neoclassical architecture oor Indonesies

neoclassical architecture

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Arsitektur Neoklasik

architectural style produced by the neoclassical movement that began in the mid-18th century

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Neoclassical architecture is an architectural style produced by the neoclassical movement that began in the mid-18th century.
Arsitektur Neoklasik adalah sebuah gaya arsitektur yang dihasilkan oleh gerakan neoklasik yang dimulai pada pertengahan abad ke-18.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Often called the "White City," it popularized neoclassical architecture in a monumental, yet rational Beaux-Arts style.
Arena ini sering disebut "Kota Putih", dan sekaligus memopulerkan gaya neoklasisisme dalam perencanaan arsitektur Beaux-Arts.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Florentine architects such as Filippo Brunelleschi (1377–1466) and Leon Battista Alberti (1404–1472) were among the fathers of both Renaissance and Neoclassical architecture.
Florentine arsitek seperti Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-1466) dan Leon Battista Alberti (1404-1472) adalah di antara ayah dari kedua Renaissance dan Neoclassical architecture.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Since 1897, a full-scale replica of the Athenian Parthenon has stood in Nashville, and many examples of classical and neoclassical architecture can be found in the city.
Sejak 1897, sebuah tiruan Parthenon telah didirikan di Nashville, dan banyak contoh arsitektur klasik dan neoklasik dapat dijumpai di kota ini.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Diocletian's palace was an inspiration for Adam's new style of Neoclassical architecture and the publication of measured drawings brought it into the design vocabulary of European architecture for the first time.
Istana Diokletianus adalah sebuah inspirasi gaya baru Adam dalam arsitektur Neoklasik dan publikasi gambar terukurnya membawa istana ini dalam perbendaharaan desain arsitektur Eropa untuk pertama kalinya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Romanesque style in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries was also widely used in Roman architecture, and later the city became one of the main centres of Renaissance, Baroque and neoclassic architecture.
Gaya Romanesque pada abad ke-11 sampai ke-13 juga banyak digunakan dalam arsitektur Roma, dan kelak kota ini menjadi salah satu sentra utama arsitektur Renaisans, Barok, dan neoklasik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was based upon new technologies of construction, particularly the use of glass, steel and reinforced concrete; and upon a rejection of the traditional neoclassical architecture and Beaux-Arts styles that were popular in the 19th century.
Ini berdasarkan pada teknologi pembangunan baru, terutama penggunaan kaca, baja dan beton; dan setelah penolakan dari gaya Beaux-Arts dan arsitektur neoklasik tradisional yang menjadi populer pada abad ke-19. ^ Tietz 1999, hlm. 6-10.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Italy is known for its considerable architectural achievements, such as the construction of arches, domes and similar structures during ancient Rome, the founding of the Renaissance architectural movement in the late-14th to 16th centuries, and being the homeland of Palladianism, a style of construction which inspired movements such as that of Neoclassical architecture, and influenced the designs which noblemen built their country houses all over the world, notably in the UK, Australia and the US during the late 17th to early 20th centuries.
Italia dikenal akan pencapaian arsitekturnya yang luar biasa, seperti konstruksi lengkungan, kubah, dan struktur serupa pada zaman Romawi Kuno, rintisan pergerakan arsitektur Renaisans pada akhir abad ke-14 sampai ke-16, dan menjadi tempat kelahiran bagi arsitektur Palladian, sebuah gaya konstruksi yang mengilhami pergerakan arsitektur neoklasik, dan memengaruhi rancangan yang digunakan oleh kaum terhormat untuk membuat rumah perdesaan mereka di seluruh dunia, terutama di Britania Raya, Australia, dan Amerika Serikat pada akhir abad ke-17 sampai awal abad ke-20.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was designed for the Bank of Asia by Sumet Jumsai to reflect the computerization of banking; its architecture is a reaction against neoclassical and high-tech postmodern architecture.
Gedung Robot dirancang untuk Bank Asia oleh Sumet Jumsai yang mencerminkan komputerisasi perbankan; arsitekturnya merupakan reaksi terhadap arsitektur pascamodern dan neoklasik teknologi tinggi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The neoclassical, Georgian, gothic, and modern architectural styles are all reflected among those six structures and many other prominent edifices in Washington.
Gaya arsitektur neoklasik, Georgian, gothik, dan modern terwakili di antara keenam struktur tersebut dan berbagai monumen terkenal di Washington.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Neoclassicism in France New Classical Architecture Adam style American Empire style Empire style Federal architecture Nazi architecture Neo-Grec, the late Greek-Revival style Neoclassical influenced fashions Stalinist architecture Antiquization Skopje 2014 "Etymology of the English word "neo-classical"".
Arsitektur Klasik Baru Gaya Adam Gaya Kekaisaran Amerika Gaya Kekaisaran Arsitektur Federal Arsitektur Nazi Neo-Grek, gaya Pembaharuan Yunani akhir Mode yang terpengaruh Neoklasik Arsitektur Stalinis ^ "Etymology of the English word neoclassicism". WikiMatrix
The design contains eclectic elements from the Baroque, Rococo and Neoclassical styles, blended with traditional Ottoman architecture to create a new synthesis.
Desainnya mengandung elemen eklektik dari gaya Barok, Rococo, dan Neoklasik, berpadu dengan arsitektur tradisional Ottoman untuk menciptakan sintesis baru.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After further disasters in the early 19th century when Horatio Nelson attacked the Dano-Norwegian fleet and bombarded the city, rebuilding during the Danish Golden Age brought a Neoclassical look to Copenhagen's architecture.
Setelah menghadapi bencana di awal abad 19 ketika Nelson menyerang armada Dano-Norwegian dan menghancurkan kota, pembangunan ulang pada Zaman Keemasan Denmark membawa tampilan Neoklasik pada tampilan arsitektur kota.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is a place where some of Europe's greatest architectural styles—gothic, renaissance, baroque and neoclassical—stand side by side and complement each other.
Kota ini merupakan tempat di mana beberapa gaya arsitektur terbaik Eropa, seperti gotik, renaisans, barok dan neoklasik berdiri berdampingan dan saling melengkapi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The largest palace, Topkapı, includes a diverse array of architectural styles, from Baroque inside the Harem, to its Neoclassical style Enderûn Library.
Istana terbesarnya, Topkapı, mencakup beragam gaya arsitektur mulai dari arsitektur Barok di dalam Harem Kekaisaran hingga arsitektur Neoklasik yang memberi gaya pada Perpustakaan Enderûn.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
HOW would you like to visit a city with over a thousand years of history —a city whose architecture stretches from 10th-century Romanesque to Gothic, Renaissance, baroque, rococo, classical, neoclassic, and 20th-century Art Nouveau?
MAUKAH Anda berkunjung ke suatu kota yang memiliki sejarah lebih dari seribu tahun —kota berarsitektur mencakup gaya Romanesque abad ke-10 hingga Gotik, Renaisans, barok, rococo, klasik, neoklasik, dan Art Nouveau abad ke-20?jw2019 jw2019
The architectural contest for the Palace of the Soviets (1931–1933) was won by Boris Iofan's neoclassical concept, subsequently revised by Iofan, Vladimir Shchuko and Vladimir Gelfreikh into a skyscraper.
Kontes arsitektural untuk Istana Soviet (1931–1933) dimenangkan oleh konsep neoklasikal Boris Iofan, kemudian direvisi oleh Iofan, Vladimir Shchuko dan Vladimir Gelfreikh menjadi pencakar langit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Areas around İstiklal Avenue were filled with grand European embassies and rows of buildings in Neoclassical, Renaissance Revival and Art Nouveau styles, which went on to influence the architecture of a variety of structures in Beyoğlu—including churches, stores, and theaters—and official buildings such as Dolmabahçe Palace.
Area di sekitar Jalan İstiklal diisi kedutaan-kedutaan Eropa nan megah dan deretan bangunan bergaya Neoklasik, Kebangkitan Renaisans, dan Art Nouveau, yang kemudian mempengaruhi arsitektur dari beragam struktur di Beyoğlu—misalnya gereja, toko, dan teater—juga bangunan-bangunan resmi seperti Istana Dolmabahçe.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The development of classical architecture in the Iberian Peninsula, as elsewhere, had been moribund during the centuries of building construction done in the Gothic tradition, and the neoclassical movement of the Italian Renaissance was late to arrive there.
Pengembangan arsitektur klasik di Semenanjung Iberia, seperti di tempat lain, telah mati selama berabad-abad dalam tradisi Gotik, dan gerakan neoklasik Renaisans Italia terlambat tiba di sana.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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