privatise oor Indonesies


(chiefly British) Alternative spelling of privatize.

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Cameroon turned to foreign aid, cut government spending, and privatised industries.
Kamerun meminta bantuan asing, memotong pengeluaran negara, dan memprivatisasi industri.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On 24 March 2015 the Central Jakarta District Court ruled the privatisation of Jakarta's water was illegal and ordered the return of the water system to public control.
Tanggal 4 Maret 2015, Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat memutuskan bahwa privatisasi air Jakarta bersifat ilegal dan memerintahkan agar sistem air dikembalikan ke publik.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Micheltorena was instrumental in the privatisation of California land by rancho land grants.
Micheltorena berperan dalam privatisasi lahan California dengan melakukan hibah lahan rancho.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Revenue from retail operations at Melbourne Airport broke the $100 million mark for the first time in 2004, this being a 100 per cent increase in revenue since the first year of privatisation.
Pendapatan dari operasi ritel di Bandara Melbourne menembus batas $100 juta untuk pertama kali pada tahun 2004, yang menjadi peningaktan senilai 100% dibandingkan dengan tahun pertama privatisasi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Since Bolsonaro's entrance in the party, PSL has changed much of its ideologies, abandoning its former socially liberal policies and keeping its economic liberal policies, supporting privatisation and decentralisation while at the same time adopting socially conservative policies regarding abortion, legalization of marijuana and teaching of gender identity in schools.
Sejak Bolsonaro masuk ke partai ini, PSL telah mengubah banyak ideologinya, meninggalkan kebijakan-kebijakan sosial-liberalnya yang lama sembari mempertahankan kebijakan ekonomi liberal, mendukung privatisasi dan desentralisasi sementara pada saat yang sama mengadopsi kebijakan konservatif sosial, aborsi, legalisasi ganja dan pengajaran identitas gender di sekolah-sekolah.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some other groups, like the Indonesian branch of Hizb ut-Tahrir, considered the Berkeley Mafia to be traitors - a view stemming particularly from their willingness to privatise the nation's industries.
Beberapa pihak, seperti Hizbut-Tahrir Indonesia, menganggap Mafia Berkeley sebagai pengkhianat karena langkah privatisasi yang mereka lakukan dinilai sebagai bentuk penjualan aset-aset bangsa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Bhutanese government, however, privatised the Corporation in October 1991, facilitating private-sector investment and activity.
Pemerintah Bhutan, bagaimanapun, diprivatisasi oleh Korporasi pada bulan Oktober 1991, memfasilitasi investasi sektor swasta dan aktivitasnya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In economic affairs, Nakasone's most notable policy was his privatisation initiative, which led to the breakup of Japan National Railways into the modern Japan Railways Group.
Dalam kebijakan domestik, kebijakan Nakasone yang paling dikenal adalah inisiatif privatisasi, yang menyebabkan pecahnya Japan Railways Nasional kedalam Jepang Railways Grup.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The port was fully privatised in August 1995 to Seaport Terminal (Johor) Sdn.
Pelabuhan Johor diswastakan pada Agustus 1995 ke Seaport Terminal (Johor) Sdn.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Faroese government has decided on a privatisation process and has sold off 33% of the company in the first bidding round.
Pemerintah Faroe telah memutuskan untuk memulai proses privatasasi dan mulai menjual 33% saham perusahaan pada penawaran tahap pertama, dengan hari pertama perdagangan dimulai pada 10 Desember 2007.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After the end of World War II, there were several calls for the privatisation of the line, but the line remained a part of the Japanese National Railways (JNR) until its privatization in 1987.
Setelah Perang Dunia II berakhir, terdapat beberapa permintaan untuk melakukan privatisasi terhadap jalur ini, tapi jalur ini tetap menjadi bagian dari Kereta Api Nasional Jepang (JNR) sampai privatisasinya pada tahun 1987.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Policies such as student fee increases and the privatisation of public services, assets and industry follow the same model.
Peraturan seperti meningkatnya biaya kuliah, privatisasi layanan publik, aset, dan industri mengikuti model yang sama.QED QED
After German reunification the bank was privatised by Treuhand and parts of other banks were taken over (see also Deutsche Kreditbank).
Setelah reunifikasi jerman Staatsbank diprivatisasi oleh Treuhand dan bagian-bagian lain bank ini juga diambil alih (lihat juga Deutsche Kreditbank).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hawking alleged ministers damaged the NHS, he blamed the Conservatives for cutting funding, weakening the NHS by privatisation, lowering staff morale through holding pay back and reducing social care.
Ia menyalahkan Partai Konservatif karena memangkas anggaran, melemahkan NHS lewat privatisasi, menurunkan moral staf dengan menunda gaji, dan mengurangi layanan sosial.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 2015, Football Malaysia LLP was created in the course of privatisation of the Malaysian football league system.
Pada 2015, FMLLP diciptakan dalam rangka privatisasi sistem liga sepak bola Malaysia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1996 Renault was privatised and the same year announced its withdrawal from Formula One after the 1997 season.
Pada tahun 1996 Renault diprivatisasi dan tahun yang sama mengumumkan pengunduran diri dari Formula Satu setelah musim 1997.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The factory still stands but has been divided into smaller entities after privatisation and changes in ownership.
Pabrik tersebut masih berdiri namun sudah terbagi-bagi atas kelompok kecil setelah swastanisasi dan perubahan kepemilikan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In his capacity as assistant director of the Institute and advisor to the government he started working in the field of privatisation and legislation drafting as early as 1992.
Dalam kapasitasnya sebagai asisten direktur Institut dan Penasihat pemerintah, ia mulai bekerja di bidang privatisasi dan undang-undang drafting pada awal 1992.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
" Kau mengacu pada privatisasi Khyber Dam.'OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
On 5 October 2000 the operator of the MTR network, MTR Corporation (MTRCL), became Hong Kong's first rail company to be privatised, marking the beginning of the Hong Kong government's initiative to dissolve its interests in public utilities.
Tanggal 5 Oktober 2000, operator jaringan MTR, MTR Corporation Limited (MTRCL), menjadi perusahaan kereta pertama Hong Kong yang diprivatisasi, menandakan awal inisiatif pemerintah Hong Kong di prasarana umum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Since privatisation, further improvements to infrastructure have begun at the airport, including expansion of runways, car parks and terminals.
Sejak privatisasi, pengembangan lebih lanjut terhadap insfrastruktur telah dilakukan di bandara, termasuk perpanjangan landasan pacu, parkir mobil, dan terminal.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1993 he was appointed State Secretary at the Ministry of Economic Relations and Development, charged with privatisation and regional development.
Pada tahun 1993, ia diangkat sebagai Sekretaris Negara di Kementerian Hubungan Ekonomi dan Pembangunan yang berurusan dengan privatisasi dan pembangunan daerah.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was as if the rhetoric of privatisation mattered more than the practice.
Seolah-olah retorika privatisasi lebih penting daripada praktiknya.Literature Literature
The New Zealand Post Office had a monopoly over telecommunications until 1987 when Telecom New Zealand was formed, initially as a state-owned enterprise and then privatised in 1990.
Kantor Pos Selandia Baru memonopoli telekomunikasi sampai tahun 1989 ketika Telecom New Zealand didirikan, mulanya sebagai badan usaha milik negara, dan kemudian diswastakan pada tahun 1990.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Many formerly state-owned companies are being privatised—and the market liberalised.
Banyak perusahaan negara diprivatisasi dan pasar semakin diliberalisasi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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