oral examination oor Indonesies

oral examination

an examination conducted by spoken communication

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The Theocratic Ministry School, for example, consisted of weekly classes, homework assignments, oral tests, and even examinations.
Sekolah Pelayanan Teokratis, misalnya, mencakup kelas-kelas mingguan, PR, tes lisan, dan bahkan ujian.jw2019 jw2019
“Came Monday morning, and all the students were very nervous because, for the first time, the examinations were oral.
”Tibalah Senin pagi, dan semua murid sangat gelisah karena untuk pertama kalinya, ujian dilakukan secara lisan.jw2019 jw2019
A Bagrut certificate is awarded to students who pass the required written (and in some cases oral) subject-matter examinations with a passing mark (55% or higher) in each exam.
Sertifikat ini diberikan pada pelajar yang telah melewati ujian tertulis (dan kadang-kadang lisan), dan memperoleh nilai yang cukup (55% atau lebih) dalam tiap ujian.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
While some headlines have interpreted this as evidence that oral sex among teenagers is "on the rise", this was the first comprehensive study of its kind to examine the matter.
Sementara beberapa headline telah menafsirkan ini sebagai bukti bahwa seks oral di kalangan remaja meningkat, ini adalah studi komprehensif pertama dari jenisnya untuk mengkaji hal ini.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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