinema house was often the only location where people could see hardcore erotic films.
Sebelumnya VCR, Internet, Bioskop atau film rumah sering menjadi lokasinya, hanya apabila orang kebanyakan dapat melihat film dewasa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The scene of the shooting of the training DVD took place in the Sakata Minato-za, Yamagata's first movie theatre, which had been closed since 2002.
Tempat pengambilan gambar dari pelatihan DVD dilakukan di Sakata Minato-za, teater film pertama Yamagata, yang telah ditutup sejak 2002.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
McLane provides wholesale distribution and logistics services in all 50 states and internationally in Brazil to customers that include discount retailers, convenience stores, quick service restaurants, drug stores and movie theatre complexes.
McLace menyediakan jasa distribusi grosir dan logistik di 50 negara bagian dan negara Brazil kepada pelanggannya, yang berupa peritel diskon, convenience store, restoran saji cepat, apotek dan kompleks teater.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Balaban was born to a Jewish family in Chicago, Illinois, the son of Eleanor (née Pottasch) and Elmer Balaban, who owned several movie theatres and later was a pioneer in cable television.
Bob Balaban lahir dari keluarga Yahudi di Chicago, Illinois, dan merupakan putra dari pasangan Eleanor Pottasch Balaban dan Elmer Balaban, yang memiliki beberapa gedung teater dan kemudian menjadi pelopor televisi kabel.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In June 2005, Karaiskakis stadium hosted a movie theatre (Ciné Karaiskakis) with a cinema screen that is 20 m long and 10 m wide, operating daily between 9 and 11 pp. m.
Pada Juni 2005, stadion ini menjadi tempat teater film (Cine Karaiskakis) dengan sebuah layar sinema yang memiliki panjang sekitar 20 meter dan lebar 10 meter, yang dibuka secara rutin tiap harinya mulai pukul 9 sampai 11 malam waktu setempat, juga pada akhir pecan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A specialty of Paris is its very large network of small movie theatres: on a given week, the movie fan has the choice between around 300 old or new movies from all over the world.
Keunikan Paris adalah jaringan bioskop kecilnya yang besar: dalam seminggu penggemar film memiliki pilihan di antara sekitar 300 film lama atau baru dari seluruh dunia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The North American première of Sicko was held in London, Ontario (where some scenes from the movie were filmed), at the Silver City movie theatre at Masonville Place on June 8, 2007, with Moore in attendance.
Pemutaran perdana di Amerika Utara adalah di London, Ontario, bioskop Silver City di Masonville Place pada 8 Juni 2007.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In one scene, main character Phil Sheldon, a journalist who observes the Marvel characters from a distance (and sometimes close-up), meets his ex-girlfriend in a movie theatre where she introduces him to her date, Bill Lumpkin.
Dalam satu adegan, karakter utama Phil Sheldon, seorang jurnalis yang mengamati karakter Marvel dari jarak jauh (dan kadang-kadang close-up), bertemu mantan pacarnya di bioskop mana dia memperkenalkan dia untuk kencannya, Bill Lumpkin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In addition, the royal anthem is still played before the beginning of each film in movie theatres, as well as before the commencement of the first act in plays, musicals, concerts, and most other live performances of music or theatre in Thailand.
Selain itu lagu kerajaan ini juga masih dimainkan sebelum awal setiap film di bioskop, serta sebelum dimulainya babak pertama dalam drama, musikal, konser, dan pertunjukan live yang lain dari musik atau teater di Thailand.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Shigemitsu was impressed with Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's The Sorrows of Young Werther (1774) and named his newly founded company Lotte after the character Charlotte in the novel ("Charlotte" is also the name of a new brand of deluxe movie theatres run by Lotte).
Shin terkesan dengan Johann Wolfgang von Goethe The Sorrows of Young Werther (1774) dan diberi nama perusahaannya yang baru didirikan Lotte setelah karakter Charlotte dalam novel ("Charlotte" juga merupakan nama dari sebuah merek baru dari bioskop deluxe dijalankan oleh Lotte).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
WME represents artists across all media platforms, specifically movies, television, music, theatre, digital and publishing.
WME mewakili seniman di semua platform media, khususnya film, televisi, musik, teater, digital dan penerbitan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
One of the band's songs, "Hold," was picked up by AMC Theatres Movie Tunes and was played before previews on over 20,000 screens nationwide.
Salah satu lagu dari band tersebut, "Hold", dibeli AMC Theatres Movie Tunes dan dimainkan sebelum film di bioskop dimulai, di 20,000 layar bioskop seluruh Amerika.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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