nervous impulse oor Indonesies

nervous impulse

the electrical discharge that travels along a nerve fiber; "they demonstrated the transmission of impulses from the cortex to the hypothalamus"

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The nervous impulses from these cells stimulate the brain, where they are translated into sight.
Impuls-impuls saraf dari selsel ini menstimulasi otak, di sana impuls-impuls itu diterjemahkan menjadi pandangan.Literature Literature
Now, in order to initiate the electrical impulse I just demonstrated, it must originate from a central command center ora central nervous system if you will.
Sekarang, dalam rangka untuk memulai impuls listrik Aku hanya menunjukkan, itu harus berasal dari pusat komando ora pusat sistem saraf pusat jika Anda mau.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sometimes called palsy, it results from damage or disorder of the nervous system or from atrophy of muscles, thus either preventing the transmission of nerve impulses or rendering the muscles unable to react to them.
Kelumpuhan kadang-kadang disebut palsi dan diakibatkan oleh kerusakan atau gangguan pada sistem saraf atau atrofi (penyusutan) otot, sehingga impuls saraf tidak dapat terkirim atau otot tidak sanggup bereaksi terhadap impuls tersebut.jw2019 jw2019
Due to inherited weaknesses and my impulsive nature, my life has had its share of trials and tribulations, including a nervous breakdown after I had been at Bethel for nine years.
Karena kelemahan-kelemahan yang saya warisi dan sifat saya yang suka menuruti kata hati, dalam hidup ini saya mengalami banyak ujian dan kesukaran, termasuk gangguan ketegangan saraf (nervous breakdown) setelah saya sembilan tahun di Betel.jw2019 jw2019
Because channels underlie the nerve impulse and because "transmitter-activated" channels mediate conduction across the synapses, channels are especially prominent components of the nervous system.
Karena saluran mendasari impuls saraf dan karena saluran "teraktivasi-pemancar" memediasi pengantaran melintasi sinapsis, saluran ion merupakan komponen penting sistem saraf.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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